Media ******** about gun control,and truth

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You guys just aren't getting it, only 3.5% of all gun crime uses ANY kind of rifle including the incorrectly named "assault weapons" in 2011 HAMMERS killed more people than all rifles! We are looking at the wrong problem plain and simple... Btw, an AR15 is an excellent home defense weapon...

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
The exesting system is the problem.They make law after law to take our freedoms!I personally have had several bad experences With LEO.Most recent some dam cop comes flying down the road where my grandson is attending a birthday party,Scares the **** outta my 10 year old grandson and all the other kids,Over not wearing a bike helments.I would have went to jail that day if i had been there!Our laws.Our system.Our leaders,Is nothing more than a puppet show,That is controlled by the eleite!Did you hear alex jones?My wife workes at the local hospital,Where she recently got a pay cut,becuase of this debt ********!Could go on and on.Work with what we got?Well i just dont see what we got!Corruption theives Bullshiters,Warmongers,Right down to the local level!That we pay for and some go to war and die for.Me personally,I don't want any part of it !Just not right!Like the wife says,What are you gonna do about it?Not a damn thing!Just try too cake care of my family and friends,And most of all the lil guys the grandkids!And hope and prey the damn cops dont run them over,Becuase they wernt wearing helmets!
I get your point, but picturing a scared shitless women hiding in her closet with a high cap automatic weapon instead of a revolver has this scenario ending worse than it did more often than not.

That's a lot more room for stray bullets and accidental firing lugging a big rifle into a closet vs a revolver.

Yeah, what he said.

I guess I wasn't thinking as much about an AR in the closet so much as I was a full size pistol with a double stack magazine. For example, the Springfield XD which I think offers 17+1 in 9mm.

Not saying a long barrel like a rifle or shotty wouldn't be useful for HD, definitely have their place as well. Don't think they need to be telling us how we can defend ourselves more than they already are.

Hate to say it but IMO, any uptick in violent crimes (if it is an increase and not just ease of immediate access to news from anywhere) is due to the decline in moral absolutism.
I am totaly against Gun Control of any kind for Legal, Legitimate Americans..... PERIOD..
Many of my AR-15's fire much larger bullets than 5.56, They have target and hunting
purposes. From 9mm Through 50 Govt and 50 A&E. But the caliber is of no concern.......

Want to see me totally Pissed off? ADD more Gun Control Bull **** to
what already exists. Go after the real problems... Criminals, Stupidity,
Non Enforcement of Laws that Already Exist, ******* and Insane People
in Posession of Firearms.

LMTFA!!!!!! I Bleed True Red, White and Blue..............
A lot of money has been put into studies (mostly by anti-gun groups) that has shown that NO gun law passed in the last 30 years has had ANY positive effect on crime or murder. Over the last 20 years the crime rate (and murder rate) has dropped by about 1/2 while the ownership of guns has about doubled and the number of people carrying concealed has gone up by about 10X. So called "assault Rifles" Have accounted for about 2% of the murders each year since the ban expired. About double that number were killed with hammers (and other blunt objects) About 13% were killed with knives. About 2X as many people were killed by no weapon (hands or feet) as were killed with ALL rifles combined. BUT ALL OF THAT DOSEN'T MATTER BECAUSE THE PRESIDENT AND VP DO NOT HAVE AN OPEN MIND. They don't care about facts- they just want to outlaw private ownership of guns.

Their plan is to separate groups so they have less problem. Push that these are not "hunting" weapons (a lie by the way) so the the hunters will not oppose "reasonable" restrictions. Include major retailers because they will benefit from "Universal" back ground checks.

The biggest problem is that you should not believe that this is about "Assault rifles". The bill that they are pushing. in the Senate is aimed at all semi automatic firearms, pistols, and shotguns. What they are trying to do is outlaw everything then allow us to keep guns on this list of 900 guns. You see most of these gun grabbers think the 2nd gives us the "right" to own guns. Nothing could be further from the truth. The 2nd assumes we have the right to own firearms and says the government can't take that away. In the bill, there is verbiage that outlaws firearms with features like a pistol grip, barrel shroud, and thumbhole stock. That is bad enough but it includes "or capable of accepting" these features. Do you know of any rifles that you can't remove the butt stock? so that would make them "capable of accepting" a thumb hole or pistol grip, right?

