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There is an important point you guys are missing here (unless I missed it in someone elses post). Bicyclists pay NO road tax. IBut these groups of riders, wether an organized event or not, are an audacious bunch of arrogent cock suckers riding on the asphalt that someone else paid for.

You may be one of my new favorite people! Both posts very well stated!
Thanks to you all who took time out of your live's to read my long winded "confessional".
I hadn't told anyone close to me because I really do regret having to do what I did to that guy.
I still drive the rout daily and each time see an easy out I could have taken when first observing the cause of the slowdown.
I thank God nightly that I"m not experiencing the same amount of regret as I did adrenaline for what could have been a broken neck or permanent paralysis ruining his life and mine.......

Here in Australia, there are bike lanes everywhere which rarely get used. The government recently passed a law that requires all vehicles to go no closer than 1.5m to a cyclist which in most cases requires you to drive on the opposite side of the road. Like us motorcyclists, they also seem to like the windy roads which adds to the drama.
I questioned a mate who rides a bicycle "why do you guys go 2, 3, 4 across the road in a pack?" he answered with "it's safer to do so, especially when it's dangerous to overtake"...
??? I'm still stretching my head!:(:confused::mad:

HA! HA! Driver should go back and kick his ass for putting a dent in his car! Bicycles are toys. 4 year old children ride bicycles. If a four-year-old child was riding his bicycle down the highway that would not be right, I don't see why it's right for an adult to do it. Take your little piece of **** bicycle and ride it around in a circle in a cul-de-sac back in some neighborhood where you won't bother traffic, just like children are taught to do. Or stop being a ****** and learn to ride a motorcycle.
I have an old f 350 with a (non turbo) diesel. I religiously ride alongside them and stab the pedal to the floor numerous times, sometimes for a mile or 2 just to let them breathe a cloud of black smoke. I've actually had them pull over and stop their little ****** Festival because of the black smoke.
Ok, I was going to move on from posting this experience, maybe it's best to share, for what it's worth.

About a month ago I was heading home, I drive all day and average 200 mile's daily. I cover the front range here in CO. and see alot on the road's here.

I was close to home and thinking how smooth the day had gone when I came up on a slowdown on a normally fast paced street, 8th ave, runs east and west, one lane in each direction and rush hour about 4:30 p.m.

The slowdown is a group of four on bike's peddling slowly in the middle of the east bound lane, the car immediately behind them was falling way back "tolerating" them while other car's began honking and crossing the double yellow into on coming traffic to get around these bicyclists.

Three of the bike's got over toward the shoulder while the guy in front stayed in the middle of the lane and began the double flip-off. He held up both arm's flipping off the people behind him, the one's making it around him and on coming traffic!

Now people are slowing down to say a few things as they pass him and oncoming traffic is having to yield to them. It took about a mile for me and my turn to tell this jerk to get the **** out of the road
as I went around him. Now once clear I had about another half mile to go before my left turn onto my street and I'm about eight blocks from home....

When I got an opening for my turn I glanced in my left side mirror and there is this punk poising to take out my mirror with his foot! I veered out of the turn and pulled over to curb and was out of the car quick!

This clown knew what he was about to do but immediately had his phone in my face, filming, telling me to explain why I should be pissed at him for riding on the street. Never mind him being in the middle of the lane flipping off traffic!!

Now as I'm saying to him to mention into the camera what he was doing, other people are now slowing down and circling back around the block with their phones out the window filming this altercation.
As the shouting match continued I realized how this has gotten way out of hand and told this clown on film how I wished I could have smeared him into the pavement with my car, and meant it!

He was literally in my face with his phone, I wanted to smash him but I got in my car and turned to my right in the seat to buckle-up when this ****** punk circled around, got a little momentum and hacked a loogie in my face....

I'm shaking as I type this.
I was out of the car and caught him as he tried to ride against traffic to get away.
At 6'2",237, in great shape and fueled by adrenaline, rage and disbelief I tackled him and the bike.
I pulled his head so far backward by his little foam helmet that his mouth was wide open in a scream while I spit right down his throat.

