Lots of practice from both of these guys & I am sure lots of bumps & bruises along the way.I can't even imagine how long he practiced to get that proficient nor how many bruises and broken bike parts resulted... :worthy:
I've done several of those stunts myself. None of them on purpose though.
Dont feel bad. I cant even stand on my head on flat ground much less a moving bike.Damn I feel old right now.... :bang head: LOL
LOL, I'm sure if there was a really good photographer there I would have a picture of me doing a handstand on my YZ250, in a corner while leaned over no less...:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200: My thoughts precisely. Motorcross & flatracking will do that to you.
Did you guys see the size of the sprocket on the rocket. Chad we can make a vidio like this. But it will take alot more work from you than me. LOL..........MIKE