There is also a section banning weapons of "military design OR BASED ON MILITARY DESIGN" Can you think of any guns that are not based on a "Military" design? Maybe a pump action rifle- can't think of any military pump rifles, but there are a LOT of military pump shotguns so even that could be included.

The "universal background checks" in other words EVERY gun sale going thru the government. THe figure they keep quoting is that 40% of gun sales don't go thru a background check. Well who made that number up? what do they base it on? They keep hammering gun shows, but if you buy a gun from a dealer at a gun show, you undergo the same background check that you would in a store. At least around me, you can not sell guns at a table in a gun show unless you have an FFL. I do see a lot of guns that are sold without background checks... because I see a lot of people sell guns to the dealers! (that means the NEXT sale (of that gun) will go thru the 4473/FBI back ground check)

I know there are a lot of you out there that are not members of the NRA. And I know they pester the hell out of you to donate $$. But I will deal with deleting a few e-mails from time to time to protect all our rights to own guns. Make no mistake, The ONLY reason we still have the freedoms we have today is BECAUSE of the NRA. I don't care what you might think about the NRA, you should join at once. Right now the NRA can say they repensent 4,000,000 people. If that number were 10,000,000 we would have a lot less of this anti gun crap. JOIN THE NRA!

Don't be taken in by this "gun SAFETY bill" and "reasonable discussion" crap. They are after ALL guns, and are trying to change the rules so they ALLOW us to own certain guns (for now) instead of having the right to own a gun.

Join the NRA, Go to the NRA site and get the contact info for you elected reps and CONTACT them. If every gun owner sent just one e-mail our elected reps would not pass these restrictions.

I would like them pass bills that would force mental health providers to share information with the FBI.
I posted this before:


Please go to the site below, write a short note to your government reps. It's easy !!!!! Let them know that we don't need any more gun laws. Or your other cogent thoughts

At that site you get phone #'s, address ( home state and washington) and a form for e-mail.


+++10,000,000+ I agree that as gun owners and as people who support the gun owners our stongest voice is the NRA.
Please concider joining the NRA, contact your state and federal elected officials telling them that we do not need more gun laws on top of the laws we already have.
+++10,000,000+ I agree that as gun owners and as people who support the gun owners our stongest voice is the NRA.
Please concider joining the NRA, contact your state and federal elected officials telling them that we do not need more gun laws on top of the laws we already have.

Lawmakers are career politicians and as such are very sensitive to public opinion....the only way to impress them is with numbers....huge numbers of voters. When they realize their jobs are on the line they will change.

Take the 6 minutes or so to watch this video......
A lot of money has been put into studies (mostly by anti-gun groups) that has shown that NO gun law passed in the last 30 years has had ANY positive effect on crime or murder. Over the last 20 years the crime rate (and murder rate) has dropped by about 1/2 while the ownership of guns has about doubled and the number of people carrying concealed has gone up by about 10X. So called "assault Rifles" Have accounted for about 2% of the murders each year since the ban expired. About double that number were killed with hammers (and other blunt objects) About 13% were killed with knives. About 2X as many people were killed by no weapon (hands or feet) as were killed with ALL rifles combined. BUT ALL OF THAT DOSEN'T MATTER BECAUSE THE PRESIDENT AND VP DO NOT HAVE AN OPEN MIND. They don't care about facts- they just want to outlaw private ownership of guns.

Their plan is to separate groups so they have less problem. Push that these are not "hunting" weapons (a lie by the way) so the the hunters will not oppose "reasonable" restrictions. Include major retailers because they will benefit from "Universal" back ground checks.

The biggest problem is that you should not believe that this is about "Assault rifles". The bill that they are pushing. in the Senate is aimed at all semi automatic firearms, pistols, and shotguns. What they are trying to do is outlaw everything then allow us to keep guns on this list of 900 guns. You see most of these gun grabbers think the 2nd gives us the "right" to own guns. Nothing could be further from the truth. The 2nd assumes we have the right to own firearms and says the government can't take that away. In the bill, there is verbiage that outlaws firearms with features like a pistol grip, barrel shroud, and thumbhole stock. That is bad enough but it includes "or capable of accepting" these features. Do you know of any rifles that you can't remove the butt stock? so that would make them "capable of accepting" a thumb hole or pistol grip, right?

