Lawmakers or FLAWmakers??

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Jun 25, 2008
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columbia county new york
A couple NY Dems, not wanting anyone to appear any less stoopid than anyone else, have dreamed up this fine piece of legislation...........:jerk it:

New York: Legislators Propose Outrageous Ammunition Restriction Legislation


Two New York legislators have announced that they are introducing legislation in 2016 that would severely limit ammunition purchases. State Senator Roxanne Persaud (D-19) and Assemblywoman Jo Anne Simon (D-52) want to pass a law that would limit ammo purchases to twice the capacity of the firearm during a 90-day period (3 months)!

Undeterred by the failed SAFE Act, anti-gun lawmakers in Albany seem determined to pursue the same failed policies and will not stop until the Second Amendment is completely dismantled. The SAFE Act has done nothing to lower crime in New York and has turned law-abiding citizens into criminals. The SAFE Act had its own ammunition restrictions and required ammunition background checks which were suspended after Governor Cuomo embarrassingly realized that such a system was impractical. In addition, the last attempt to regulate how many rounds a person could load into a gun was overturned by a Federal District Court in New York and ruled unconstitutional. Persaud and Simon are justifying this bill by pointing to terrorism, as if terrorists are going to voluntarily ration ammunition. There are so many problems with this legislation that it would be impossible to highlight them all herein. Again, for the sake of New York citizens, we would hope legislators start focusing on the serious issues facing the state and stop introducing these embarrassing ideas.

It’s readily evident that the two lawmakers know next to nothing about the subject of firearms and ammunition. Manufacturers don’t even package ammunition with such a random number of cartridges in many cases. This is one of the most absurd bills being introduced in the entire country. However, because anti-gun legislators in New York have a history of defying logic, we will treat this legislation as another serious attempt to infringe on your constitutional right to self-defense.
Time to invest in Ammo stocks and futures. The rush will be on.
That is total ******** Dan-o, but not surprising at all.
People will be stock pilling 1000+ rounds of their favorites. Reloading supplies will
be flying off the shelf. And New Yorker's will be buying elsewhere anyway. I'm seriously looking at moving from the oppressive regime I reside in. What fashionable, feel good ********! Hillary gets in, it becomes a nation wide issue. In Ma, we have an organization called GOAL. It focuses on the state laws of Massachusetts regarding firearms. I think the fight needs to be on everyone's local level first.
A couple NY Dems, not wanting anyone to appear any less stoopid than anyone else, have dreamed up this fine piece of legislation...........:jerk it:

New York: Legislators Propose Outrageous Ammunition Restriction Legislation
These women don't know anything about guns or ammunition. Yes! they would like to take our guns but that's not gonna happen Dan-o :boxing00:
It's a complete joke!! The cost of something like this would be in the hundreds of millions of dollars, it's time for reasonable thinking tax payers....on both sides of the get rid of these money wasting, head jammed up ******* fools!

NYC/Westchester Co. idiots I'm betting! :punk:
Maybe get back to the good old days of local signature petitions . Countywide petitions with majority number of signatures presented to the local pol threatening recall vote or voting other party should/could have an effect...maybe...:confused2:

Guttah do sumthin...:bang head:
I have to convert the font to a color easily legible because my baby-boomer eyes cannot easily read that color, sorry.

Two New York legislators have announced that they are introducing legislation in 2016 that would severely limit ammunition purchases. State Senator Roxanne Persaud (D-19) and Assemblywoman Jo Anne Simon (D-52) want to pass a law that would limit ammo purchases to twice the capacity of the firearm during a 90-day period (3 months)!

Undeterred by the failed SAFE Act, anti-gun lawmakers in Albany seem determined to pursue the same failed policies and will not stop until the Second Amendment is completely dismantled. The SAFE Act has done nothing to lower crime in New York and has turned law-abiding citizens into criminals. The SAFE Act had its own ammunition restrictions and required ammunition background checks which were suspended after Governor Cuomo embarrassingly realized that such a system was impractical. In addition, the last attempt to regulate how many rounds a person could load into a gun was overturned by a Federal District Court in New York and ruled unconstitutional. Persaud and Simon are justifying this bill by pointing to terrorism, as if terrorists are going to voluntarily ration ammunition. There are so many problems with this legislation that it would be impossible to highlight them all herein. Again, for the sake of New York citizens, we would hope legislators start focusing on the serious issues facing the state and stop introducing these embarrassing ideas.

It’s readily evident that the two lawmakers know next to nothing about the subject of firearms and ammunition. Manufacturers don’t even package ammunition with such a random number of cartridges in many cases. This is one of the most absurd bills being introduced in the entire country. However, because anti-gun legislators in New York have a history of defying logic, we will treat this legislation as another serious attempt to infringe on your constitutional right to self-defense.
Idiots trying to Run the World.......................
I stocked up on ammo when Obama took office and every time I'm where ammo is sold I buy a few boxes. One thing we have known for awhile is that this is not going to get any easier.
I just spent $16 a gallon for non ethanol fuel to put into my bikes for winter storage. There isn't one pump in the entire state of RI that has it. Perhaps the foolish anti gun idiots should focus their attention on something that might actually make a positive difference and help everybody, like not letting the feds push ethanol down our filler necks.
It takes longer to get the gun out of the case, than to shoot that many rounds. Completely shows there ignorance. Just clueless:bang head:
If Ms. Clinton, gets elected, or just nominated,there will be the largest rush on ammo and fire arm purchasing in history. And rightfully so. The first part of her agenda will be to attempt to push a new anti-second amendment Supreme court justice through the senate. She also has stated, she'll support a mandatory gun buy back program. Comply or become a criminal. That is why pro 2nd amendment supporters are not willing to budge on most legislation. Getting legislature over turned is more difficult than passing it. Picture America 20 or 30 years down the road where only criminals are left with the means to protect our rights? Just read up on what happened in Germany in the 1930's and 1940's for the answer.
Mandatory buy back ey Steve-o? Good thing about Clinton is you can't believe a ******' word she says, if she thinks that's what the audience wants to hear....that's what she'll tell them. Public opinion changes a little....she'll change with it. She has no firm convictions of her own.....just another political whore! :th_kissass:

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