His trusty phone had slid out into the traffic lane, I heard a female voice screaming "stop it your going to kill him".I was instantly out of my rage and now thinking to just get the **** out of here when this idiot is back in my face with his phone shouting"tell the police what you've done to me"
I again lost control and plowed him right in the mouth....it, the release, felt GOOD!!

Now Im back in my car, his friends on their bikes are there screaming whatever and all I could think is Assault Charge, witnesses, cell phone footage and nothing to corroborate or justify my story.

I live just a half mile away and was home in minutes but had to change and go to another job. I decided to head back that way, now in my truck and couldn't believe what I saw. This punk was whaling, even after the half hour or so it took me to get back there with all the other bikers and people in cars pulled over comforting him, what a crime scene!

I knew I was in trouble and decided to head back home, there was a police suburban out front of my house, I rolled right by and he pulled into traffic right behind me. He must have been to my door but didn't know this truck was me and just faded back once we began to head east on colfax.

I needed to pick up some argon gas but could hardly think, before I knew it I was at Gases parking lot.
I got a call from the Denver police as I was getting out if my truck, he said who he was, thanked me for answering and asked for my story after reminding me twice that I didnt have to talk to them and that we could do this a different way, I know what that meant and was glad to talk, even relieved to tell him what had happened in what seemed to be flash of time. I also knew he knew the detail's per the witnesses.

As I spoke I could here myself on a speaker, I asked if they were recording me and he said no and that he had me on car speaker so his partner could here me, she introduced herself and I continued in my audibly shaking voice, the adrenaline returned when I got to the part where the coward had spit in my face.

In a previous life I have had many contacts with police, me guilty every time... This was a much different procedure. The officer explained his and my options, theirs being a citation or them needing to take me into custody for assault , asked me my location and told me to stay put and that they needed to here from officers still at the scene, the ambulance crew for the victims condition, I thought,WHAT, the VICTIM!!!

The officer did finally call me back, by now Gases was closed, I didn't get the argon nor did I realize how much time had elapsed. He told me that in no way were they going to simply write me a citation for this altercation and let that hang in the air for what seemed forever
The female officer came on speaker and said that a resident had also had her phone filming from her backyard and was the ONLY witness to corroborate my side of this story.

The officer was a Sargent and had the prerogative to cite or take me or both of us (the victim) into custody. Because this victim and the witnesses were less than honest with their side of the story, punk never said a word about attempting to break my mirror or spitting in my face,
the Sargent made the decision to drop it right away but asked if he could give me "a lecture".
I welcomed it ! The Sargent explained that this punk could still come after me civilly for his injuries for something that I totally had the discretion to let go as just a few idiots on bikes.

I am 57, that punk was 26, I would have liked to think Id know better. I do know this could have turned out very bad. Pause when agitated, think twice, play the tape, whatever. I wont let this happen again.

We have a transportation czar here in Denver that has said openly that she plans to make driving an
Inconvenience which is putting both cyclists and drivers in danger with her bike lane choices, reductions in speed limits and traffic lanes in favor of "alternate" mode transportation. While pot is now legal, we are thinking of decriminalizing mushrooms and allowing "safe injection sites" for our road going public. What then are the chances of there being people like I had the altercation with, riding in the middle of the street giving everybody the bird, being routinely DUI or BUI? Still ther is no excuse for someone like me,supposedly sober and in a sane frame of mind to be making the stupid choice I made over some clown on his bike......

Your intire story made my night , just what the Jerk-Off SPANDEX WORRIOR was doing is exactly what I’m talking about !
He’s going to cause a head-on crash because people have to go into oncoming traffic to pass that ******* VIRGIN !
And it BLOWS MY ******* MIND that there’s actually people that think what he was doing “ Empeading the flow of Traffic “ is ******* FINE !!!

ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME ???
HA! HA! Driver should go back and kick his ass for putting a dent in his car! Bicycles are toys. 4 year old children ride bicycles. If a four-year-old child was riding his bicycle down the highway that would not be right, I don't see why it's right for an adult to do it. Take your little piece of **** bicycle and ride it around in a circle in a cul-de-sac back in some neighborhood where you won't bother traffic, just like children are taught to do. Or stop being a ****** and learn to ride a motorcycle.
I have an old f 350 with a (non turbo) diesel. I religiously ride alongside them and stab the pedal to the floor numerous times, sometimes for a mile or 2 just to let them breathe a cloud of black smoke. I've actually had them pull over and stop their little ****** Festival because of the black smoke.

That video is is ******* PRICELESS !
The guy on the bike , his friend is filming him being a ******* ******* , blocking traffic and riding out near the double yellow line !
He got what he deserved !
Why didn’t the person doing the interview ask him why he was BLOCKING TRAFFIC ?
And he did say he was going to ride again , THATS JUST ******* GREAT !

QUESTION , they said the driver of the car is being charged with “ LEAVING THE SCENE OF AN ACCIDENT “
Maybe it wasn’t an “ ACCIDENT “ , SO WHATS THE CHARGE ?
I was taught to not ride in traffic as a kid, once I got older I always stayed as far right as I could so I didn't get run over. All my encounters with groups, they went 2 wide, and all got over to the right, out of courtesy I would slow and move over as I went by.
I don't understand it either, almost as bad as people blocking an interstate, and the cops don't do a damn thing about, but if you hit them your at fault, there is no logic that makes sense. Why don't they go stand on the RR tracks??
It is sad that even after getting whacked by a car the idiot doesn't pause to think "how did I contribute to this happening?" On a motorcycle I think about how to avoid a situation, like most people with a brain do. Sorry ass interview not bringing up his riding the double yellow. But; I do enjoy watching it!
Tim, make a complaint to the local PD, the riders often ride the same route at the same time of day. Include an email to your local gov't elected representative and the federal elected representatives. I know this sounds excessive, but you explain you almost hit the illegally riding group when they violated the right of way you had on a green light, and you almost wrecked your vehicle avoiding their reckless behavior. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Be sure to c.c. yourself to have a 'paper trail' and if you find yourself at the same place and the same time of day, and the same group does the same obstruction of the road, a video is a good tool to document their continuing pattern of breaking traffic laws. With that, and your prior complaint as a matter of record, you have a legitimate reason to ask for enforcement of traffic laws where your safety and well-being has been compromised.

That’s Actually a good idea , I’m going to print out that Statue for bike riding and go to a council meeting to find out why it’s not enforced.
They also blow right through stop signs and don’t stop for people crossing in the crosswalk !


That’s Actually a good idea , I’m going to print out that Statue for bike riding and go to a council meeting to find out why it’s not enforced.
They also blow right through stop signs and don’t stop for people crossing in the crosswalk !


Bicycles are suppose obey the rules of the road just like cars. Stops signs, traffic lights, they are supposed to utilize the left turn lane if they are turning left. I'd raise hell about it, and take some video footage with you.
Tonight's channel 4 news dedicated a whole "segment" of interviews with these *******'s ,bike in hand, complaining about the city not shoveling their bike lanes. We had a hell of a storm, banks of plowed snow where the city could put it as it was plowed. I cant believe they even get air time with camera close-ups of their little wet bike tires while seriously not understanding why there is ice and snow in the bike lanes, not once being questioned about their decision to ride during and after a storm that made tough for the car,truck and bus traffic these streets were meant for.
OH! I just got it. That interview was to bring AWARENESS to the suffering and distress of the cyclists...
Tonight's channel 4 news dedicated a whole "segment" of interviews with these *******'s ,bike in hand, complaining about the city not shoveling their bike lanes. We had a hell of a storm, banks of plowed snow where the city could put it as it was plowed. I cant believe they even get air time with camera close-ups of their little wet bike tires while seriously not understanding why there is ice and snow in the bike lanes, not once being questioned about their decision to ride during and after a storm that made tough for the car,truck and bus traffic these streets were meant for.
OH! I just got it. That interview was to bring AWARENESS to the suffering and distress of the cyclists...

What a bunch of JERK-OFFS
So I can't help but notice that middle aged men need to wear yoga pants and leotards to ride a bicycle. Kids ride bikes every day without the need for that. Is that supposed to help them go faster? I can see if you race and 1/100th of a second counts, but riding down the highway to meet your other ****** buddies at Starbucks and piss off drivers of real vehicles? Oh, and the plastic slippers that Cinderella would wear are just dandy. If they only knew that the last thing i am looking out for is a bicycle they might keep it in their neighborhood. Im checking emails, texting, going thru music, spilling beer, smoking, and still trying to find enough time to keep my eyes on the road to keep my 9,500 lbs truck with drum brakes on pavement. I dont have time to look out for ******* on bicycles. Now if they were wearing clown costumes with big old clown shoes I would see them and show them some respect. Hope I see some today so I can black smoke them dickless bastards. clown-riding-a-miniature-bike-during-a-clown-parade-in-mexico-city-BNHKPY.jpg
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Oh man, my sides hurt from laughing. I've sure seen enough elderly and out of shape folks in tights on bicycles to last a couple lifetimes. I'm pretty sure they have no clue how ridiculous they look. Even the folks that are chiseled and wearing them look stupid as ****.

They really seem to enjoy dancing on the minefield when it comes to normal motorists. I've rolled plenty of coal for the bicyclists, I had an IDI 7.3 with a big turbo and that ************ could leave a trail of hate and anger visible from the moon if I dropped the hammer. I also got pretty good at hitting puddles and drenching them (rains constantly in Seattle). But again, only when they feel the need to hold everyone up.
Peleton goes past my house every week. Our City has established pedestrian lanes on the roadsides, a crap load of signage, and building additional “multi-use” trails all over. Our guys actually pay attention to the laws. But then again, I live on the good coast and you live where the nut jobs live !
That’s Some Funny **** Right There !
Ok, I was going to move on from posting this experience, maybe it's best to share, for what it's worth.

About a month ago I was heading home, I drive all day and average 200 mile's daily. I cover the front range here in CO. and see alot on the road's here.

I was close to home and thinking how smooth the day had gone when I came up on a slowdown on a normally fast paced street, 8th ave, runs east and west, one lane in each direction and rush hour about 4:30 p.m.

The slowdown is a group of four on bike's peddling slowly in the middle of the east bound lane, the car immediately behind them was falling way back "tolerating" them while other car's began honking and crossing the double yellow into on coming traffic to get around these bicyclists.

Three of the bike's got over toward the shoulder while the guy in front stayed in the middle of the lane and began the double flip-off. He held up both arm's flipping off the people behind him, the one's making it around him and on coming traffic!

Now people are slowing down to say a few things as they pass him and oncoming traffic is having to yield to them. It took about a mile for me and my turn to tell this jerk to get the **** out of the road
as I went around him. Now once clear I had about another half mile to go before my left turn onto my street and I'm about eight blocks from home....

When I got an opening for my turn I glanced in my left side mirror and there is this punk poising to take out my mirror with his foot! I veered out of the turn and pulled over to curb and was out of the car quick!

This clown knew what he was about to do but immediately had his phone in my face, filming, telling me to explain why I should be pissed at him for riding on the street. Never mind him being in the middle of the lane flipping off traffic!!

Now as I'm saying to him to mention into the camera what he was doing, other people are now slowing down and circling back around the block with their phones out the window filming this altercation.
As the shouting match continued I realized how this has gotten way out of hand and told this clown on film how I wished I could have smeared him into the pavement with my car, and meant it!

