Rusty McNeil
Well-Known Member
Income inequality.......
You could take all the money in the US and distribute it equally among all citizens, I guarantee you in 10 years time it would be back in the same "inequitable" position it is now. It's the natural order of things and I see nothing wrong with it. I think with very few exceptions most people are where they are based on decisions they had control of. That will not change.
Some people make better decisions, choose better careers, work harder, or are more serious about getting their **** together at a young age, or a combination of all these things. Inequality of income distribution is a natural result.
Money is not a finite thing, someone getting rich doesn't take away from another's opportunity to do so as well no matter how much the socialist libtards try to sell the idea.
This ******** about "1%'er's" lately makes me want to ******* puke...Who do these god damn liberals think create jobs?
I know there are exceptions and sometimes things happen that are out of peoples control, those are the exceptions.
Instead of income inequality talk about income mobility. A persons chance of making it big and moving way up (or way down) is much better in this country than any where else. That's what motivates people to want to come to this country.
It's about perspective.
We do not appreciate the opportunity this country offers.
A guy from India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Mexico etc comes here, looks around and sees a freaking gold mine for the taking cause he can;
Go to college, open a business or do what ever he wants with relatively little government interference compared to most countries.
He's amazed that there are banks that can and will loan him money to get started. It never crosses his mind to be pissed of that there are rich people, or be pissed of that the banks have money because ....well **** who else is going to finance his endeavors?
That's why I have little sympathy for those who complain about something (or everything) "holding them back". We have an illegal alien problem precisely because this is such a desirable country to succeed in, let's don't **** it up....I know social giveaways are a draw as well for illegals but most of the ones I know, and I know a lot, come here to ******* work....Because there country is so ****** up they'll never make it at home...
If a non English speaking immigrant can come here, look around and be amazed at what an awesome opportunity this country is, and capitalize on the freedom to control his destiny rather than being limited by societal rigidity or corruption he fled then how am I to feel about those who sit on the sidelines and complain about the unfairness of it all?
I know it ain't all a bed of roses here in the US, but it's still the best place on earth to live.......
Everyone ******* about how people now a days won't take responsibility for things....Well part of taking responsibility is taking charge of your life and not whining and crying about all the institutions, banks, rich people and etc. that are holding you back. The opportunity is there, it might not be right there in your town or city but it is out there, if you have to pack your **** and move then do it..........
And when you get done bitching about the banks and business's go get a job working for the "average" man, or a loan from an "average" man, and let me know how it works out.......
You could take all the money in the US and distribute it equally among all citizens, I guarantee you in 10 years time it would be back in the same "inequitable" position it is now. It's the natural order of things and I see nothing wrong with it. I think with very few exceptions most people are where they are based on decisions they had control of. That will not change.
Some people make better decisions, choose better careers, work harder, or are more serious about getting their **** together at a young age, or a combination of all these things. Inequality of income distribution is a natural result.
Money is not a finite thing, someone getting rich doesn't take away from another's opportunity to do so as well no matter how much the socialist libtards try to sell the idea.
This ******** about "1%'er's" lately makes me want to ******* puke...Who do these god damn liberals think create jobs?
I know there are exceptions and sometimes things happen that are out of peoples control, those are the exceptions.
Instead of income inequality talk about income mobility. A persons chance of making it big and moving way up (or way down) is much better in this country than any where else. That's what motivates people to want to come to this country.
It's about perspective.
We do not appreciate the opportunity this country offers.
A guy from India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Mexico etc comes here, looks around and sees a freaking gold mine for the taking cause he can;
Go to college, open a business or do what ever he wants with relatively little government interference compared to most countries.
He's amazed that there are banks that can and will loan him money to get started. It never crosses his mind to be pissed of that there are rich people, or be pissed of that the banks have money because ....well **** who else is going to finance his endeavors?
That's why I have little sympathy for those who complain about something (or everything) "holding them back". We have an illegal alien problem precisely because this is such a desirable country to succeed in, let's don't **** it up....I know social giveaways are a draw as well for illegals but most of the ones I know, and I know a lot, come here to ******* work....Because there country is so ****** up they'll never make it at home...
If a non English speaking immigrant can come here, look around and be amazed at what an awesome opportunity this country is, and capitalize on the freedom to control his destiny rather than being limited by societal rigidity or corruption he fled then how am I to feel about those who sit on the sidelines and complain about the unfairness of it all?
I know it ain't all a bed of roses here in the US, but it's still the best place on earth to live.......
Everyone ******* about how people now a days won't take responsibility for things....Well part of taking responsibility is taking charge of your life and not whining and crying about all the institutions, banks, rich people and etc. that are holding you back. The opportunity is there, it might not be right there in your town or city but it is out there, if you have to pack your **** and move then do it..........
And when you get done bitching about the banks and business's go get a job working for the "average" man, or a loan from an "average" man, and let me know how it works out.......
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