How will the media spin this?

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Income inequality.......
You could take all the money in the US and distribute it equally among all citizens, I guarantee you in 10 years time it would be back in the same "inequitable" position it is now. It's the natural order of things and I see nothing wrong with it. I think with very few exceptions most people are where they are based on decisions they had control of. That will not change.

Some people make better decisions, choose better careers, work harder, or are more serious about getting their **** together at a young age, or a combination of all these things. Inequality of income distribution is a natural result.

Money is not a finite thing, someone getting rich doesn't take away from another's opportunity to do so as well no matter how much the socialist libtards try to sell the idea.

This ******** about "1%'er's" lately makes me want to ******* puke...Who do these god damn liberals think create jobs?

I know there are exceptions and sometimes things happen that are out of peoples control, those are the exceptions.

Instead of income inequality talk about income mobility. A persons chance of making it big and moving way up (or way down) is much better in this country than any where else. That's what motivates people to want to come to this country.

It's about perspective.

We do not appreciate the opportunity this country offers.

A guy from India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Mexico etc comes here, looks around and sees a freaking gold mine for the taking cause he can;

Go to college, open a business or do what ever he wants with relatively little government interference compared to most countries.

He's amazed that there are banks that can and will loan him money to get started. It never crosses his mind to be pissed of that there are rich people, or be pissed of that the banks have money because ....well **** who else is going to finance his endeavors?

That's why I have little sympathy for those who complain about something (or everything) "holding them back". We have an illegal alien problem precisely because this is such a desirable country to succeed in, let's don't **** it up....I know social giveaways are a draw as well for illegals but most of the ones I know, and I know a lot, come here to ******* work....Because there country is so ****** up they'll never make it at home...

If a non English speaking immigrant can come here, look around and be amazed at what an awesome opportunity this country is, and capitalize on the freedom to control his destiny rather than being limited by societal rigidity or corruption he fled then how am I to feel about those who sit on the sidelines and complain about the unfairness of it all?

I know it ain't all a bed of roses here in the US, but it's still the best place on earth to live.......

Everyone ******* about how people now a days won't take responsibility for things....Well part of taking responsibility is taking charge of your life and not whining and crying about all the institutions, banks, rich people and etc. that are holding you back. The opportunity is there, it might not be right there in your town or city but it is out there, if you have to pack your **** and move then do it..........

And when you get done bitching about the banks and business's go get a job working for the "average" man, or a loan from an "average" man, and let me know how it works out.......
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I know from most the posts this is a right leaning forum, but the problem is much deeper than one side the isle or the other. Did you know that the Walton family, owners of Walmart, their family wealth is about equal to the bottom 60% of the entire U.S. population combined? One family!

I'm sure we can find a way to make that Obama's fault but the problem is no matter who is in the White House big business, the banking system, and the general corruption of the "good ole boy" system is what's growing the divide between the top 1% and everyone else.

If you can't pay your bills it's not Obama's fault, it's the top 1% that no one talks about, knows about, cares about.

Do you think it's the gov't that keeps the employment and jobs up in this country ? Is it the gov't that gives big bucks to charities ? Nope. Our gov't is growing because of the socialist , left leaning radicals who are in charge of the gov't ( and the current banking system ) . Socialism has NEVER worked , anywhere in the history of the world. Why should it work now ? They have been in charge now for 6 years . Tell me one gov't program that has worked , on budget , without a smidgen of corruption from the " good ole boys " in charge . You mention blaming the top 1% reminds me of when Hitler said in the 1930s , basically the same thing . Blame the Jews , they have all the money , and are keeping everyone down. Don't let history repeat itself.
....... Our Constitution has been ignored by all in power. Few who reach that status are there for, We The People and Our Rights. We actually need to read the Constitution and THINK SERIOUSLY ABOUT A REAL TEA PARTY. We again have Taxation Without Representation.... God, Guns and Guts made and has kept America Free. We're being legislated out of the first, are losing the second to the same and the third went out the window in Jan. 2009.

+1 to this.

IMO, Both "sides" are two sides of the same coin these days.
Sadly, Nobody seems to give a rip anymore.
I can tell ya 1 thing tho.. In the early 70's, 1 out of 50 people in the US were on "foodstamps", today It's around 1 out of 6 (6-7 I believe).