There is also a section banning weapons of "military design OR BASED ON MILITARY DESIGN" Can you think of any guns that are not based on a "Military" design? Maybe a pump action rifle- can't think of any military pump rifles, but there are a LOT of military pump shotguns so even that could be included.

The "universal background checks" in other words EVERY gun sale going thru the government. THe figure they keep quoting is that 40% of gun sales don't go thru a background check. Well who made that number up? what do they base it on? They keep hammering gun shows, but if you buy a gun from a dealer at a gun show, you undergo the same background check that you would in a store. At least around me, you can not sell guns at a table in a gun show unless you have an FFL. I do see a lot of guns that are sold without background checks... because I see a lot of people sell guns to the dealers! (that means the NEXT sale (of that gun) will go thru the 4473/FBI back ground check)

I know there are a lot of you out there that are not members of the NRA. And I know they pester the hell out of you to donate $$. But I will deal with deleting a few e-mails from time to time to protect all our rights to own guns. Make no mistake, The ONLY reason we still have the freedoms we have today is BECAUSE of the NRA. I don't care what you might think about the NRA, you should join at once. Right now the NRA can say they repensent 4,000,000 people. If that number were 10,000,000 we would have a lot less of this anti gun crap. JOIN THE NRA!

Don't be taken in by this "gun SAFETY bill" and "reasonable discussion" crap. They are after ALL guns, and are trying to change the rules so they ALLOW us to own certain guns (for now) instead of having the right to own a gun.

Join the NRA, Go to the NRA site and get the contact info for you elected reps and CONTACT them. If every gun owner sent just one e-mail our elected reps would not pass these restrictions.

I would like them pass bills that would force mental health providers to share information with the FBI.

If hammers and knives were so lethal why would anyone want a gun. just carry a hammer.
A lot of money has been put into studies (mostly by anti-gun groups) that has shown that NO gun law passed in the last 30 years has had ANY positive effect on crime or murder. Over the last 20 years the crime rate (and murder rate) has dropped by about 1/2 while the ownership of guns has about doubled and the number of people carrying concealed has gone up by about 10X. So called "assault Rifles" Have accounted for about 2% of the murders each year since the ban expired. About double that number were killed with hammers (and other blunt objects) About 13% were killed with knives. About 2X as many people were killed by no weapon (hands or feet) as were killed with ALL rifles combined. BUT ALL OF THAT DOSEN'T MATTER BECAUSE THE PRESIDENT AND VP DO NOT HAVE AN OPEN MIND. They don't care about facts- they just want to outlaw private ownership of guns.

Again. They haven't done anything yet. They're currently taking their very closed minds and asking all interested parties for ideas on what to do.

Also there are a lot of things to look at besides concealed carry permits and gun ownership as to reasons crime rates have dropped. Technology being a pretty big factor in that no doubt. Tracking high crime areas, knowing where to put more enforcement, better reporting for depts slacking off, etc. Police departments everywhere have goals to lower crime rates year after year, and they don't do that by just kicking back and saying 'well people are buying more guns so there will be less crime, pass the donuts please'. If a study paid for by pro-gun groups cites ownership as the leading cause of reduced crime rates then odds are good that is an overly biased study. Similar to the ones tobacco companies did for years to show there were no adverse health effects.
I got way to much to say on this matter seeing how I live in NY because this state blows but thank got I got my semiautomatic .223 coyote killer. It may have already been posted but ill post it anyway. If u like guns period or against this "ban" take 30 seconds to fill this out easiest and quickest way to get your word out
If hammers and knives were so lethal why would anyone want a gun. just carry a hammer.

Funny thing about that, I carry a hammer in a holster on my hip a lot of the time in the summer. Also has a razor knife and even a tape measure so I can measure my range. Hell in 50 years of wearing an outfit like that, I have NEVER been attacked or mugged. See how that works out!
Personal arms, protecting family and property, just love to shoot the **** out of targets, deer, whatever. Those all have plenty of legs to stand on. 10 more rounds in a clip doesn't. If it takes you that many rounds to stop a home invader maybe you should be spending more time on the range. .

