I want a cigarette!!!!!

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Your best bet when you find yourself wanting a cigarette is to find something to occupy your mind. Something that makes you think a lot and take your train of thought off smoking.
Talking about it is only going to keep it fresh in your mind.

Agreed! Find something else to do! Every time you want a smoke, tell the wife you need sex to get your mind off of it! :thumbs up:
Agreed! Find something else to do! Every time you want a smoke, tell the wife you need sex to get your mind off of it! :thumbs up:

I ain't as young as as used to be!!!!:rofl_200:


:bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head:
Agreed! Find something else to do! Every time you want a smoke, tell the wife you need sex to get your mind off of it! :thumbs up:
**** IF THAT WORKS , I'M GOING TO START SMOKING JUST SO SHE CAN MAKE ME STOP !:wkwk::th_love031:, OH , WITH ALL DO RESPECT ! ...:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
Nicotine is sneaky **** Kyle, it'll trick you into thinking you can "have just one........."! You can't!!

Like Chris said....don't do it, man!!! It'll get you again, and the next time you try to quit will be 10 times worse than this time!
i find it hard to believe with a vmax, you'd need any other type of stress relief!!!! **** man go find the straightest part of road u can and do about 5 WOT runs. that always clears my head.
IF YOU WANT SOME REAL EXCITEMENT , SET UP A JUMP !:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
I am like that too, not smoke for a week or two, but get a few drinks in me and before I know it a half pack is gone!:confused2:
It normally takes me over a week to smoke a pack, man, why do I even do it......:ummm:
MAYBE IT KEEPS YOUR MIND OFF OF YOUR AVTARS !:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
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haha. Skinning up - in the queen's english - the art of rolling a decent joint! :biglaugh:

not that any of you guys would know anything about that, i've yet to find a native of this here country able to put something i would call a decent smoke together lol :rofl_200:
i know when i'm " skinning up " , she has goose bumps on her ass cheeks !:rofl_200::biglaugh::rofl_200:
and apparently forgot how to do multiple quotes! hah...

i agree with the others kaboom. find something to do when u want one!
Your best bet when you find yourself wanting a cigarette is to find something to occupy your mind. Something that makes you think a lot and take your train of thought off smoking.
Talking about it is only going to keep it fresh in your mind.

+1 again.

And get rid of all of the reminders. Throw out smokey clothes. Get rid of the ash trays. If you smoke indoors, try to clean everything.

Yeah...I was talkin'bout choo.....choo gotsa problem wit'dat....HUH.....HUH....Watchoo gonna do bout it...HUH:damn angry:
