Is 5 Turns Out On Mixture Screws.......

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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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So. Cal. excessive amount to you? I dunno but that seems to be the magic number for me. After a carb tear down and float level readjust (to 16mm on the nose!) and a 49-state needle swap this is where my '94 runs best at. All 4 carbs respond to screw turns and I get no hesitation or popping whatsoever and the idle is glass-smooth. I originally tore into it because I wanted to split the rack and reset the floats. while I was at it I changed all of the coasting enrichers because they were shot. While it was apart I went ahead and put in the 5EZ-43 needles as I already had the #90 PAJ1 so, in essence, it is now a 49-state setup. There is a noticable difference in the taper of the two needles. In fact, the Cal. needle had more taper (go figure) than the 49-state one which would make it richer in the lower end of the circuit yet these are supposed to be emissions-friendly??? I don't get it. Just for *****-n-giggles, I also yanked the canister and plugged the nipple. Looks better anyhow. I left the tank vent hose open to atmosphere.

Back to my question. After I got it warmed up and sync'd I ended up with nearly 5-turns out on the screws to get my best idle and off-idle response. I know these fall out much past 5 1/2 turns. Most of you all seem to be in the 3-4 turn range.

So, WTF??:bang head:

Like I said, it runs great. Should I worry?

I know the only way to bring back the screw turns is to put in smaller PAJ2's (which are the stock #170) but maybe I will just leave it for now.

What do the "carb gurus" think?

Thanx again for a wonder and insightful site:clapping::clapping:

I sure am no 'guru', but I'd say that if it's running fine, I would leave it there and do two things:

- do the spark plugs test (warm up, run at normal speed for a couple of miles, then pull the clutch and hit the kill switch, roll down to a stop, take the plugs out and check what they look like). If they're light chocolate brown - you're good!

- make sure to plug your A/F screws holes, just in case one drops out!! (I still have spare plugs, shoot me a PM with yer snailmail addy if you want some)

Just for the record, on my '86 with stock carbs/jets/needles I'm set at 2 5/8 turns on all four.. I do run a K&N air filter though - supposed to have a bit more air flow.
I would say that 5 turns is too far out. I have the same issue, I am now at 5 turns after being lean at 4.5 Here is an article that helps out, much of it I am sure you will already know but down at the bottom it recommends using larger pilot jets if you are more than 3.5 turns out. The stock is 37.5. I am going to be going up to 40s at a minimum so I can run my screws back in a bit.
The part number for the stock is 47221-001 regardless of the year
PM me dude if you need any help, I dont live to far from you.
Fargo, part for Vmax PFJ's are N151.067.

They are about six bucks a piece at
Fargo, part for Vmax PFJ's are N151.067.

They are about six bucks a piece at

Thanks Mark. I am not happy about having to dive into the jet block to replace this but I will be able to check a couple of things out while I got the carbs off the bike. Appreciate the help white bread.

No problem. Morley told me where to find the number.
Thanx for the help, guys. Ya know, if I woulda known this (and it had crossed my mind) while I had the carbs split I woulda swapped the stock 37.5's out for the larger PFJ's but now since it is back in and running well, in fact, better that it has in eons, I will live with the 5-turns out....for now. I guess I am just a bit too anal but in all actuality the extra turns out on the screws really woke the low end and idling issues up and it really is nothing more than (from what I have gathered) having #'s 40 or 42 PFJ's with less turns out.

This seems to be attributed to the fact that I took out the Cal. needles and PAJ's and swapped in the 49-state counterparts at the same time ****-canning the vapor canister and plugging the carb nipple. I still am not certain as to what extent, but all of these components worked in unison [as well as a different throttle blade (?)] in the "smogger" version carbies and I upset the original calibration by switching components. Even looking at the service manual it states that the 49-state versions are #90 PAJ and the 5EZ43 needles with 2 1/4 turns out on the mixture screws while the Cal. versions are #100, 5EZ50 and 3 turns, respectively. Furthermore, it says that the throttle plates (valve) in the 49-state versions are #125 and the Cal. version is a #130 to which I have yet to find out the subtleties, if any of the two if in fact there are any discrepancies between the two in all actuality. Just like the camshaft differences between the two engines. Some say "yes" whilst others say "no".
I am beginning to think allot of this information (or lack thereof) is based purely on subjective and unsubstantiated speculative "guesses" because of the basic lack of any specifications written in any reference material for the VMX-12 still to date.
All I can say is it runs better, it idles smoother and is not plagued with the associated "cold blooded" characteristic maladies it was suffering from. The plugs all have a nice tan color. So, in retrospect, is 5-turns out really "that" bad afterall?
At this point I would venture to say "no". But as has been suggested I should jump up a size or two on the PFJ's but at this juncture in time I will leave the carbs on the bike and just ride it untill the need arises to pull the rack once again..
Thanx to all for the insightful help!!