Appreciate the explanation…..makes sense…thanks.
I went with a #19 drill bit size. Its what has been around for a long time in the DJ kits. Works well with the DJ stage 7 springs. Why did you drill your our bigger? Before I drilled my slides I read everything that I could on other forums. The general consensus was you could go shorter springs with a stock size air hole. If you drilled the slides, then you must go with the softer spring or other wise they would fight each other.My bike has the Morley kit, I was never able to get it to run right with the shorter DJ stage 7 spring.
I changed to the stock spring and was able to get it to run better. I have a Kerker 4 into 1. I also went to slides that I drilled to .125 in, on the lift hole. I use a Motion Pro needle and stock idle jets.. The PAJ 1 and 2 air jets are one size bigger. The bike will take throttle in 5 th gear at 1500 rpm with out issue. I usually get high 30's to low 40's mpg on the road,; I would like to hear of anyones experiences on how they determined how big to drill the slide lift holes and what there experiences were with changing from the short slide springs (DH stage 7) vs the longer stock springs. Regards
They are probably stock. There are some stock needles that are adjustable, but those are VERY hard to find.Hello trauma Hawk On my '86 the needles have only one clip setting, is this likely stock? I do not know the history of this bike. I am certain that many of us are breathing a sigh of relief knowing that you have picked up the torch from danny max, impossible shoes for many of us fill. Thanks and happy trails.