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Yes, it appears the motorcylist ran wide as he was on the far side of the curve, and encroached onto the narrow bike lane, which the bicyclists were legally using. Either a motorcyclist with a small skill set, or one with malicious intent. It didn't look like he was carrying all that much speed through the corner to where his momentum would naturally drift him to the outside of the curve. I ride road and off-road bicycles, and that video is a good reason why I always use a helmet and gloves.

Locally in south Florida there have been more roads marked with the double-chevron pointing down the road, and the outline of a bicyclist, which is supposed to mean, 'bicycles are allowed to ride two-abreast.' These are supposed to alert motorists to the bicyclists' rights to 'own the lane,' but I rarely see them purposefully-obstructing faster traffic, because we have too-many crazy motorists who would gladly hit them with their mirrors (think, redneck 4x4's with body lifts) or even the sideswipe maneuver. There have been a few dead bicyclists because of traffic accidents, where the motorist was a hit & run, that have galvanized local bike clubs to press for the signage, and more i.d. on roads proclaiming them to be bicycle designated routes.

I don't quite understand the video liptoss posted. It looked to me like it was the motorcycle's fault not the "ignorant bicyclists" that started this thread. Those guys were off to the side of the road and that bike crossed the lane and took them out. It didn't look like he even tried to brake.
Looks like a classic case of target fixation.

Always need to look where you want to go......not at what you're trying to avoid.
Droves of these " MOTHERFUCKERS " out in Boynton beach Florida today , one old **** in spandex Flipping off the car in front of me for swerving around him , that's my point , what do they think when their riding 15 MPH'S in the middle of the road and the speed limit is 35 MPH'S ?

******* ******** ! . . . . . MAY YOU ALL GET SQUWOOSHED !

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They are a different breed forsure! I had a guy that I used to work with that was just getting into cat 1 racing which is professional from a cat 2 (high level amateur) and it's like they think they are superior to "regular" people! I'm a mountain biker, like a real mountain biker and know quite a few roadies and you should hear the s**t they say about the people on the road! It's like they are entitled to do whatever they want on the road and we need to yield to them.
Yup! 100% target fixation on the part of the motorcyclist. HE was probably driving over his comfort level and fixated on the sexy ass of the rear rider. (pun intended).
But seriously. don't wanna jack the thread, but what really irks me!?
Those damn E bikes. You know, with the ass*&les that have lost their license for a D&D.
They think that they are capable of "keeping" up with traffic and when it suits them to act like a bicyclist at intersections they do.
They really bug me!
WOW WOW WOW , CHECK IT OUT , I WAS OUT RIDING ON MY MAGNA FOR MANY HOURS TODAY WITH SON , we wound up out on Jupiter Island again and saw a new sign , had to stop and take a ******* PICTURE !

And I quote .... " BICYCLIST "
______________2) SHALL RIDE SINGLE FILE
______________FLA. STATUTE #316.2065

Why don't the cops enforce that ?
Just went on Florida's website and found it , STATUTE #316.2065 "BICYCLE REGULATIONS "


The amount of hate is this thread is very disappointing.:sad2: You do know that some people feel this way about guys on motorcycles?

The lack of tolerance of other people is the cause of a lot of today's problems.
The amount of hate is this thread is very disappointing.:sad2: You do know that some people feel this way about guys on motorcycles?

The lack of tolerance of other people is the cause of a lot of today's problems.

What's your feeling about them ? ........ I deal with them every weekend " PERSONALLY "

If you don't ever have to deal with them , then I'm not sure that you understand to what extent they hinder traffic flow !
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As a MATTER OF FACT , back in the day I was a JERK-OFF QUITE OFTEN !

Now I just want to make it home ALIVE !
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My parents taught me at a very young age not to ride my ******* BICYCLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD !


WHAT am I ******* MISSING ?
What's your feeling about them ? ........ I deal with them every weekend " PERSONALLY "

If you you don't ever have to deal with them , then I'm not sure that you understand to what extent they hinder traffic flow !

Sure I deal with them, (Google "RAGBRAI") lots of cyclists in Iowa.

I also live a block from a school and deal with people blocking my driveway and buses stopping every couple of blocks during the week. On weekends every Buick driving blue hair with a handicap sticker is on the road. Not a day goes by that someone doesn't try to kill me on my motorcycle.

When someone annoys you, ask yourself. "If that was my mom/brother/cousin/neighbor, would I still be mad?
Tolerance and understanding will set you free.......
Sure I deal with them, (Google "RAGBRAI") lots of cyclists in Iowa.

I also live a block from a school and deal with people blocking my driveway and buses stopping every couple of blocks during the week. On weekends every Buick driving blue hair with a handicap sticker is on the road. Not a day goes by that someone doesn't try to kill me on my motorcycle.

When someone annoys you, ask yourself. "If that was my mom/brother/cousin/neighbor, would I still be mad?
Tolerance and understanding will set you free.......

I do get that , but I don't know why they think they can impede traffic because they're peddling , if I was doing it I would exspect a ticket or get my ass kicked !
I'm not being a dick , I'm just curious , what do you and others do when a "PACK" of them are blocking the road peddling 20 mph's in a 50 mph zone ?
If you go around them they flip you off !
Do others Just follow behind them ?
I do get that , but I don't know why they think they can impede traffic because they're peddling , if I was doing it I would exspect a ticket or get my ass kicked !

Tractors impede traffic, school buses impede traffic, deer impede traffic, scooters impede traffic, amish horse & buggies impede traffic, and on and on and on............

Why do you discriminate? Hate them all or tolerate them all.
Bottom line, you have to share the road with people who have a right to it too. As 'paulibiker' said, there are lots of other users, of all types. Yes, frustrating, when they don't allow traffic to pass them. But, if you do something where someone gets hurt, then you have all-sorts of legal issues happening. It's not worth it to expose yourself to that kind of problem. Sometimes you have to surrender your sense of righteous indignation to the bitter pill of acquiescence, knowing that even though they may not be following the law, if you cause an accident, your life could be ruined. There are many attorneys who will gladly take a personal-injury case even though the injured party was doing something they shouldn't have, because they know the insurance company will settle rather than litigate something at trial.

Every time I get on the road, I say a prayer for my safety, and the safety of my family being on the road. Stupid aggressive drivers or riders whether on powered vehicles or bicycles, or even pedestrians, are not going to control my behavior, I am going to be responsible for that.
I think we should be more tolerant of the intolerant. [emoji848]

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