I'm guessing ...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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it's so quiet around here bc all of you guys are out enjoying your beautiful weather on your bikes while i sit here @ work. :bang head:
Supposed to be high 70s - low 80s here today. Worked all morning . Going to the p.o. & bank , storage to drop some books off to my beautiful wife , kiss her goodby .............. & ride the rest of the day , See Ya ! :punk:
I just got of work early, now it's time to ride! Where is guntown? I like the name....

I shouldn't tell you since the first part of your post makes me bitchy. lmao.

Supposed to be high 70s - low 80s here today. Worked all morning . Going to the p.o. & bank , storage to drop some books off to my beautiful wife , kiss her goodby .............. & ride the rest of the day , See Ya ! :punk:

I'm going to pray that your beautiful wife finds lots of work for you!!! :biglaugh:
no bike! Sean has it captive :( plus it is already freezing here, working on snowing already..... G
yuck. it's soooo nice out here .... makes me sick that i can't ride.
Winter has come 3 weeks early this year. It's 68 degrees f. And an inch of rain is coming. This Calif weather is rough.
Well, Casey is proud to announce that Guntown, MS's weather is going to be fantastic for the rest of the week & throughout the weekend. Maxine will get a work-out!! Woo hoo!!!
Riverside Ca, Holding at 66 degrees, no rain yet but its coming...THATS WHEN MY MAX GET TO GO PLAY RAIN MONSTER! The game is easy,find a stupid task to go do like pay a bill. Then catch every red light you can. After each red light you see how far you can get without hitting the red line or getting traction.

My record is an uphill 3rd gear 70mph still fishtailing. The next stop light the SUV behind me rolled its windows down (in the rain) so I could get my applause!
GREEN light BLITZ ....... :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping: to the Rain Monster game !!
Even my work's not really work. I put 2 new carb boots in the 89 today. It's was low 80's here ....
it's so quiet around here bc all of you guys are out enjoying your beautiful weather on your bikes while i sit here @ work. :bang head:
Just beat the rain on a 60 mile run west from the Cape, staying overnight now, weather is not great in RI. But I'm 60 miles from the ********! And free tomorrow. Yeaaaaa
it's so quiet around here bc all of you guys are out enjoying your beautiful weather on your bikes while i sit here @ work.

I'm kind of glad I'm not at work this week. I got my leave approved last night. :)
Every errand I had to run today was on the Max. I put a few miles on the Wife's KLX last evening, too. Sunny, dry and clear in the upper 70's on the Northern Prairie.