War on poverty workin like a champ.. just like war on drugs, war on terrorism.. anytime the Gov't tries to "fix something" it turns out MUCH worse, and costs MUCH more $$.

It's depressing.'s been soooo gradual, and nobody ever wants to see the truth if its scary/hurts. But I'ts too late. Even if the 40+ % of us who prolly still care bout this country Wanted to do something,..well thres only 40+ % of us. and that's just not enough.

Example: Lots of people believed obama, (and a lot STILL do),And then voted for him again. :ummm: Some people Will never get it, unfortunately theres waaay too many out there now. Then tell them the best way to start to fix the country is for them to NOT get all the free entitlements they've been used to.
:bang head:

ahh..well.. I cld go on forever bout the chain of events over the years..piece by peice to get here... it's over,(been "over for years") enjoy the long ride down..

We hear about the 3 branches of government now, the Executive, Legislative and the Judicial.... Wrong, by the constitution, the Judicial component doesn't exist as a power. There they're to state the law, not revise or interpret it.

The 3 branches are,,,, The Executive, Senate and the House of Representatives. PERIOD.

Everything's become so MUDDLED in the past 60 years, the Constitution and God are being treated like so much Toilet Paper... We're On the way Down and the light at the end of the tunnel gets weaker with each new "Phony Scandal"...
Obama loves Wall Street just like every other politician. Bush loved Wall Street too and I have no doubt whoever sits in the White House next, Blue or Red, will love Wall Street too. Especially thanks to the Supreme Courts Citizen United decision and the removal of campaign contribution limits. The Supreme Court said... Money = Votes. And this was coming from Conservative Justices as well. So all I can say is try not to focus on just one person or party. There's A LOT of players involved with this economic clusterfuck.

A good economy depends on a strong middle class. The stats show the middle class income has been in decline for over 30 years..... 30 years... not just the last 6.
Obama loves Wall Street just like every other politician. Bush loved Wall Street too and I have no doubt whoever sits in the White House next, Blue or Red, will love Wall Street too. Especially thanks to the Supreme Courts Citizen United decision and the removal of campaign contribution limits. The Supreme Court said... Money = Votes. And this was coming from Conservative Justices as well. So all I can say is try not to focus on just one person or party. There's A LOT of players involved with this economic clusterfuck.

A good economy depends on a strong middle class. The stats show the middle class income has been in decline for over 30 years..... 30 years... not just the last 6.

Good point my friend...over 30 years ago, and we are looking at the failed policies of the Carter era.

I am conservative by nature...I dont identify with any one party more than the other. About 2004-2005...I didnt like the US government being in with Telecoms and spying on personal emails. That is an invasion of privacy.

I'm not a fan of contractors being used over seas in combat....or combat like situations. Contractors dont fall under the articles of War, like the military, and therefore arent held to the same standard.

These were just 2 of the issues that I had when Bush Jr was in office.
That Rocky quote is great. I just posted that same one on Facebook the day before I wrote that reply :D

So how is it the fault of successful people that you can't pay your bills? Did they put a gun to your head and force you to buy things you can't afford, or choose a career that doesn't pay well, or drop out of school and refuse to get an education which would help you get ahead. I am certainly NOT one of the vilified 1%, but I just don't understand how they can be the cause for people not being able to pay their bills. This is the great lie that the leftist administration has sold to the populace. "It's all their fault because they're rich, so let's take it from them and give it to those who are not rich and successful." Somebody said, maybe Lincoln or Jefferson or Franklin, I don't remember where the quote came from exactly, but it goes "You can't make a poor man rich by making a rich man poor" and also "Tearing one man down does not build another man up".

Never said it was their fault. My point was for those who walk around blaming Obama for their wowes, they're looking at the wrong things. The issues with the separation of wealthy and poor is vastly growing in this country and has for long before Obama. When I say rich/poor I don't consider anything less than having a mil in the bank rich myself. Making 90k a year is nice, but that's far from rich.

Most importantly the "powers that be" that create wealth inequality do not change no matter who is in power. We're all so busy fighting over who is worse that we miss the fact that the lobbiests pay both sides. The folks pulling the strings don't care who wins, as long as they can continue to pull them.

