-Russia to supply soybeans:
-Regarding the Gov't shutdown. No the Democrats don't own it.
>YES! They DO own it! To this date the democrats have not offered one credible alternative, Trump has. The democrat’s position? “Open the government and then we WON’T give you anything!”
You can't spend your entire campaign, and have millions of people in red hats chanting […]
>There are also WHITE, MAGA hats.
[…] "Mexico will pay for the wall" and then say Democrats own this.
>Yes, I can! Trump has proposed a very detailed compromise as a STARTING point. The democrats have walked out. Democrats are the obstinate party in this (non) negotiation and the Democrats are refusing to even talk! THE DEMOCRATS ARE KEEPING THE GOVERNMENT CLOSED!
Why not? Trump had two ******* years
>You’ve GOT to get control of your mouth guy! Your (again) gratuitous cursing adds NOTHING to the strength of your argument.
with a GOP House and Senate and didn't get it done.
>I couldn’t agree with you more! With RINOs like McCain, Flake, Murkowski, Collins, McCarthy, Cornyn, Portman, Isakson, Scalise and many others like them in office, two years was WASTED legislatively. Fortunately, Trump had his telephone and he had his pen. What goes around, comes around. Since he won the Presidency, he has spent 20 hours per day do everything he can to reverse the damage done by Obama during 8 long, bleak years. Elections have consequences and… We won. You lost. Get over it!
Add in a despicable Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, and a “do-nothing, Senate majority Leader, Mitch McConnel and it was IMPOSSIBLE to get anything done… legislatively..
I, like you, don’t consider myself to be a Republican though that’s how I’m registered. Actually, I’m a Liberal, I think government should have the smallest footprint possible. It should be like NFL groundskeepers and referees. Level and groom the playing field and leave the outcome of the game to the players… the American People.
“Can’t” play? we will help you. Just don’t want to make the effort? Starve!
And do you really want me to link the clip of him saying he would own it? Shall I quote it Trump for you? "I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it." But now he is blaming Democrats for it because that's what cowards do. He's never accepted blame for one thing. Ever.
>Absolutes can be disproved with but one example to the contrary and are a losing gambit in ANY debate. You lose this point by default.
-Regarding Trump's joke at the UN. They laughed after he stated "No other president has done more than I have." So you're saying that was his joke? Ok.
> I’m glad you agree.
-Regarding Helsinki. Dude, just stop. Even conservatives who often support Trump say Helsinki was horrible.
>So? I disagree with their assessment. Unlike those on the left, I’m not a drone.
No one in the right mind would say he looked strong there.
>I think he looked strong there and I’m in my right mind.
-Donald Trump is going to rip apart the elitists. Sure.
-Russia to supply soybeans:
-Regarding the Gov't shutdown. No the Democrats don't own it.
>YES! They DO own it! To this date the democrats have not offered one credible alternative, Trump has. The democrat’s position? “Open the government and then we WON’T give you anything!”
You can't spend your entire campaign, and have millions of people in red hats chanting […]
>There are also WHITE, MAGA hats.
[…] "Mexico will pay for the wall" and then say Democrats own this.
>Yes, I can! Trump has proposed a very detailed compromise as a STARTING point. The democrats have walked out. Democrats are the obstinate party in this (non) negotiation and the Democrats are refusing to even talk! THE DEMOCRATS ARE KEEPING THE GOVERNMENT CLOSED!
Why not? Trump had two ******* years
>You’ve GOT to get control of your mouth guy! Your (again) gratuitous cursing adds NOTHING to the strength of your argument.
with a GOP House and Senate and didn't get it done.
>I couldn’t agree with you more! With RINOs like McCain, Flake, Murkowski, Collins, McCarthy, Cornyn, Portman, Isakson, Scalise and many others like them in office, two years was WASTED legislatively. Fortunately, Trump had his telephone and he had his pen. What goes around, comes around. Since he won the Presidency, he has spent 20 hours per day do everything he can to reverse the damage done by Obama during 8 long, bleak years. Elections have consequences and… We won. You lost. Get over it!
Add in a despicable Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, and a “do-nothing, Senate majority Leader, Mitch McConnel and it was IMPOSSIBLE to get anything done… legislatively..
I, like you, don’t consider myself to be a Republican though that’s how I’m registered. Actually, I’m a Liberal, I think government should have the smallest footprint possible. It should be like NFL groundskeepers and referees. Level and groom the playing field and leave the outcome of the game to the players… the American People.
“Can’t” play? we will help you. Just don’t want to make the effort? Starve!
And do you really want me to link the clip of him saying he would own it? Shall I quote it Trump for you? "I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it." But now he is blaming Democrats for it because that's what cowards do. He's never accepted blame for one thing. Ever.
>Absolutes can be disproved with but one example to the contrary and are a losing gambit in ANY debate. You lose this point by default.
-Regarding Trump's joke at the UN. They laughed after he stated "No other president has done more than I have." So you're saying that was his joke? Ok.
> I’m glad you agree.
-Regarding Helsinki. Dude, just stop. Even conservatives who often support Trump say Helsinki was horrible.
>So? I disagree with their assessment. Unlike those on the left, I’m not a drone.
No one in the right mind would say he looked strong there.
>I think he looked strong there and I’m in my right mind.
-Donald Trump is going to rip apart the elitists. Sure.
>Stay tuned to this station for upcoming details.
The man who broke the Secret Service budget in his first year
>That’s strange. Are you saying the Secret Service is not protecting the President and his family? Of course, they are. As I said, “cost is no object.” It costs what it costs.
because they couldnt afford the lease in Trump Tower when his wife stayed there long after he took office is gonna rip apart elitists. I'm sure he'll do that between his rounds of golf down at Mar A Largo where they upped the membership fee by 100k for exclusive access to him. The man who calls his golf resort in Florida the Southern White House is going to rip apart elitists! Hahahahaha.
>And I thought we were talking about “Government” Elitists. Yeah, Trump lives an elite lifestyle, the difference is he EARNED that elite lifestyle!
How many of Trumps picks have left their office due to scandals of their extravagant spending with taxpayer money? Yea, he's really ripping up those elitists alright.
>Yeah, Trump FIRED them!! And I say “good riddance!” Tom Price was my Representative until he became Secretary of Health. Again… good riddance!
Oh but I'm sure you have a different definition of that word as well.
>More gratuitous ad hominem.
>That’s it? That’s all you got?