Sorry you didn't have better luck here, right off the bat.
For the life of me, I cannot see how a fuel pump would ever cause a mechanical din like a failing starter clutch. The typical noise report for a starter clutch on its way out, is to describe it as a 'box of rocks,' though a better simile might be a
can of rocks. A No. 5 metal can of rocks.
You need to be generous in your search words. '
Clacking' didn't turn up anything for you. Entering 'failing starter clutch noise' had better results, see for yourself.
Here are 6 pages of starter clutch information. Troubleshooting, inspection, remove/replace, etc:
This thread is a good one for any new owner or an owner who has questions:
Removing a starter, and bench-testing it for turn-over and torque, off the bike, should reveal quickly and at no cost other than labor (and that's 'free' if you're the one doing it) whether or not the starter motor is bad. The 2 brush starter motors on the VMax are not as robust as the newer 4-brush starter motors.
Ok, eliminating the starter motor as the culprit, the only thing left is the starter clutch. Having to replace that is not too-difficult, if you know what you're doing. That's why we have easy access to the factory manual. Copy the file to your computer and print out a copy and put it into a loose-leaf binder for the garage or wherever you work on the bike.
A good thread for anyone hearing