Morning ramblings thoughts...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Here is the thing... unfortunately in today's world we can no longer afford the luxury of NOT being political. Must folks will say... MAN this forum is about motorcycle... we cant mix politics and motorcycling...

THAT is not true more than 'half of the world' DO mix politics and motorcycle, and surfing, and snowmobile. Politics is part of life when you live in a TRUE democracy. Politics should be considered everyday not just in election time. Most of the the world DO SO without offensive remarks and derogatory statements aimed at simply hurting others. Politics can be a positive agent for changes (go and ask any historian about the this country's founding fathers). Forget the politics of "Left" and "Right" .. what matters nowadays is the politics of "Bottom" and "Top". The ones in the Top of the income bracket vs. the ones in the Bottom.

If we redraw these political lines than Republicans and Democrats are lumped all in one in either the 'haves' and the 'have nots'. If we re-draw these lines then we can see things a bit more clearly... who is winning and who is loosing.

I don't care your political affiliation... if you play any part in supporting a system that allows for some children to have a silver spoon while others have to rummage garbage for food (even though parents work 12hr working days) you are not my friend (regardless of left or right political affiliation)....we ARE going to have a problem.. a big one.

Motorcycling is in itself a political statement ... a statement of freedom of anti-status quo and a decision to take a calculated risk, a decision not to be like anyone else...

Most bikers I know DO care about other bikers. Most bikers will immediately offer a helping hand to a fellow rider doing a mechanical job that 'the establishment' would charge $100/hr to fix or help a community to crack an OEM firmware that limits performance. The anti-helmet groups is a political expression of individuality and self-determination.

SO motorcycling and politics ARE one of the same. I share with you my thoughts simply out of frustration with statements such as the ones in the article above (see link).

"Instead of developing affordable machines for younger riders, the industry has been targeting baby boomers with deeper pockets."


"But the underlying facts make it clear that while times are still very tough for most of us, the richest 1% of the population are doing fine and the richest one-tenth of 1% are accumulating wealth at an astonishing rate"


"99%ers might take that paragraph as evidence that expensive bikes like the Ducati Diavel and Multistrada, and the BMW S1000R – bikes that are targeted at the 1% (or at most the top few percent) – are selling well. "


"If you take Harley, BMW and Ducati’s sales out of the MIC’s stats, the implication is that the rest of the manufacturers’ sales were still falling in 2011, albeit not as fast as they fell in ’09 or 2010. "

If I offended anyone with my posting than lock the thread or even better delete the thread and cancel my membership. This will not be the first time that I am censored and banned ;-))))
We just need to do anything to make things better -- EVERYDAY. Wishing you all a great day riding whatever you choose to ride!!!!!

That is all.

I battled even replying to your post Amaury. True, politics is discussed here but I don't see anyone living in a bubble here. What are you trying to foment here? Political self realization for all? I highly doubt you are addressing any of the "1%" here on this forum. (they don't ride Vmaxes) Since you are new here, it will be sooner than later that you come to understand the demographics of the participants here. Not the testosterone hyped squids but a mature and life experienced lot. Hard working, proud and self confident group. Your "ramblings" are respected but I don't think you will win over any to a particular ideology. I think we are all conscious of our place in the world and probably won't get our politics from a motorcycling forum. If you feel so passionately, maybe you could focus on writing your politicians, donating your money to a candidate or holding a sign for some cause. Other than seeing yourself in print so to speak, I doubt you will accomplish much here but then again, some people thrive on hearing themselves talk. Don't worry though, no one will "run you off" from here unless you make a total ass of yourself.

