Just managed to finish the shotgun on the carbs. Let's just say it was long overdue, as in it had never been done. I know this by virtue of the fact that the factory brass plugs were still in place over the idle mixture screws. It took longer than planned to finish due to the fact that I had to let a right side idle mixture screw soak for two days in Penetrol to break it free without completely destroying it. PB Blaster just wouldn't do the trick.
I could tell by the way the first couple cleansings went that I had obstruction issues, so I think you guys were definitely onto the source of my troubles. Thank you for that.
Ran out of time to fire it off tonight (not sure the neighbors would appreciate me testing my bike at 11:00pm), but will post up tomorrow as soon as I turn it over.
Thank you again to everyone whom posted up suggestions and helped me to dislodge my head from my backside in order to get my bike back in business.:clapping: