Bill Seward
Well-Known Member
God save the Queen..
...Orange ******* ...idiot just threw more allies under the bus. Another idiot move. ...more and more erratic. As the noose tightens around Trumpfs neck, ...shitstorm surrounding him to intensify ...shitpit that is the Trumpf Administration ...stop the madness before he starts something that will hurt or get us all killed. ...Trumpf is capable of starting a war simply to deflect attention from the legal mess that is certainly going to be his downfall.
...this ******* ...Republiklans ...he is a lying traitor. ...I have no doubt he would [start a war] in an attempt to hold on to the Presidency. ...his pal Putin's help) this garbage was a huge mistake. ...we all are going to wind up paying for it.
...the ******* ...Let him **** up your country..
O...on a leaky garbage scow....
Glicky. I despise Trump, and everything he has done [FOR] this country. Your other assumptions are not backed by anything I've ever posted. ... "president" incompetent racist fool.
In order.You, obviously are neither politically astute, very well educated nor a gentleman. I base this observation on the fact that thus far in your inane posts you have done nothing but parrot FNN (Fake News Network) and MSNBC talking points.
Although you surely HAVE spent a great deal of time in the “educational” system you seem to have been indoctrinated not… educated. Your “teachers” read “America hating propagandists” must be very proud.
You, seem to have lost sight of the fact that the purpose of civil discourse is to exchange ideas and win others to your point of view. The only way to do this is through the use of sound logic and reasonable argument.
Your CONSTANT use of invective, curse words and the deliberate misspelling of Donald John Trump’s last name and the Word “Republican,” do nothing to bolster your argument. Those of you on the radical left, have decided that in order to “win” your pathetically weak argument, you will simply bully others into silence. And yes, we (Conservatives) are silent… for now.
But make no mistake, that’s because we’re too busy making our way in life to waste time arguing with those of you who are still living in their parents’ basements, playing video games and complaining why YOUR SIDE LOST THE ELECTION OF 2016.
Get over it! We won, you lost and… elections have consequences!
Current political events are the result of a continuum many decades long. Sadly, you just aren’t intellectually sophisticated enough, indeed not well educated enough, for me to waste my time in debating the issues of which you are so ill-informed.
I’ll take a bit of time on this one occasion by listing a FEW things you on the left (and some Republicans) seem so willing to ignore. I will read your response but will not reply because debating illogical people, isn’t worth the effort.
Release the Mueller scope memo.
Release the FISA (Star Chamber Court) memo that was the basis of the ongoing attempted Coup de État of the (duly elected) President of the United States.
Rip apart the inner workings of the Clinton Foundation.
Use the sworn deposition of William Campbell to get the truth about the events surrounding Rosatom a, you guessed it, RUSSIAN Corporation. and the sale of 25%... 25% of United States Uranium reserves to a Canadian foreign national shell corporation, Uranium One.
Get the truth about the death of Seth Rich.
Get the truth about the death of John Ashe.
Get the truth about the death of Victor Thorne.
Get the truth about the death of Shawn Lucas.
Indict James Clapper for perjury before Congress.
Indict Hillary Clinton for destruction of documents pertinent to an ongoing investigation and obstruction of justice.
Indict James Comey for Sedition and the release of classified documents.
Indict John Brennan for Sedition and the release of classified documents.
Find out what happened to the millions of dollars donated by kind hearted people to the Clinton Foundation to help the Hattian People devastated by the earthquake of 2010.
Demand the extradition of Christopher Steel (a foreign agent) to stand trial for DIRECT interference in our United States Presidential election.
Investigate the many examples of how the left stole elections starting with the election stolen by Al Franken who was declared the winner after several boxes of (lost) ballots were found in a car parked in a parking lot over the weekend.
Indict Brenda Snipes for malfeasance of office and the deliberate and willful disenfranchisement of conservative voters in the Dade County Senatorial election of 2018.
Indict Lois Lerner and John Koskinen for using Internal Revenue Service thugs as their own Gestapo.
Indict Eric Holder for running guns into Mexico while he was AGoUS that resulted in the death of Brian Terry.
Find out why the United States is still paying for defense of the European Union and Turkey (now there’s a reliable ally) against the USSR decades after that bankrupt tyranny went under.
Perform an independent (not Navy) investigation the Forrestal disaster.
And on and on and… ON!
You wouldn’t stand a chance in a one-on-one political debate with me bud!
I have edited your posts above to illustrate to others on this list how little of value you have brought to this discussion. Why don’t you keep your mouth shut regarding my President? Rational people, don’t care what insults you may puke up.
Grounds for impeachment??? Really??? Every president has room to work without people knowing every conversation he has. If ANY president breaks the law he should be impeached. Anyone that says a president should be impeached for a private conversation is an idiot.
