I would like Levin to explain to me, but he ignores that question, but will answer others. Bachman is now a dual citizen of Sweden I believe, she applied for it, and she should have her ass booted too. The bottom line is they need to be clear if they are or are not a dual citizen, and if so to step down, and I mean NOW. Being eligible and actually doing it are two different things!
I am Irish and French, but that does not make me anything but a U.S. citizen. If Israel make all world Jews Israeli citizens, and excludes me for being Irish-French, is that not then RACISM? If France makes all in the world with 50% French blood, citizens, but excludes Jews, does that make them racist? Would you want your children, or your neighbors children, to die for a country that would deny them citizenship, or one that is clearly Racist?
I will keep digging into your first question, but so far after contacting a number of Jewish Politicians, they have all remained mute, strange indeed,,,but I will keep digging into this very, very important question.
BTW, what exactly do you "agree to disagree" about, putting the U.S. interest first, above all other foreign states??:ummm: