Well-Known Member
Not only did Farrah Fawcett die today, but Michael Jackson was rushed to the hospital today and wasn't breathing. Lots of people I've seen in the last hour said the radio claims that he's dead also.
I'm not one to pretend I'm the epitome of religion or being good, but just thought it is interesting how alot of people today are crying in the streets because he died.
My first reaction was "oh man, that sucks!" Then a thought popped uninvited to my head....."wasn't this guy a accused pedophile?":ummm:
I'm not one to pretend I'm the epitome of religion or being good, but just thought it is interesting how alot of people today are crying in the streets because he died.
I guess if the courts acquitted him he's innocent?:confused2: hmm....
I thort i would mention that rumored reports that Harrison Ford and Jeff Goldblum had also died suddenly is untrue .Ford and Goldblum who are in NZ to film a movie havbeen in the news here a couple of times saying that they had died suddenly in the last couple of weeks .
Not sure if it had hit the news in the states . :confused2::ummm:e
They gonna melt him down and make a range of dolls out of him .
Now the kids can play with him for a change .
Rumor has it, that he died of a heart attack running to Kmart when he heard boys pants were half off. :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200: