Well-Known Member
At the suggestion of Traumahawk, I finally picked up a small set of Japanese Industry Standard screwdrivers (JIS). They're no joke. They really do fit perfectly into the heads of all these cross-head screws. If you're going to do a bunch of work this winter and have lots of stock screws to fiddle with, do yourself a favor and pick up a set. Now that I've tried one, I'm going to get some longer ones, and see if I can get a number 1 (my set seems to only get as bit as a normal 2). I got a set on Amazon for $25.
I'm sure there are better ones and ebay and whatever, but try one and you won't want to use the wrong tool again.
I'm sure there are better ones and ebay and whatever, but try one and you won't want to use the wrong tool again.