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Bah ....minor flesh wound.......

This is a cut lol



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Did a quick hardness comparison test between 3 of my left hand fingertips and the still spinning carbide blades of my electric planer a few years ago.
The blades are defintely harder, took a few weeks for the fingertips to heal but I still have very little feeling in those fingertips, hurt like buggery at the time and yeah you sure feel every heartbeat.
There was nothing to stitch as the tips were all gone in a flash of soft red shavings bled something fierce cos I have to take anticoagulant medication to control spontaneous thrombosis.
Hope you heal up soon
Timmy, you know if they let you go back to work right away you would have smashed your thumb with a hammer or in a car door. That's nothing compared to some of the model airplane mishaps I've seen. Oxys out to be easy enough to find though.
Get well fast. Duct tape fixes everything!
Apart from the accidents where someone is ripped into parts, & you have to 'red-bag' the remainders, one that sticks in my mind is the guy wearing tennis shoes to cut the lawn. He was still outside when we got there, his wife had called after he was screaming post-trauma. There was a bath towel wrapped-around his shoe/foot. We got the multi-trauma dressing & providine-iodine ready, I unwrapped his foot, had one of the other crewmembers remove his sneaker, and his foot was short a bunch of toes. I cleaned & wrapped the foot, and then dumped the contents of the sneaker onto a sterile field dressing-his 'missing' toes.

You're gonna heal, just keep an eye on the site for any sign of infection. You should be changing that bandaging daily, & cleaning the site w/an appropriate disinfectant/germicidal. If you have any odor (infection) or a line from your thumb starting up your hand, like a blood vessel, you need to go to the ER immediately, as you likely have succumbed to blood poisoning.