I have lost most of my trust in medical personnel

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Every profession has the same issues to some degree. Some give a shit some Don't.

Things that are very technical, medical
professions included, seem to do a little better I think since culpability is usually quite high and mistakes not easily forgiven. (Not that they are not made)

I find more and more these days it seems as though it takes a VERY proactive and questioning approach ahead of time to "help" others help you and get it right.

Here is an example in my world that comes up FREQUENTLY and continues to piss me off.

I'm the guy that's left "holding the bag" on our substation construction projects when our management team drops the ball. My job is supposed to be assuring the job goes in correctly and testing/commissioning before putting it "on the grid".

We have engineers, project managers, construction managers, designers, purchasing agents and on site general foreman over the construction crews.

On every job the first thing I have to be a dick about starts with;

"Are all the materials ordered, where are they, what's the delivery dates, who's tracking this stuff and addressing back orders and delinquencies?"

NONE of these things are in my job description but when these things get screwed up it completely hoses the whole job, impacts schedule and
energization dates and keeps me on the project longer than I should be when I need to move on to the next one.

None of the people responsible are affected by the delinquencies since they are sitting in an office somewhere and not out there looking embarrassed with a pissed off customer thinking we don't have our shit together giving me the stink eye

A simple "order the fucking material" when we get final approval for start dates should be all that it is needed, yet that's never enough.

I've learned to step in where I shouldn't have to in order to keep things moving.

Most of the time our guys in the office do a great job and get it right but when they don't it gets all fucked up like you've described.

It seems now that our whole lives work this way, but unfortunately we don't even know the questions to ask most of the time to "make it happen" since we're placing our faith in a system where we don't know (and shouldn't need to know) all the ins and outs.

Last example;

"Did you tighten the drain plug?"

One should never have to ask that question but I need two hands to count the number of times I was glad I DID ask it. I change my own oil cause of that one and in the company vehicle I tell them to leave their grubby hands off of every thing BUT the oil drain plug and to leave the "shavings in the metal" sales
pitch on the tranny and rear end for the next guy.
When I was young my first few jobs was a gas attedent at a full serve gas station and every employee held great respect for the customer. I got pAid extra for sales at the pump and got to do light repairs inthe garge and the people I worked under always told me to keep the customer happy and the best way to do that is always do a good job recheck all your work and put it out right the first time. As time went on and I started wrenching for a living I was up to my neck in technolagy and I never understood why we had to go so far with technolagy and the auto that we have to pay for and drive all it did was make our lives harder and cost more. And everything else that we do went up in cost also. We all had to adjust in our own way. It seems to me the harder and the more thing cost the less people care about other people. The customer today dont get near the repspect as before. I think most people want to care but dont have the time or skill level to keep up so they can care. We now need technolagy to change again we need something big so we can get the econamy going again. So what will this bring us more people that cant keep up and even less care.
I've been stuck in an MRI a couple of times. No fun at all. On the third try, they ended up sending me to a different imaging center that had an open-air MRI. The thing was a Cadillac to be in.
As time went on and I started wrenching for a living I was up to my neck in technolagy and I never understood why we had to go so far with technolagy and the auto that we have to pay for and drive all it did was make our lives harder and cost more. And everything else that we do went up in cost also. We all had to adjust in our own way.
We can thank the EPA and ourselves for that. Gov't demanded cleaner burning/more efficient engines, while the population wanted the horsepower still. End result is a large engine loaded with egr and other emission BS crammed into a tiny engine bay, and entirely controlled by a computer. Hard to work on compared to the early cars if you don't have the proper diagnostic and repair skills/tools. What burns me up is that we have to get emissions check where I live, while the county next to us does not.
open mri is the only way to go. been in the culvert ones and when I came out told them the only you will get me back in one of them is if I am dead. Mayo killed my mother after screwing around with 12 different doctors they finally found her cancer. Then did some things chemo and such. then told her she was caner free. Six months later she couldn't eat again and went to a local hospital. they told her to late the cancer had spread to far. She was dead 4 months later. Seems like a lot don't care when you get older. They must think you gonna die pretty soon anyway why do a lot of work.

There are good doctors and medical facility's out there you just have to shop around and find them.
There are good doctors and medical facility's out there you just have to shop around and find them.
You will spend rest of your life shopping around, especially when you are sick. Medicine is just a buisness field these days. If one have personal friends among medical workers - he is ok, otherwise don't expect much...
I did some shopping a found a great family doctor. He also only sends me to other doctors that he feels are good doctors. They are out there.
Looks like things are better in smaller communities, in LA everything just sucks.
I was reading over this thread, trying to keeping it in context, and In my opinion Mike, You're getting the best treatment now, that your going to get for the foreseeable future. A lot of the best and brightest are leaving the health care field. The void will be filled with inexperienced, less qualified workers. Soon you will be able to get lesser care for twice the cost. Thanks Obamacare :bang head:
Thinking about it i gess i dident mean to just target the medical personnal . The thread i started should have been worded differently because it is in all fields and everyday life.I feel like we all need to take a good look at what is going on in the world today. But what kind of a big change can we do about it. How could we get people to put focas on we the people and not me the people. Its like there's a big drag race and everybody in the world is in the drag race. Just look at how people act in there cars in traffic. (TAILGATER'S) Other than complete danger what do we get out of tailgating. Yet 90% of drivers do it all day every day. Hell i was walking to a door at a store the other day and a guy was pacing me about the same and he notice and started walking alot faster so he could beat me to the door. I kept a pace so when he got to the door i would be on his heal's and when he opened the door you could see the disoppointment in his face because he had a choice be a dick and just walk in and let go of the door or hold it open and letme walk in. He held the door and i held the next door with a smile on my face and said how's it going. This kind of shit is crazy. And for what so you can get a shopping cart before me or put yourself in front everyone else. I think in general most people want to be nice but there are so many dick's in the world today that its to big of a gamble. And i think alot of how we act at work come's from our drive to work. bealeve it or not trucker's still have an on writen code on the road and if you break it all drivers around you will team up and deal with you. And most of the time we dont even have a clue of who each one of us is. We dont even use the cb anymore, if you are rude in a car the next five cars will say fuck it if he can do it so can i. In fact if he wouldent have done it they would have. Its getting to be how far will you go to be first just to be first and when most get there they dont even know how to lead. Im not just talking about cars and traffic.
I wonder if it could come down to how people were raised? If you got your ass beat when you deserved it....and your parents taught you respect and manners, those things stayed with you, and would probably carry all the way thru life. And I mean "you" as in people.....not you...as in Vmax-Mike...
I did get a open mri appointment. But that dont mean im going to a place thats care's. Maybe i will get better care. who knows all i can do is stay possitive.
I dont think its that at all. I did get my ass beat but all that tought me was my parents dident care for me like they should have. Dont get me wrong in very exstream cases a kid might need a wake up call. But if you do your part from birth you have a great chance of not ever hitting your child. My son is 24 years old and I have never hit him not even one time. And i never felt the need to. He has always been a good kid but trust me he has done wrong in his 24 years of life. I think its more the fast pace of the world because of all the advance technology. and alot to do with how many people in the world today. Even though most of us have more than we need we still act like we need more. we might not say we need more but our action speak louder. And theys actions are being driven by everyday life.
I dont know....I work for a big company, and if we make mistakes...it could cost thousands of dollars, whether it is with air, land, or water transportation, or the shipping and manifesting of waste, so there are times where there is stressful, but there is never a feeling of rushed.

It could be geographical too....some people in some states are nicer, due to the culture that they were raised in. A lot of the people that I've met in Louisiana are inherently laid back.