Perhaps that should include the police as well eh Zack? I mean they are the trained professionals, and when fighting for their lives they should be immune to the fear that causes people to miss their target. Wouldn't you agree they should carry revolvers, or single shot muzzle loading pistols? True professionals shouldn't even need a repeating firearm.
If simply owning a gun required the same sort of training on safety, use, and odds of that use being required then dragging professionals who use these tools to do their job might be a fair comparison to make.
Multiple intruder home invasions happen all the time... That lady that shot that guy 5 times in Georgia and he still drove away and lived, if someone else had been with him she would have been screwed.. We need STANDARD capacity magazines for the same reasons the police need them, we face the same criminals...

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
I saw a clip on TV....'Cops' or one of those, there was a high speed chase, the perp lost control and was in a horrific crash, jumped out of the wreck and was charging the cops with clear intent to do them harm....both of his arms were clearly broken and his forearms were flopping all around....he never felt a thing cause he was loaded up on pcp!

It's very hard to stop someone like that!

Or the unfeeling, uncaring Zombie population, eh? What about them!! Silver bullets with crosses cut in the heads will undoubtedly be on the list of banned ammunition....yer gonna NEED a hi-cap mag if you cross paths with a small population of them! :punk:
I saw a clip on TV....'Cops' or one of those, there was a high speed chase, the perp lost control and was in a horrific crash, jumped out of the wreck and was charging the cops with clear intent to do them harm....both of his arms were clearly broken and his forearms were flopping all around....he never felt a thing cause he was loaded up on pcp!

It's very hard to stop someone like that!

Apparently someone in the administration saw that clip as well and has introduced new legislation / executive order request towards cutting down on car chases by limiting the fuel tanks on all new vehicles to 7 gallons ................. :punk:
If simply owning a gun required the same sort of training on safety, use, and odds of that use being required then dragging professionals who use these tools to do their job might be a fair comparison to make.
I would argue that for those that are not professionals (though cops really receive MINIMAL training, unless SWAT etc.) the most ergonomically designed, safe, easy to use, effective self defense tool makes EVEN MORE SENSE for the average person wanting to protect themselves.

Modern semi-automatic firearms are the most user freindly easy to opperate self defense tools ever made. They were designed to be safe, effective, and user freindly when a person has diminished cognitive thinking that is commonly experienced when fighting for defense of life. That's what they were made for.

Concealed carry permit owners often have training and shooting skills equal to or even beyond many police officers.
i was reading an artical earlier that stated that there are 228million guns in america....and 207million cars...and that you are 33 times more likely to be killed by a car then a gun....huh
in my opinion....i fought for this country and all they want to do is spit in my face....yes i like why am i bieng punished for the actions of the bad
i believe that we need more accountability in this country.....are you trying to tell me that all of these idiots shooting people didnt show some signs of not bieng right in the head? if my neighbor is planning to kill and i dont do something about it....arent i just as guilty? if i see an old lady getting robbed and i dont stop it...arent i doing a crime against her and against humanity?
i was raised different.....i will protect anyone that needs it...and i am responsible for acting on what i know to protect others
the biggest thing for me is our jobs as parents...if i thought at some point that my daughter might be capable of this i would be responsible if i let it happen
if i fix your brakes and they fail and kill your family....cant i be charged with homicide
I would argue that for those that are not professionals (though cops really receive MINIMAL training, unless SWAT etc.) the most ergonomically designed, safe, easy to use, effective self defense tool makes EVEN MORE SENSE for the average person wanting to protect themselves.

Modern semi-automatic firearms are the most user freindly easy to opperate self defense tools ever made. They were designed to be safe, effective, and user freindly when a person has diminished cognitive thinking that is commonly experienced when fighting for defense of life. That's what they were made for.

Concealed carry permit owners often have training and shooting skills equal to or even beyond many police officers.

Would you support mandatory training for ownership? I personally like this idea provided it's not done by a government agency. Similar to how most certifications work these days. Most people already pay for it and appropriate storage, and there's not a lot of impact there. I think it could go a ways in making everybody a little smarter about owning a weapon, and make it harder for them to be stolen, etc.

I don't support banning online sales, but I do see the loophole there. Some kind of system should be in place to be sure those buying firearms online are subject to the same rules as those in person. As well as subject to verification by ID, signature matching a credit card, billing address verification, whatever. If that means purchasing online and going through some sort of distribution platform to get them local I don't see the big problem in that. It's silly to have background checks for only some buyers... it only hurts the honest.