Well-Known Member
Ok...yesterday I pulled my flywheel (was getting the dreaded bag of marbles syndrome when firing up the beast) and I want to share what I did as it took me all of 20min (complete with zip ties). Now I have a cheap-ass Husky compressor and impact no special tools...except...
I ponied up for the PWC flywheel puller: They claim it will come off 1st or 2nd try...and they are correct. It's obiously due to the machined cones that just don't stretch like a bolt would...hard to see in the pic, but they're there...

Also, read many horor stories about the thing popping off and hitting the floor...easy fix...just add some rope...

And vola! The assembly popped, but the rope did its job! you can see the bolts were pean'd, so was curious what the issue really was...

Next 2 pics show the issue - even though pean'd, these bolts were LOOSE!!

An easy 1/16th of movement (one pic to another) - Now the pean probably kept the bolts in, but I could turn them by hand...

Next steps: Chatted with Sean to get his opinion on the clutch components and he felt mine were good enough to reinstall. I mentioned tack welding the bolts to the flywheel...Sean said that is what PWC does in lue of flywheel modification (Sean's solution) and that I needed new bolts. bolts, red locktight, and tack welding...
Anything I might have missed? Really want this to be a one-time fix!
I ponied up for the PWC flywheel puller: They claim it will come off 1st or 2nd try...and they are correct. It's obiously due to the machined cones that just don't stretch like a bolt would...hard to see in the pic, but they're there...

Also, read many horor stories about the thing popping off and hitting the floor...easy fix...just add some rope...

And vola! The assembly popped, but the rope did its job! you can see the bolts were pean'd, so was curious what the issue really was...

Next 2 pics show the issue - even though pean'd, these bolts were LOOSE!!

An easy 1/16th of movement (one pic to another) - Now the pean probably kept the bolts in, but I could turn them by hand...

Next steps: Chatted with Sean to get his opinion on the clutch components and he felt mine were good enough to reinstall. I mentioned tack welding the bolts to the flywheel...Sean said that is what PWC does in lue of flywheel modification (Sean's solution) and that I needed new bolts. bolts, red locktight, and tack welding...
Anything I might have missed? Really want this to be a one-time fix!