He was literally in my face with his phone, I wanted to smash him but I got in my car and turned to my right in the seat to buckle-up when this ****** punk circled around, got a little momentum and hacked a loogie in my face....

I'm shaking as I type this.
I was out of the car and caught him as he tried to ride against traffic to get away.
At 6'2",237, in great shape and fueled by adrenaline, rage and disbelief I tackled him and the bike.
I pulled his head so far backward by his little foam helmet that his mouth was wide open in a scream while I spit right down his throat.

His trusty phone had slid out into the traffic lane, I heard a female voice screaming "stop it your going to kill him".I was instantly out of my rage and now thinking to just get the **** out of here when this idiot is back in my face with his phone shouting"tell the police what you've done to me"
I again lost control and plowed him right in the mouth....it, the release, felt GOOD!!

Now Im back in my car, his friends on their bikes are there screaming whatever and all I could think is Assault Charge, witnesses, cell phone footage and nothing to corroborate or justify my story.

I live just a half mile away and was home in minutes but had to change and go to another job. I decided to head back that way, now in my truck and couldn't believe what I saw. This punk was whaling, even after the half hour or so it took me to get back there with all the other bikers and people in cars pulled over comforting him, what a crime scene!

I knew I was in trouble and decided to head back home, there was a police suburban out front of my house, I rolled right by and he pulled into traffic right behind me. He must have been to my door but didn't know this truck was me and just faded back once we began to head east on colfax.

I needed to pick up some argon gas but could hardly think, before I knew it I was at Gases parking lot.
I got a call from the Denver police as I was getting out if my truck, he said who he was, thanked me for answering and asked for my story after reminding me twice that I didnt have to talk to them and that we could do this a different way, I know what that meant and was glad to talk, even relieved to tell him what had happened in what seemed to be flash of time. I also knew he knew the detail's per the witnesses.

As I spoke I could here myself on a speaker, I asked if they were recording me and he said no and that he had me on car speaker so his partner could here me, she introduced herself and I continued in my audibly shaking voice, the adrenaline returned when I got to the part where the coward had spit in my face.

In a previous life I have had many contacts with police, me guilty every time... This was a much different procedure. The officer explained his and my options, theirs being a citation or them needing to take me into custody for assault , asked me my location and told me to stay put and that they needed to here from officers still at the scene, the ambulance crew for the victims condition, I thought,WHAT, the VICTIM!!!

The officer did finally call me back, by now Gases was closed, I didn't get the argon nor did I realize how much time had elapsed. He told me that in no way were they going to simply write me a citation for this altercation and let that hang in the air for what seemed forever
The female officer came on speaker and said that a resident had also had her phone filming from her backyard and was the ONLY witness to corroborate my side of this story.

The officer was a Sargent and had the prerogative to cite or take me or both of us (the victim) into custody. Because this victim and the witnesses were less than honest with their side of the story, punk never said a word about attempting to break my mirror or spitting in my face,
the Sargent made the decision to drop it right away but asked if he could give me "a lecture".
I welcomed it ! The Sargent explained that this punk could still come after me civilly for his injuries for something that I totally had the discretion to let go as just a few idiots on bikes.

I am 57, that punk was 26, I would have liked to think Id know better. I do know this could have turned out very bad. Pause when agitated, think twice, play the tape, whatever. I wont let this happen again.

We have a transportation czar here in Denver that has said openly that she plans to make driving an
Inconvenience which is putting both cyclists and drivers in danger with her bike lane choices, reductions in speed limits and traffic lanes in favor of "alternate" mode transportation. While pot is now legal, we are thinking of decriminalizing mushrooms and allowing "safe injection sites" for our road going public. What then are the chances of there being people like I had the altercation with, riding in the middle of the street giving everybody the bird, being routinely DUI or BUI? Still ther is no excuse for someone like me,supposedly sober and in a sane frame of mind to be making the stupid choice I made over some clown on his bike......
Glad You Got Out Of It OK ! .... Hopefully He Smartens Up !

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