Gun violence spelled out

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I had never seen this until now, now I'm off to send it to the masses. Thanks for sharing!
Twisted propaganda from the republicans...can't possibly be the truth because it's not on the's not in the papers...and it's not endorsed by black lives there...:hammer bash:
I used to think that Vanilla Ice would be the perfect president (cuz if there was a problem, yo hell solve it) but Bill Whittle would top even him! Hell, he could probably bring common sense and rational thinking back from the grave!
This is what happens when some dildo packs heat with no training or common sense, when is lethal force absolutely necessary? Douche robbing store at gunpoint and waving it around, shoot the ******, fleeing shoplifter, nope, there is no way to slice that in front of a jury to make it look justifiable. Only cops get to shoot people in the back. Watching Clint Eastwood movies does not constitute firearm training or a review/understanding of local and federal laws. This harkens back to idiot control.
Nope....can't support shooting at shoplifters....unless they're blasting their way outta the store!

Rule #1...(and it's a biggie) anybody you shoot has GOT to have a gun!

Very helpful if a few other folks saw it before you capped him too! Then of course, you gotta deal with the next of kin in civil court....hear about what a kind & gentle soul he was...and all that.

**** you'll probly have to go thru several rounds before you finally get legally in the clear....just sayin' :blink000:
Nope....can't support shooting at shoplifters....unless they're blasting their way outta the store!

Rule #1...(and it's a biggie) anybody you shoot has GOT to have a gun!

Very helpful if a few other folks saw it before you capped him too! Then of course, you gotta deal with the next of kin in civil court....hear about what a kind & gentle soul he was...and all that.

**** you'll probly have to go thru several rounds before you finally get legally in the clear....just sayin' :blink000:

Maybe not at shoplifters, if the store don't belong to me, but if that MOFO is in my yard stealing.............BOOM! "Sheriff, when I told him to freeze, and he made a sudden move instead, I feared for my very existence....thought he had a gun and was moving to kill me. boo hoo, wa wa, oh the agony of having to pull that trigger."
That's exactly the attitude and behavior that fires people up to take away our guns. The thief may be a **** bum but getting shot for stealing your lawnmower. I'm sure you'll have some equally ignorant response but I'm always hopeful so I will try, would you still feel all high and mighty if one of your family members made a poor choice to go into someone's yard and steal a bicycle and got shot and killed. The only rational arguments I've ever heard for gun control are to take guns away from people with attitudes like yours.
That's exactly the attitude and behavior that fires people up to take away our guns. The thief may be a **** bum but getting shot for stealing your lawnmower. I'm sure you'll have some equally ignorant response but I'm always hopeful so I will try, would you still feel all high and mighty if one of your family members made a poor choice to go into someone's yard and steal a bicycle and got shot and killed. The only rational arguments I've ever heard for gun control are to take guns away from people with attitudes like yours.

Years ago when I was in collage, I was a criminal justice major. The difference between law abiding citizens and criminals is how they think. Law abiding people believe that if they do something wrong, then they will get caught. Criminals believe that they WONT get caught.

Here is a bit of my own personal history. I was 16 when my Father was murdered. I was the main witness for the prosecution. My Mother and her boyfriend at the time, were convicted of it. The boyfriend was convicted on my 19th birthday...and my Mother was convicted 4 months later. My testimony helped put someone on deathrow.

I guess that you can say that I am a victim of gun violence as shooting was one of the things that they did to him. He was shot, beaten and stabbed. I do not believe that knives need to be confiscated, nor do I believe that guns need to be confiscated.

I still believe in the 2nd amendment, I believe that gun ownership is a freedom, and a RIGHT that is granted to us by living in this country.

Eric, I hope that you don't think that I'm advocating for gun control because I am not. I'm a gun owner and advocate of our 2nd amendment Rights. It may not have been clear but I was responding to the post by jfeagins. The fact that he recognizes that he would have to lie to the Sheriff to escape prosecution says it all. I should have just read it and moved on but I hate the idea that there are people that think it should be all right to shoot someone when nobody is in any real danger and it's what fuel's the liberal right and risks our 2nd amendment rights.
I should have just read it and moved on but I hate the idea that there are people that think it should be all right to shoot someone when nobody is in any real danger and it's what fuel's the liberal right and risks our 2nd amendment rights.

Very true. Voicing an opinion is always a good thing. I'm with you....why GIVE someone a reason to come after you and try to take your rights.