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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2019
Reaction score
Albuquerque, New Mexico
In about 8 days, fuel in our state soared $0.75. Now I have always driven trucks and paid that $4 a gallon back in 2009. We are currently at $4.19 a gallon with costs sure to rise in the coming days. So...with warm weather, means I can save money by riding the bike. But how do I save more......0220221517.jpg

60mpg mini bike. Its a serious consideration once gas hits $5 a gallon which I have no doubt will be our fuel price by the end of March.
I didn’t buy my Vmax for mpg thankfully, I run premium in it and when the weather permits I’ll ride every day. I average 3 gallons of fuel in it every other day, at premium gas price I pay quite a bit for fuel weekly. I may have to slow my roll if it goes to 5$ a gallon, might even have to consider a mini bike or a moped. Even my car calls for premium which I don’t run in that , it’s like every thing I own gets terrible gas mileage and takes premium, lol.
I bought the girls a Honda Metropolitan. 50CC engine. 100 MPG and it has more storage under the seat than the VMAX by a long ways. I still have the bike even though they have moved. I look absolutely ridiculous riding it. My knee hits the horn when turning left.

Dirt cheap to run and insure though.

Fuel mileage can be great when you dont live far from at sea level.....and dont mind pissing people off while you hyper-mile a car out of a stop light.

In my state, I live at 6000 foot above sea level....I go through anywhere between 1000-4000 foot elevation changes depending on where I go. 25% of NM roads are paved. The federal government owns 34.72 percent of New Mexico's total land, 27,001,583 acres out of 77,766,400 total acres. New Mexico ranked ninth in the nation in federal land ownership. So that means loooooong drives in between. I said it can WOT a motorcycle here and run out of gas before getting pulled over. Or find another gas station, LOL.

I have talked with a bunch of people who own hybrids here. They all complain that the fuel mileage is horrible for a hybrid. I tell them hybrids suck power going up those hills. Smart cars that travel the interstates hit the 30s for fuel mileage. They are generally advertised for 40mpg or so. Fuel mileage in one area will never be the same in another.
Will be taking it easy on the throttle when the weather breaks.

Here in NJ.

Regular 87 octane $4.27 + a gallon and rising.

Diesel $5.15 + a gallon

Last week alone, fuel increased 50 cents a gallon.

Had a 1970s Toyoco Mini Bike years ago,
I should of held kept it😉
Lookin like Ill have to press the Chinese Bashan sleeper into service.
Badged and state certified 50cc with a liquid cooled 250 four stroke
stuffed under that cheap composite body suit.
Speedo tops out at 45 kph, it'll easily run 70 mph with throttle to spare.
Night rides only to avoid being seen so mileage is unknown.
I recall at least 2 fill-ups since getting it on the road.
I may have to move up in priority my 1967 Superhawk project. Gas here (Miami FL) is $4.19-$4.49 for regular and close-to or at/above $5 for premium.

I did manage to save $870+ by replacing an alternator with one from Advance Auto over having the Honga dealer service my S2000, as I was quoted $991 by a service writer! I order parts under a friend's commercial account, and it saves me much. Both were rebuilts. I had a dead battery, less than a year old, and the alternator was putting out barely above 12V @ idle. The replacement: 13.8V. With a charged battery, no issues. VBoost & VTEC!

The S2000 uses premium.
I retired. Real early. My tacoma gets a week to the gallon now. 10 gal diesel for the tractor two weeks ago? $40. Yesterday? $47. 2020 Energy independence was so overrated. 🙄🙄
Aww quit your complaining. Here in the Vancouver B.C. area I just paid 2.36 for a litre for ethanol free Chevron 94. You U.S. boys can multiply that by about 4 to get the price per gallon. We have almost always had the most expensive gas in North America. Figure that we live next door to Alberta which has huge oil reserves and one skinny little pipeline to the west coast (soon to be doubled) and the major one to the Gulf refineries cancelled by the current President after being approved and mostly constructed under the previous Pres.
Aww quit your complaining. Here in the Vancouver B.C. area I just paid 2.36 for a litre for ethanol free Chevron 94. You U.S. boys can multiply that by about 4 to get the price per gallon. We have almost always had the most expensive gas in North America. Figure that we live next door to Alberta which has huge oil reserves and one skinny little pipeline to the west coast (soon to be doubled) and the major one to the Gulf refineries cancelled by the current President after being approved and mostly constructed under the previous Pres.

Currently.....$1 US dollar is $0.78 Canadian. Math....$2.36 per liter Canadian is $1.85 USD. Times that by 3.8 liters(1US Gallon) that comes out to roughly $7 per gallon. I would put that on par for California prices here in the states. The same ideology in California as in Canada. Tax Tax Tax Tax the ever loving hell of people. But hey, free health care, right?

And with the obvious, you are using Chevron premium. Higher costs with that fuel down here in the states as well.
Over here were are paying just over $ 6.00 for a gallon (US size - our UK gallons are bigger).

Obviously no one ever bought a Vmax for its economical running but I have been browsing Honda CB/CG125 - had the latter a while back and it was claimed to do 90 mpg (UK gallons). I don't recall ever if I worked out how close to got to that but remember riding miles and miles, then pulling up to a petrol station to fill up to find it didn't need it. (Ok, so I exaggerate a bit but it was frugal).

Downside was the max speed of 70 mph-ish; something around 200cc would solve that yet still be economical.
I had a Yamaha TW200 for a long time. That was a fun little on/off road bike. I believe I checked milage 1x and it was around 60/mpg. Easily did 60mph
I’m looking into a pair of them
You won't be disappointed. The things are bulletproof. I took it to NJ Pine Barrens once. Total blast. Used to ride around my property with 2 kids on it with me. One in front holding the cross bar. The other on back. Week days commuted to work with it.