I watched it again, this time with sound and the motorcyclist did at least get off the gas before he bowled them over.
I don't quite understand the video liptoss posted. It looked to me like it was the motorcycle's fault not the "ignorant bicyclists" that started this thread. Those guys were off to the side of the road and that bike crossed the lane and took them out. It didn't look like he even tried to brake.
The amount of hate is this thread is very disappointing.:sad2: You do know that some people feel this way about guys on motorcycles?
The lack of tolerance of other people is the cause of a lot of today's problems.
What's your feeling about them ? ........ I deal with them every weekend " PERSONALLY "
If you you don't ever have to deal with them , then I'm not sure that you understand to what extent they hinder traffic flow !
Sure I deal with them, (Google "RAGBRAI") lots of cyclists in Iowa.
I also live a block from a school and deal with people blocking my driveway and buses stopping every couple of blocks during the week. On weekends every Buick driving blue hair with a handicap sticker is on the road. Not a day goes by that someone doesn't try to kill me on my motorcycle.
When someone annoys you, ask yourself. "If that was my mom/brother/cousin/neighbor, would I still be mad?
Tolerance and understanding will set you free.......
I do get that , but I don't know why they think they can impede traffic because they're peddling , if I was doing it I would exspect a ticket or get my ass kicked !