Nahh, you think you were told wrong. Think of the carbs w/Vboost as a big 4bbl carb with vacuum secondaries. The reason why Vboost makes the power is the introduction of more fuel. Same with turbo's, Superchargers, Nitrous. The addition of more fuel with the proper amount of air (nitrous is the oxidizer when it's used) creates a bigger combustion that equals more power.
If you are already running too rich (or lean) with the carbs, once Vboost opens up another rich or lean carb enters the picture on that cyl. Thats going to make things worse.
You said you've already tried the choke test and you didn't feel anything, makes me think your on the rich side of the street. Have you pulled your plugs to have a look? If you can, pull your plugs and post a picture of them. You can get alot of info on the way they look
The main thing is, **** happens and we'll get you through this and riding in no time. unk:
Okay good, i was thinking vboost made it richer too but then was told it made it leaner:ummm: but i believe/know your right about the making it richer
So some new info... i put some DJ needle in(they have 5 clip positions i believe) i set the needles at the LEANEST setting(clips at the end of the needles) started the bike up and found that i could even go WOT in neutral with out it cutting out, and then with vboost open it would actually kill the bike if i held it at WOT...
So i know my 170 mains are way to big, im thinking of putting some 145s in(i dont have any 147.5s) but ive run 150s and found my top end to be lacking in power...
Also the ignition box issue was brought up.... any thoughts? could the vaccum advance be bad in mymmidrange??
Ill pull a plug and report back