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Ive posted in a similar thread but I pay 1500 a year. Good driver. Ill find later and add to my post. I wish I could only pay 107....

I had to fight my Allstate in court with a jury trial to collect on under insured motorist... 6 years 3 months and won my case...
Didn't get crap back for my medical bills. To me, ALLSTATE SUCKS. I was with them for 30 years. They are great until you need
them.. Then you are the Enemy....

Rant, Sorry, Dave:confused2:

PS: I overheard Allstate and our Judge cut a deal between them. To buy the Judges Daughter a car if things went well. The
Judge cut the settlement in half after the jury was dismissed, saying they didn't mean for me to get that much money... Who
am I to speak out against a Judge... Ya Know...:bang head:
Way back when, I have been bitchslapped by good hands of Allstate, been on the wrong side of Nationwide, plowed under by Farmers, just plain ******-over by State Farm. And now I'm with a George Soros want-a-be. Great. Just great.
Now that i have stirred things up, bought new insurance for the bike and boat. I call Progressive to cancel my 2 policys. The employee informs me that Peter Lewis has not been involved with Progressive Insurance for a very long time. She said the CEO is Glen Renwick. She seemed prepared for this, so i am not the only one to change companies over the Peter Lewis issue. Guess i need to investigate a litle further. It is possible that Peter Lewis and progressive is very very old news.:confused2:

Just checked the progressive website, Peter Lewis is the Chairman of the Board, my wife was right, the employee was trying to cover up the facts.
we use farm bureau. when we make a claim they just come by and drop off checks. my dad's ex gf used state farm and they wouldnt even cover the full cost of a repair on her car when she got rear ended. sad really. pay and pay for 10 years and then finally claim and they still f u over
Insurance companies are in business to take your money, not to give any back. The only real good they do is keep you from being sued personally when an accident is your fault. Our American legal system is F'd up and against us too. Canadian Riders get F'd really bad on premiums. Much worse than here in the U.S.

PS: You'd all be amazed at what can't be said about an insurance company when in a jury trial... For one, we couldn't make any statements or references about, "Your In Good Hands With Allstate".
USAA was a really good company as far as rates went, UNTIL WE HAD A CLAIM. USAA spent more time and resources coming up with new, inventive reasons to lower their payoff to us for our tornado-ruined RV, than they would have spent had they just paid the replacement value and moved on.

We dumped them switched the RV over to Farm Bureau where the house and cars already were. FB was at our house before the wind stopped blowing and adding damages to the claim that I hadn't even noticed before the adjuster pointed them out.

IMO, Farm Bureau rocks. USAA SUCKS.

State Farm F**Ked me over back in my 20's, and have NEVER BEEN AN OPTION since.

...just my 2 cents...
USAA was a really good company as far as rates went, UNTIL WE HAD A CLAIM. USAA spent more time and resources coming up with new, inventive reasons to lower their payoff to us for our tornado-ruined RV, than they would have spent had they just paid the replacement value and moved on.

We dumped them switched the RV over to Farm Bureau where the house and cars already were. FB was at our house before the wind stopped blowing and adding damages to the claim that I hadn't even noticed before the adjuster pointed them out.

IMO, Farm Bureau rocks. USAA SUCKS.

State Farm F**Ked me over back in my 20's, and have NEVER BEEN AN OPTION since.

...just my 2 cents...

Wow! I would say you're one of the very few who got dicked over by USAA... I'm sorry that happened. When my car had a tree fall branch fall on it, they did everything I expected of them. I paid my deductible and they took care of the rest.

Also, when banking with them I had a problem where I bought a set of wheels that were damaged, so the company just put my money in as store credit for me to get a different set of wheels. The company shut and never said a word to me. I found out by showing up at their door to see the "Out of Business" sign :bang head: I called up USAA, gave them a little statement about what happened, and less than a week later I had the money in my account. They did all the work for me :punk:

Glad you found Farm Bureau though. I'll keep that in mind in case USAA ever screws me over. You just can't beat their prices though.
Wow! I would say you're one of the very few who got dicked over by USAA... I'm sorry that happened.

Google it. You'll find whole websites dedicated to telling the truth about USAA's crumby service on payouts.

Try starting here:

We paid them extra to have "replacement value". We suffered a total loss on a 2004 33' Rampage toyhauler RV. Easy enough. What's it cost to replace it? I'd say it's a no brainer when two of the EXACT SAME RV's exist, and are for sale at the touch of your fingertips on the I-net. Called both of them, got their low, low bid. Called the lowest one back, told him our loss story, got another $400.00 knocked off the price. USAA lowballed that bid by over $5800.00!!!!!!!!!! They manufactured their own version of "replacement value" by some 3rd party company they use to screw people over. The 3rd party co, refused to even consider the 'exact same' RV avail for sale, and instead began by comparing some other brand RV which was 5' shorter than our 33'r, and doing fuzzy math claiming to match an equal for comparison purposes. Geezzzzzzzzz.

Turned them in to the MO BBB and insurance commission etc. Got like another offer from them to settle in which they came up another $500. and let me keep the remains of the wrecked RV to sell to the salvage yard myself.

We moved our bank account, credit card (fair $$ balance) , a bike loan, and our insurance business within 2 months of this. They lost more $$ in 1yr of our interest than they saved by low-balling us on the RV. Stupid D*ck claims person, probably got a raise by showing how he saved money on our claim on paper.

'Screw me once, shame on YOU. Screw me twice...........ah, it ain't gonna happen.'

...just sayin...

AAA Insurance $471/yr.
Face it guys, ALL insurance companies are out to make money,lots of it. That's how they afford to make all those silly ass commercials and build all those perty steel and glass buildings with their CEOs and upper management getting huge salaries and bonuses.True,some use a little KY and give you a kiss when they f..k you and some just bend you over and give it to you dry.
No need for me to say too much; ain't no way I could say it any better than Mike did.

Will add this.................

Take a hard look some time when you're out for a ride; notice the companies who own all those huge, fancy, high priced, high tech buildings that you see?

Those are the companies who are "really" in charge of our country these days.

Show me the $$$$$$$$

Jester 42

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