O M G ... another one!!! *face palm*
Yeah, they come out of the woodwork this time of year!! :rofl_200:
O M G ... another one!!! *face palm*
I'm beginning to see that. Like a bunch'a cockroaches!!!
Western North Carolina!! It is Sunny, 70 degrees out, and the colors of the trees remind me of my last time doing acid in India.
We have the blue ridge parkway, Deals Gap & The Dragon, more waterfalls than you can count on the fingers of all the members of this forum from Florida put together, I can range from 800 feet above sea level to over 3000' in 1/2 hour riding, and ican jump over to South Carolina in 5 minutes and get gas for $2.97 a gallon or $3.18 for No Ethanol Pure Gas.
It's official ... I want out of Mississippi... PRONTO!!!!
I only go back to visit family. I don't think I can live there again till I'm old an grey.
It's likely to rain here this weekend but up until then, I'll be taking her out for a spin. Have a few friends still waiting to see her in person. Can't believe its been just over a week since I got her already.
Jackson Mississippi. I bought mine the day before you. Sept 24th. What's funny is that I just found out about VMaxes the week before.