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Just added a third bike to my policy. With the multiple discount, they ended up owing me a dollar!!! Three bikes, with the vmax having full coverage, a 2002 honda rebel (liability coverage only), and a 91 yamaha tw200 (liability coverage only)....for a grand total of $136 per year.
I think it should be insurance based. If you have a certain qty of insurance (say $1million in AD&D) to cover any costs of being an invalid then let them chose. BUT, many times the helmetless people end up costing the taxpayers since they don't have enough to cover their care and or hospital stay.

That's where your rights infringe upon mine.



Definitely Irony... Feel sorry for the family that they lost a loved one though.
The irony of Mr. Contos's death was not the fact he died while riding in support of abolishing NY helmet law's - no that was the EASY by-line, the irony was how could an experienced rider (over 10yrs & an Army Vet) lose his focus resulting in his pants getting tangeled in his chain catapulting him to the pavement. Would a helmet saved him - maybe? But the decision should be left to those who ride.
As taxpayers we ALL support activities others do that are dangerous or stupid. More laws equal less freedom. Helmet law's vary state to state along with their enforcement. Most state's that allow adult's the option not to wear a helmet REQUIRE you carry additional insurnace to cover injury to yourself /passenger and or completion of a Motorcycle Safety Course but Texas law does NOT ALLOW an officer to stop you for that sole purpose.

Let those who ride - decide !
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At the speeds we ride VMax's, a helmet may be more dangerous than not having one. This coming from a person who wrecked at 16 with a Bell 3/4 helmet. Dr's said they could only estimate how many fractures I had in my face. one thought 3,000 to 4,000. Eye Orbits, Nose, Cheeks, Forehead and Upper Jaw. If I'd have had a Full Face Helmet on, it may have saved my face and 2 years of black eyes but it may have also broken my neck on impact. There's good and bad all ways you look at this issue. I weigh the options and possibilities every time I get on a bike..

No helmet, Yes, I'd have been Dead at the scene.
About 4 years ago, my son and I were riding ATVs with two other dads and sons. My son and I always rode with helmets, all others did as well...except one of the other dads. He's a freind so I asked him on more than one occasion to wear a helmet ( never pushed him too far as we guys know how our egos can get ). Finally, here wore a full face helmet that day. Same day, he went down a very steep hill, made a mistake and the 600lb ATV did an happened so fast that he stayed with the ATV...endo'ed/flipped and the rear cargo rack landed on his head.....cracked his helmet but more than likely saved his life. We still talk about it. Moral....**** happens so fast that one may not have a chance without the safety gear.