When in doubt...Gas it !!!
Motorcycling (here in these united states) has always been iconic of freedom. I agree! And you are correct, you cannot separate politics from, well really anything. One of our biggest problems today is everyone is on eggshells and afraid to talk about the very things that are taking their freedoms away in the name of "political correctness". The term itself is an oxymoron because you have to step on someone elses rights or freedoms in order to please someone elses. AND usually it means removing the freedoms of a large group to please a small group. Doesn't sound democratic to me at a time when all we here is the word "democratic" thrown around recklessly. That is why we are actually a Republic. This enables us to have unalianable rights. Today I hope that everyone that lives in a place where weather permits excercises their right to freedom and pursue happiness and they do it from the seat of their V-max. Ride safe, just not so safe that it takes all the fun out of it.
Amaury, in a perfect world, kids would never go hungry. In the real world, unfortunately, this is a fact of life for some. Everyone realizes this, the problem is coming up with a solution. If you try what other "democratic" societies have done and set up some sort of compassionate socialism, in the end there won't be anyone left with any money to support the programs. Look at some European countries right now, for generations they have been providing "free" nationalized healthcare and welfare benenfits. Now, the chickens are coming home to roost and everyone is freaking out. People that become accustomed to a certain way of life tend to want to continue it. Why should they want to become productive members of society when they've had these things handed to them on someone else's dime?
What I love about America is that although everyone isn't born being equal financially, there is absolutely no reason why you can't better your lot in life. It's really up to the parents to make sure their kids are making good choices and getting a good education. Whether you are from the rural areas or in the inner city, there are opportunities for everyone. My .02.
" True Democracy " is mob or majority rule. An example : Two wolves and a sheep voting on what they will have for dinner. We live in a Republic.

Haves vs. have nots is a form of class warfare , and it will probably come to that if the current admin. wins again.

When did you ever get a job working for a poor person ? The rich usually work 16-18 hour days on their way up and pull a lot of lower & middle class with 'em. Capitalism is the best man can do on his own. Socalism has been tried and always fails. Just a matter of time when those taking other peoples money run out of other peoples money.
I battled even replying to your post Amaury. True, politics is discussed here but I don't see anyone living in a bubble here. What are you trying to foment here? Political self realization for all? I highly doubt you are addressing any of the "1%" here on this forum. (they don't ride Vmaxes) Since you are new here, it will be sooner than later that you come to understand the demographics of the participants here. Not the testosterone hyped squids but a mature and life experienced lot. Hard working, proud and self confident group. Your "ramblings" are respected but I don't think you will win over any to a particular ideology. I think we are all conscious of our place in the world and probably won't get our politics from a motorcycling forum. If you feel so passionately, maybe you could focus on writing your politicians, donating your money to a candidate or holding a sign for some cause. Other than seeing yourself in print so to speak, I doubt you will accomplish much here but then again, some people thrive on hearing themselves talk. Don't worry though, no one will "run you off" from here unless you make a total ass of yourself.

When in doubt...Gas it !!!

+1 and thank you for so eloquently putting that
Well said Pat...

Amaury, we are not "99%", "1%", or any other arbitrary group coined by the news. We are a group of Vmax enthusiasts. Regular guys(and a few gals) who share a passion for one of the baddest, most timeless bikes ever built.

People do not log onto VMF to have political cough syrup poured down their throats, hear about drama and disagreements on other forums, or be patronized with lines like "well if you don't like it, ban me", inferring that we're a bunch of fascists who will send the Gestapo after you should you voice contrasting opinions to Mein Kampf.

People log onto VMF for precisely the learn about and find help for the Vmax, to have discussions that are free of political venting and general ********. We talk about cool cars, interesting MC news, make politically incorrect jokes, sports, ect. There's enough BS in real life, there's no need to make VMF as mundane and boring about listening to your co-worker ramble on about "the 1%" and how his neighbor's dog keeps crapping on his lawn. VMF is an invaluable tool for Vmax owners because information is so easy to find, it isn't buried and mixed with typical internet ********. Am I intolerant of your opinion? No. I could care less. I would however, be intolerant of someone bitching about social security politics in front of my grandmother. Get the idea?

I'll leave it at this: Politics is like a penis. Every guy has one, everyone thinks theirs is great, and it's usually a bad idea to whip it out in public. I hope you can be another valuable member here and quit the pot-stirring. We don't need a Nobody 2: El Politico feature film.
I'll leave it at this: Politics is like a penis. Every guy has one, everyone thinks theirs is great, and it's usually a bad idea to whip it out in public. I hope you can be another valuable member here and quit the pot-stirring.
Well said !!!!
I battled even replying to your post Amaury. True, politics is discussed here but I don't see anyone living in a bubble here. What are you trying to foment here? Political self realization for all? I highly doubt you are addressing any of the "1%" here on this forum. (they don't ride Vmaxes) Since you are new here, it will be sooner than later that you come to understand the demographics of the participants here. Not the testosterone hyped squids but a mature and life experienced lot. Hard working, proud and self confident group. Your "ramblings" are respected but I don't think you will win over any to a particular ideology. I think we are all conscious of our place in the world and probably won't get our politics from a motorcycling forum. If you feel so passionately, maybe you could focus on writing your politicians, donating your money to a candidate or holding a sign for some cause. Other than seeing yourself in print so to speak, I doubt you will accomplish much here but then again, some people thrive on hearing themselves talk. Don't worry though, no one will "run you off" from here unless you make a total ass of yourself.