Is the manipulation of Wall Street Obama's fault? Bush's? These damn bubbles we keep riding with greedy ***** getting rich while average joe's bail them out is what pisses me off. I'm far from complaining about not making enough money. I am content with having my family close, eating good food, and riding my max in the sunshine as much as possible, the rest is all gravy far as I'm concerned.
When I say rich/poor I don't consider anything less than having a mil in the bank rich myself. Making 90k a year is nice, but that's far from rich.

If someone is knocking down 90k in steady employment, if they don't have a million in the bank by 45-50 they are making a lot of bad decisions.

And if they do have a million in the bank that's still not rich. It's called barely enough to retire on.

That's the problem with calling someone "rich",....where does it end.....

The "RICH" are going to end up being Americas Jews, used to distract and incite the general populace by the left to hatred against a class they see as the cause of all their problems....
Rusty got it exactly right earlier on when he said this:

"Income inequality.......
You could take all the money in the US and distribute it equally among all citizens, I guarantee you in 10 years time it would be back in the same "inequitable" position it is now. It's the natural order of things and I see nothing wrong with it. I think with very few exceptions most people are where they are based on decisions they had control of. That will not change.

Some people make better decisions, choose better careers, work harder, or are more serious about getting their **** together at a young age, or a combination of all these things. Inequality of income distribution is a natural result."

I agree 100%. The government has absolutely NO BUSINESS trying to equalize wealth by taking the earnings of a few to distribute among the masses. That is not a natural outcome of the harvesting of the fruits of our (your, their) endeavors.
Oh wow! :D Rusty did you really just call out Jews! lol Here's a site for that kind of venting: I can't really see blaming a religious sect for the separation of the classes.

As far as the government getting their money they will either way. There was a time in this country that the lower class didn't pay any taxes. We're so far from the founding Father's vision of what this country was supposed to be at this point, well....that's about all there is to say about that.
Oh wow! :D Rusty did you really just call out Jews! lol Here's a site for that kind of venting: I can't really see blaming a religious sect for the separation of the classes.

As far as the government getting their money they will either way. There was a time in this country that the lower class didn't pay any taxes. We're so far from the founding Father's vision of what this country was supposed to be at this point, well....that's about all there is to say about that.


Furtherest thing from it.


What I said...

"The "RICH" are going to end up being Americas Jews, used to distract and incite the general populace by the left to hatred against a class they see as the cause of all their problems...."


Sorry if I accidentally occluded my meaning.

Or if my meaning was too ambiguous.

Although the meaning should have been totally clear from the context alone.


I was trying to be nice, but after reading my original post, and your response to it based on whatever you got from it...

I'm offended by your post on a most profound level.

Based on the fact I am a financial supporter, visitor and used to be an occasional volunteer at the Holocaust Museum here in Houston, and was happy acquaintances with many (an ever declining number, few alive now) holocaust survivors who I've met through my wife's former employer Bill Morgan (now deceased), a polish Ghetto survivor himself, I feel I have a right to be pissed about your comment.

What's more I think you must be a ******* idiot in order to come to the conclusion you did from the information provided in my statement.

You assumed facts not in evidence.

And if anyone wants to attack me for saying what I just said, or accuse me of failing to meet the civility standards of this forum, understand, the above mentioned idiot basically just called me a White Supremacist Jew Hater, so I stand by my right to call him a ******* idiot, or at best, an ok guy that can't ******* read, thus still being an idiot albeit an ok guy.

Ever heard of the Holocaust? More importantly do you know what led up to it? or the things that had to happen in Germany before such an unthinkable thing became reality?


Let me spell it out for you.

Germany, prewar, during the 1930's the Jews, over the course of the decade were held out more and more by the Nationalist Party to be the cause of all of societies ills.

The German Nationalist Party pushed this as a "thing" to get everyone on board and lined up behind a common enemy. It wasn't that hard to do as Europe was and still is a hot bed of anti-semitic belief, which it has been for over 2000 years......

They blamed the Jews for everything and anything that was going wrong in the country.

Once the citizenry was lined up and on board,well, the rest, as they say, is history.

What happened in Germany didn't happen with just an evil government, the people were lined right up there with the government due to massive manipulation and propaganda holding the Jews out to be a scourge on society.

