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I took the pic of Brad off so he won't see it. of course some brad in Okla might see the thread and wonder if everyone was talking about him.

I don't hink the people on this forum are mean but it goes to show you that sometimes we don't think that what we say can hurt others.

Lets drop this and go back to helping each other or on my case helping

....but.....but......aren't you a HOPELESS case?????? [you know I'm only kidding] :biglaugh:

Yeah, I've been following your carb troubles and wishing we were closer for a "carb tune fest". Usually ends up being a lot easier than first suspected, especially if you end up owning the right tools for the job. aka syncronizer, and such.

I'm wondering how many carb problems would/might go away IF our tanks were made of heavy plastic, and therefore, rust free. I know I've often wondered how much tiny, gritty shiite makes its way through even the best inline filters to block up a jet block.
It's not that important I connect with this guy it was just funny I ran across the pic and wondered if he might still be a VMAX fan and maybe be on here without me even knowing it. I made the mistake of posting his pic and I guess people can have fun joking around but I just don't think it is right.

That's just me. So I changed the post and took the pic off. I have more important problems to worry about ( MY BIKE ) then to waste time defending a guy that I don't even know.

So I came down on you pickles... I guess I am just touchy because I once weighed 385 lbs and now I am at 233 so I am still a big guy but I also felt the digs that fat people get all the time and most people don't understand how it can hurt, I do so that is why I reacted this way.


Hey Ron, That's not big... I weighed 450 at one point! I got down to 219 and looked like I was about to die I was so skinny. I weigh quite a bit more than that now but I'm not huge either. I could stand to lose 40 pounds... Just not as easy now that I'm older. :damn angry:

Damn Chris, that's a whole lotta man. You were looking pretty good in Topeka a couple of years ago in my opinion!

Damn Chris, that's a whole lotta man. You were looking pretty good in Topeka a couple of years ago in my opinion!


Like I said... I'm not HUGE... I do lift 3 days a week too and I tend to be a big guy.

Hey... As long as I'm not 450 I'm happy. I get up at 5am and walk 2 miles on the treadmill every weekday so it's not that I don't try. I just have that fork to mouth disease. :biglaugh:
If you want Ron, I can edit or crop the picture so you can only see his face.
If you want Ron, I can edit or crop the picture so you can only see his face.

I edited the post and removed the image.. if anything maybe you can just delete the thread.. it didn't go where I meant it to go and people can get hurt by personal attacks.. My purpose was to show a guy who bought one of my VMAX'S and then went home and bought his wife a new one.. I never meant it for him to be attacked for his size
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