how much should I expect to pay to sync the carbs?

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Jun 30, 2009
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Hi again,

Took my bike to Yamaha dealer and was told that I need to sync my carb, they want $350 to do it.
I saw a topic on here that shows how to do it and looked up the machine on ebay, it runs around $95
Do you guys know if it worth taking it to the shop for the $350 or easy enough to follow instruction and do it my self?

Thanks in advance.

It takes 10-15 minutes to sync carbs. 5 minutes is warming the bike up and another 5 minutes of that is to put caps/covers back on. Let me put it this way. I only charge $200 to completely clean and rebuild four carbs. Stay clear of this shop!
You are going to have to sync the carbs again sometime in the future so you might as well learn how to do it. $350 sounds a bit outrageous to me.
I agree, buy a carb sync tool and learn how to do it yourself - It needs to be done every oil change atleast - so at $350 a pop - that's damn expensive in the long run.

$350.... outrageous! Get yourself a Morgan CarbTune (no messing with mercury or fluids) and do it yourself. It really is a piece of cake.
I think $20 to sync carbs would be fair. Otherwise, I would buy my own synchrometer.
If you post where you are located one of us might be close enough with a sync tool to come help?
i agree with vmaxinID i'd be more than willing to help. for $350 u could buy 4 carbtunes! thare are even cheaper (altho not as easy to work) tools.
Tony-to answer your should expect to pay about $125 for a carb sync....the FIRST one that is! That's for the Morgan Carbtune and a decent screwdriver.

All sync's after that.....$0!! :punk:

Hi again,

Took my bike to Yamaha dealer and was told that I need to sync my carb, they want $350 to do it.
I saw a topic on here that shows how to do it and looked up the machine on ebay, it runs around $95
Do you guys know if it worth taking it to the shop for the $350 or easy enough to follow instruction and do it my self?

Thanks in advance.


For 350 bucks you could buy Sean Morley's jet kit AND the sync tool and have a faster and smoother running bike...


This is why I call them stealers... Dealers? What deals? :damn angry:
Wow...First I would like to thank everyone for reading and replying and I'm glad I signed up on this forum.
I will look into buying the sync tool and might just do it my self by following the instruction on this forum.

Thanks again. :punk:
I think if I asked my local dealer to "sync" the carbs they would be floating in Palmolive by the end of the day
Wow...First I would like to thank everyone for reading and replying and I'm glad I signed up on this forum.
I will look into buying the sync tool and might just do it my self by following the instruction on this forum.

Thanks again. :punk:

if you can use a screwdriver and pliers you can sync your carbs.. its probably easier than changing the oil. quicker too at least.

I live in North Olmsted, Ohio suburb of Cleveland.

wasn't Vmax190 from ohio!?!?!?:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:

j/k man, def pick up your own. theres a whole how-to on this forum plus ron (eagle_PI) just went thru a bitch of a time and the thread is around.
My god! $350.00??? I wonder how many poor schmucks actually paid that? Hell I may have to start my own sync shop. :rofl_200:
My god! $350.00??? I wonder how many poor schmucks actually paid that? Hell I may have to start my own sync shop. :rofl_200:

esp on a vmax! so so easy. removing gas tank n **** like on any other bike i could imagine def the charge going up as it takes time.. but still.. $350?
yep, max synch is a snap!! a fair price at dealer should b around a hundred bones. but u can buy a nice synch tool 4 that! do it yureself. piece of cake and its a great feeling to know that YOU were th eone that made yure bike run so great!:punk:
I'm in the same boat and it sounds like the Carbtune Pro is the way to go... so where do I find the darn thing? It looks like you can order directly from the UK, but I expected to find something as simple/useful/common as this in regular local shops, or at least common online sites.... :ummm: