fuel system problem???

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i dont think/hope its electrical (i hate that sh!t) it wouldnt be heat related because well its texas the bike reaches nominal about as quick as it goes 0-60 lol, anyways i tested that before by letting it idle to nominal before i actually rode it and it ran strong for the same amout of time. i think it has to be the known issue with the fuel pumps nipple/gasket ill take it apart and let you guys know, unless there are other ideas of course.
ok so it appears the fuel pump diaphrams have it, went through the walkthough and now no more clicking, dont get to excited still no road test but i think it should be fine. ill keep you posted.
i also noticed when i removed the pump i dont think this bike has its filter!!! would this contribute to any/ all problems everything is running good now but i am goint to replace the diophram as it looks warn and doesnt seem to seed perfectly anymore, any ideas on where i can pick this up.
i also noticed when i removed the pump i dont think this bike has its filter!!! would this contribute to any/ all problems everything is running good now but i am goint to replace the diophram as it looks warn and doesnt seem to seed perfectly anymore, any ideas on where i can pick this up.

Which diaphragm are you talking about? Also no fuel filter = big trouble, make sure to get one!

You can pick all OEM parts up at a great price from Gary McCoy @ Mondak Motorsports - make sure to ask for Gary and mention this forum to get the discount!
its the diophram inside the fuel pump that has the known issue to come loose, would there be any reason that the previous owner would remover the filter?!?
its the diophram inside the fuel pump that has the known issue to come loose, would there be any reason that the previous owner would remover the filter?!?

ah so you mean those two little ones with the nipple on them?

Only reason for removing the fuel filter I can think of is...

last question before i close this, i noticed that i seem to have lost some tourqe i have re-drained the bowls yet is they be a uneven levels or what might cause brief tourqe loss
WTF. it started doing it again but now the fuel pump nipple is not displaced. what else could cause this issue i really dont want to have to take it in.
it will run good for about ten min and then start to lose power till it dies. the word around the office is it may be a stuck float, is there a walk through on fixing that or will the "shotgun" work on this issue?
to add a little more information i added seafoam to it and fixed the known fuel pump nipple issue aat the same time since then i have gone through about a tank and a half after the tank with seafoam when the issue came back up i checked the fuel pump and the nipple is still in place.
It could be your fuel pump relay acting up, or even the On/Res switch on the handlebars. I would try thoroughly cleaning all connections to both of them, then try again.
Also, does it still do it if you're in RES mode?
i did before after the aformentioned rain and put seafoam and the whole deal. but it sat again for a couple of weeks because the rain and the climate change i wouldnt have though it would come back so quickly i think it may be time for a new tank.
one that note ive gotten lazy with the season change how much do you think it would/should cost to have someplace clean and rebalance the carbs
Have you checked your tank by shining a bright light into it to see if it has any rust? If it does you have the same problem I had, and it'll only get worse until you replace or treat your tank.

I've done carbs before, so has Mark (Maleko). I'm going away, so shoot him a PM to get a price, then you can just send them to him and get them back all sorted.

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