Well that helmet didn't fit, hit my forehead and gave me a insta headache! I asked motorcyclegear.com for some advice with my head size and helmets that fit me in the past. They came up with 3 helmets that would probably work but suggested that I find a location to try some helmets on. The 3 suggested helmets are Vermar (the brand which I'm replacing), Icon and Arai.
I threw out the Vemar brand as a choice, and concentrated on Icon and Arai. I knew the Arai would be mega $'s so I looked at Icon's offerings, but my initial thought about that brand were that they were kind of gimmicky with their name in bold and in numerous locations on their products.
Here are their suggestions:
Well, Icon didn't change my mind with their graphics but I think the Armada Salient offering might be OK, and I have a buddy that has a small local business doing custom decals, mostly for snowmobiles but he probably can help me out with adding something more to my liking.
As expected, Arai's Signet Q had a couple designs that I really liked (US FLAG and Zero in the red versions) but those helmets are almost $700!!!!
I guess I'll be looking at the helmets with no graphics and work up something graphics wise with my buddy since I'm tired of having a plain black helmet.
I've found a couple dealers less than 200 miles away so it looks like a short road trip is in my future to go try on some helmets. The search continues!