So a while back my wife went to a doctor to have a mole looked at and he removed it and tossed it in the trash. Wait all things like this are to be sent out and tested. well it came back and it was removed again and sent out to be tested. Well yes it tested possative for melanoma. She has been clear for a while now thanks to some great people. But that being said I have also noticed that we have to watch out for ourselves more than ever these days. Not just in the medical field. I went for a mri The other day and i have been back and forth to the doctors a few times in the last few weeks and i have been with the same family medical center for about 28 years now. The mri people called me to set the mri up and asked me some question one of the question was are you claustrophobic and i said no. Well apparently i was wrong because when they tried to stuff my 6' 2" 255 lbs ass in a long narrow space i told them to get my ass out now. This space was way to small for me. My shoulders were pushed in and i started to slide as i was moved in. So we tried the other one that was bigger. I dont see how it was when the same thing happen. The lady said put your hands above your head and than lets try feet first. I dont know why you dont fit i have put 350 lbs people in here. I said what 8' tall 350 people. so she says well you will have to call our other location that has a bigger opening. Now that pissed me off more than anything. You know im 6' 2" at 255 lbs and you send me to the smallest one. what a waist of my time and a waist of everyone time. I have to make my appointments on monday mornings because i drive truck and i might not make it back in time. So i have to wait 4 to 8 weeks to get in. and now i have to set up another mri thats 8 to 16 weeks later. This is only a few things that have happen in the past 28 years that has pissed me off for know reason what so ever other than people not caring enough to do a job right. I am so pissed about people not doing their job. If i dont do my job safe and correctly everyday every mile people get hurt or die. I have alot on my plate every second of every mile i pull two trailers through rush hour traffic 5 days a week. Thats 124440 miles a year in the truck and i put 28000 mile a year on my personal car. I have been a truck driver for over 19 years now and i havent even been in one accident. Am i that good or do i just care that much. I think its alot of both. I feel that caring is a thing of the past for alot of people and im wondering if its a thing of the past for most people. I mean its so bad that some people will stand there and tell you that they care and they have all kinds of things marked against them and they beleave what they are saying. Im not sure what to think anymore. Maybe Toddler is right maybe i am an old man. But at least i have a track record that says i care.