Thus the Jews became to Germany what the rich are headed to becoming in America. a demonized class blamed for all societies ills to divert attention from the biger problems, but none of the idiots want to look behind the curtain and are willing to swallow the pap spooned their way.

I was drawing a parallel with how our current media and government lefties are attempting to do the same by demonizing the rich, just as the Nazi's demonized the Jews.

Anytime a government is ******* up left and right and running a country down the drain, or trying to push some other agenda, but can't say it out loud (Socialism) it's always in their best interests to divert attention to some other form of "evil" rather than their own failed policies or awful agenda. This time that agenda is pushing a bigger government that can cure all the ills and make everyone "happy".....Belter know as "vote for me and get free ****". The government can never make money though, all they can do is take it or print it, both of which lead to a weaker economy and a further erosion of the nations ability to function in a healthy manner..

This time it's the rich.

Most rich people I know worked for it while others stand by complaining. income mobility is a fact, even among the inheritors of wealth, if they don't manage it they lose it. By managing it properly they do exactly what wealth is supposed to do which is spur the economy. You attack the Walton's, idiotically I might add, when in fact they are an American success story to end all success stories.

If a man (I refer to Mr.. Morgan now) can come from Post WWII Germany, without language, education, money, all his family dead in the gas chambers or the war factories, and nothing but the shirt on his back and become successful, who the **** has a right to complain about their chances of making it?

His success did not lessen the chances of anyone else's success. Money is not a finite thing, someone having it does not lessen someone else's chances of having it. To think otherwise is to be an idiot...

If anything it increased, and still does to this day, the prospects for thousands of people that benefit from his business legacy to this day. The people that work for his company, their families, the hundreds of sub-contractors, vendors and suppliers that perform services for his company, all the kids of the afore mentioned who otherwise may not have been able to go to college, all the people downstream of these people who made money by selling or providing services to all the afore mentioned, they all all benefit. And it all happens in spite of, not with any government "help".

That's how the economy works, and how it is supposed to work, and why no one works for the poor guy, and few for the middle class guy except in the format of the small businesses that exist to provide materials and services to...You guessed it...The rich guy, corporations, and the people who are spending money they earned as a result of those corporate activities.......

Remove the "rich" and the corporations from the economic equation and you kill the core of the economy, and I am speaking of the core as in the core of the sun or the earth that provides all life sustaining energy as we know it.

You get your wish and you get Socialist Europe where no one has the desire to stand above the crowd because it will do them absolutely no good, and the resultant lethargic economy, rampant inflation and unemployment that goes with it..

To say someone can't pay their bills because of the 1% is idiocy beyond belief.

And Mr. Morgans story is by no means unique.

His story has been retold and relived thousands of times in the lives of other immigrants and rational thinking US born with no means who have become successful in this country simply because;

They saw and APPRECIATED the opportunity this country offers, while many others can't, won't or refuse to see it. And they ACTED on the what they saw rather than blame others for their misfortune.

Bill Morgan wrote a little book (Actually it was a biography written by C.S. Ragsdale) with a very meaningful title, called "Living Longer than Hate". Exemplifying the attitude of self reliance, and pushing past the anger or beliefs that can otherwise hold a person back, and instead moving on towards life's goals in spite of what you may feel is unfair about life.

My Dad was a 2nd generation Irish immigrant, had no school beyond 5th grade, was on his own, literally, at 14, (that's what happens when your immigrant parents think you can have and support 13 kids in the 1920-30's) and made a success of himself as an electrical contractor eventually employing about 20 people, for all the above same reasons. He didn't expect someone to do it for him, knew no one would, had no one to "fall back" on, and knew he'd starve to death if he didn't come up with a game plan, it never occurred to him to resent the "haves", it DID occur to him to emulate their habits so he could "have" too. Eating was a bit of a motivation as well.

I am ******* sick of people whining and complaining about the "haves" instead of DOING SOMETHING.

Now I hope my point is clear and no longer subject to misinterpretation.


How was it you just so happened to have the "white voice" website so handy?
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Wow....this thread suddenly took a turn.....:th_signs60:

This video puts it into perspective about morally demonizing the "rich".

Hey you're the one who threw "American Jew" in there. I was saying the same thing, wtf!

