I took the pic of Brad off so he won't see it. of course some brad in Okla might see the thread and wonder if everyone was talking about him.
I don't hink the people on this forum are mean but it goes to show you that sometimes we don't think that what we say can hurt others.
Lets drop this and go back to helping each other or on my case helping me........lol
....but.....but......aren't you a HOPELESS case?????? [you know I'm only kidding] :biglaugh:
Yeah, I've been following your carb troubles and wishing we were closer for a "carb tune fest". Usually ends up being a lot easier than first suspected, especially if you end up owning the right tools for the job. aka syncronizer, and such.
I'm wondering how many carb problems would/might go away IF our tanks were made of heavy plastic, and therefore, rust free. I know I've often wondered how much tiny, gritty shiite makes its way through even the best inline filters to block up a jet block.