im so sorry,i wen,t through one 22 yrs ago don,t waste your life like i did ,i said just a couple more beers ,just a little more of this or that, all i was showing her was how fast i could go down,be sure its what you both wan,t, [my god does it hurt,]if youall fight it out in court over he said she said,the lawyers win ,you both will end up broke,and i thought to myself im ugly and too damn old ,how will i fit in the dating thing again?please don,t you fall apart ,like the old saying sais god don,t make junk.if it does happen be strong as you can be,13 yrs is a long time ,i hope for all of you as a family it don,t ,happen,bye the way i am ugly and i ended up remarried,your heart and you personallty tells me you are a good person,i just hope your wife sees it too ,i know your lil boy does,