I agree the rich have been demonized, but with the American people bailing out the CEO's of the companies involved in the real estate bubble and them still going on business as usual demonizes themselves. The tech bubble was before that. Next will be the food surplus bubble, watch and remember I said that.

My point about the Waltons was they are not known for taking good care of their employees. That seems to have gotten better in recent time but was definitely not always the case. So if they represent the American Dream I guess their American Dream is to break the backs of those they make their fortunes off from, not the first rich family to do so and won't be the last.

As far as demonizing the rich I do not, but I will point out when I think they are acting unethically and without morals with their wealth, or the way they make it. I also don't blame anyone for what I have or don't have. Matter of fact I agree with most of what you've said. I completely agree that each person is responsible for their own career/future and that it is not particularly easy for anyone to be successful. I also think that there are rich families that do hugely great things for many many people. A good example of this would be Bill Gates. Since the beginning he has lived on mostly modest means and given up tons of his family fortune and time for great causes. Without good people with vast wealth large scale help and projects would never be possible.

So there is good and bad to anything. Like you I get sick of people complaining. What I hear a hell of a lot of these days is Obama this and Obama that. Two terms ago it was Bush this and Bush that. Next term it will be Hilary this and Hilary that. XD

As long as we're coming off from a semi-religoius kick I will just say thank God for not putting a Mormon in the White House. Talk about cooky beliefs. Might as well elect Tom Cruise. I'd rather see an Atheist in there than that. At least you wouldn't have to worry about him being morally skewed based on text from a fantasy novel. ;)
I don't demonize the rich -- Just understand human ******* nature. Supreme Court says money = voice and they've said people with money can use it as much of it for their voice as they want.

They're going to ensure the system benefits them... it's not like we don't have plenty of world and American history that shows what happens when money = power runs amok. The term robber barons didn't come from JRR Tolkien... it wasn't fantasy fiction... it was what happens when greed is left unchecked. And the same rhetoric used to justify it today is damn near word for word the same rhetoric used in the late 19th century.

But America is nut to butt full of people with short term memory.
Hey you're the one who threw "American Jew" in there. I was saying the same thing, wtf!

My point about the Waltons was they are not known for taking good care of their employees. That seems to have gotten better in recent time but was definitely not always the case. So if they represent the American Dream I guess their American Dream is to break the backs of those they make their fortunes off from, not the first rich family to do so and won't be the last.

LOL...I think that was another poster that said that...

Your right....As a whole, the Waltons (Walmart) dont take good care of their employees. I cant help but think that most of the people that work at walmart are unskilled as a whole....or maybe have a degree, but its not a degree in a sought after field of employment.

I bit of my own history....while going thru paramedic training, I worked as a nurses aid in a nursing home. I was certified, so I made a dime above minimum wage, and also worked for the local Basic life support ambulance 3-4 shifts a week, for 12 dollars a run (in town) and 15 dollars a run(out of town) . I averaged about 8 runs a month.

During my 11 years as a Paramedic on the streets, I spent 7 of those years....working 2 jobs. Most of the jobs were also working at another ambulance service, (1 day at one service, 1 day at another service, and 1 day off.) 3 of those years, working as an ER tech in the local ER. So one day on, 2 days off at the local ambulance service, and 32-34 hrs a week as an ER tech.

When I made the move to work offshore as a Paramedic, I was told later that one of the things my interviewer was most impressed with, was the time that I spent in the ER learning clinical medicine as well.

I have Faith that what you do IN this world and this life matters, and carries over into the next world. You do get treated well....You f*ck up....and you get punished.
I don't demonize the rich -- Just understand human ******* nature. Supreme Court says money = voice and they've said people with money can use it as much of it for their voice as they want.

They're going to ensure the system benefits them... it's not like we don't have plenty of world and American history that shows what happens when money = power runs amok. T[COLOR="Yellow[COLOR="Yellow"]"The term robber barons didn't come from JRR Tolkien... it wasn't fantasy fiction... it was what happens when greed is left unchecked.[/COLOR] ][/COLOR]And the same rhetoric used to justify it today is damn near word for word the same rhetoric used in the late 19th century.

But America is nut to butt full of people with short term memory.

Greed is by no means exclusive to the rich .

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