More breaking news tonight.
Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress.
He will not serve out his first term if this is proven to be true.
And I believe there is much more to come, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
President Donald Trump will be President again in 2020,Topple the fake president Barry Obambi and the rest of the dirty dominos will fall.The dirty bastards.MAGA.
Brexit is bad,our government is bad,but i don't think it's as rotten as nancy and chucky chuck.Demented democrats.LOL. I've never seen a forum members name that fit them better than yours!
How is that BREXIT thingy going BTW?![]()
There is so much misinformation that is being put out there as factual.More breaking news tonight.
Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress.
He will not serve out his first term if this is proven to be true.
And I believe there is much more to come, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
More breaking news tonight.
Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress.
He will not serve out his first term if this is proven to be true.
And I believe there is much more to come, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
There is so much misinformation that is being put out there as factual.
Its like several months ago, and people on the left were talking about how racist the founding fathers were....because if you look at the constitution, it talks about black people being 3/5ths of a obviously the founding fathers were racist.
If you go back and look at the facts....the northern states didnt want black people (slaves) to be counted in a census.....because that would increase the souths "population" to increase their number of representatives in the house of representatives. The southern states wanted to count all of the slaves.....for the same reasons. So, the compromise was.......3/5ths.
I will buy you a beverage of your choice, that Trump WILL serve out his term, with distinction, and will be the republican parties candidate for 2020.
This shows you how the 2 are compared differently in the MSM.
Yeah, it IS sad… sad that gullible people on your side accept, without proof, ANY negative news about the United States President. It’s also sad that the Left accepts this “BOMBSHELL” from a propaganda outfit like Buzzfeed completely WITHOUT attribution!
Search for this quote by the Washington Post… (another Fake News outfit “BuzzFeed News " cites two [UNNAMED] federal law enforcement officials…” Wow! Not one… but TWO… UNNAMED officials. America can accept this “BOMBSHELL” (the what? 100th predicting Trump’s downfall?) With absolute confidence that it’s the TRUTH! They cited Not one… but TWO… UNNAMED officials!
You should quit allowing yourself to be manipulated by a political entity that is about power, control, money and nothing else. All of you on the Left, are being used to accomplish THEIR (Socialist Oligarchs) goal. Make no mistake; when they have achieved these goals, you will be disposed.
Witness what happened to the former Bolsheviks who worked so hard for the butcher, Stalin. He starved 7,000,000 Ukrainians (The Holodomor) to death in order to establish his “Worker’s Paradise” in the name of “Collectivism.” They were the Proletariat… Peasants… those for whom he was purportedly working. They were “Useful Idiots” until they began to think for themselves.
Don’t make the same mistake. Fortunately, in this country, at this time, there are those of us who are fighting to preserve the MOST EGALITARIAN SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT EVER DEVISED IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY! The United States Constitution. Your side will NEVER bring that down! EVER!
Remember when the Fake News Media and the Left were hounding Donald Trump to pledge, he would accept the results of the election no matter the outcome? At that that time, they were so sure Hillary would win. They had done everything (legal and illegal) in their power to make sure of it. Unfortunately, they were completely unprepared when he DID win. Oops! Now, the Left is fully prepared to DESTROY the Constitution using easily manipulated “Low Information Voters.” WE WON, YOU LOST. Get over it! Elections have consequences.
You are absolutely correct; “there IS [emphasis mine] much more to come;” in 2020, when we re-elect Donald Trump to “KEEP America Great…” for, FOUR MORE YEARS!
Donald Trump is about restoring First Principles of the Constitution. After that, it’s like the great quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin who, when asked by a woman after the Continental Congress finished its work, “What have you given us?” Franklin replied, “We’ve given you a Republic… if you can keep it!”
Oh yeah baby, that’s EXACTLY what we’re going to do. We’re going to KEEP IT!
In researching Ben Franklin’s statement quoted above, I came upon this link.
You should read it; EVERYONE should read it!
The principles of the constitution are checks and balances between three branches of government. Trump has been speaking just this week of using executive power to declare a national emergency to circumvent the legislative process! And you're trying to claim its Trump that's the constitutionalist? Unreal.
Did I ever say that trump is a constitionalist? Please show me where i wrote that?
I did say that there is a LOT of mis information out there.
Hmmmm the precedent has been set before.....
You may want to see the messsage I quoted. I wasn't speaking to you with the response.
Edit: also -- Executive Orders are what Obama was speaking about. Something presidents have been doing for a while now. Including Trump. We're all too familiar with those photo ops of Trump showing the cameras after he signed them. Those have limitations. Trump has been talking this week about declaring a national emergency which is entirely different and you know it.
Side note: my browser does wonky things with this new forum format hence the edits.