When in doubt...Gas it !!!
I'll leave it at this: Politics is like a penis. Every guy has one, everyone thinks theirs is great, and it's usually a bad idea to whip it out in public. I hope you can be another valuable member here and quit the pot-stirring.

Now after reading the link in the post and then finishing with the post.
I was :ummm: :ummm: And did not know why the post was here, I see the fact that there are no enter level bikes any more and the for fact of the matter most people that can not or will not pay for 20k and up bike as a toy, the 1% could buy about anything they wanted, no matter what it is. So that leaves the rest of us (99%) to find bike that we can afford mainly used. I have no problems with a used bike. I will own a GENll one day and it too will be used. It has nothing to with any politics but with my in pocket change. And the days of finding a 200 - 500 dollar deal on bike are really gone. But that is also true with most things.
Now as far a company not offering a lower cost new bike, I understand why. In most cases the bike buying pubic are a niche group of buyers. Why not go after the ones that can afford to buy the bike and a have a profit margin per unit sold.
Freedom of motorcycling equates with feeling sorry for everyone and believing in the redistribution of wealth..:ummm:

Most 1%'ers I know got there by busting their ass, and I do know a few.......Creating jobs in the process......

Most poor people I know, and I know a few, are there mostly due to poor decision making starting at an early age and lasting a life time....

Are there exceptions to both cases? Of course....

Do I feel responsible? Or more importantly, responsible enough to vote for someone who is going to take more and more money out of my pocket to repair the ill's of these bad decision makers so that what I'm left with makes me no better off than them...hell no..

This world will always have people with wants and needs, they want what you have and think you need to give it to them........

And while we are on the subject, do a little research and discover where you REALLY fall into the grand scheme of things, you could be surprised, it only takes a household income of around $145,000 or so to put you firmly in the top 5%, $100,00 or so for top 10%, $65k or so put's you in the to 25%.
the above info comes straight off the IRS website.
Don't you think that many hardworking CAREER minded working couples are achieving that and more?

Are they the evil rich we keep hearing about?

And don't think for a minute that when the tax the rich crowd sing thier song they're talking about JUST the 1%'er's, They want to tax the **** out of anyone that might possibly want to get ahead by thier own means rather than getting it from the gov't.

What about the typical hard working management/executive that put 4-6 years in to college while his school mates from high school were all smoking weed, got out of school with a load of student debt, busted his ass working 60-70 hours a week with no o.t. (typical) while others can't show up for 40 without calling in sick, works his way to the top, lives and breathes work and sacrifices family life, and is knocking down a couple 250-300 grand in his 40's, putting him firmly in the 1%

Does this make him evil????

I work 1000 hours a year o.t. almost every year, and have most of my life, Still doing it at 48 y.o., When I see people that can't hold a job because they can't even show up on time, and on time every day, and then bitch because they say the rich don't pay their share..........and then kick back and soak up every benefit they can before even starting to look for new work.............For sure I see where this country is going......

Or as Obama said it best;

"I won't let the half of Americans who pay no taxes carry the burden of the half that aren't paying thier fair share"

No man has the right to the fruits of another mans labor..........I'm so sick of the "evil rich", socialist minded agendas it makes me want to puke.......This country is going to end up no better off than the debt soaked European countries that are going broke "giving it away" to the looters...

Also...I think there are plenty of entry level bikes out there...entry level means just that, entry level...loads of 'em are made under 10,000.....Dual sports are abundant and small CC sport bikes...i.e. FZ6......most people won't buy them since a bike is truly a luxury "extra" and if someone wants a luxury they wait for what they want instead of "settling"
I throw my support behind Patmax and RaWarrior.

I don't want to offer anything else right now, I can get long-winded on occasion and they expressed themselves very well, and I am sure many others here will agree with them.
yep, i'm with the "usual suspects": cap, pat, rw, and fm. i've seen ALOT of non-VMAX, non-motorcycle threads posted over the course of my membership--a few of them politically charged. however, the fact that the threads steeped in the political abyss only lasting a couple days at most and then dropping off of the forum radar compared to other non-VMAX and non-motorcycle threads that last weeks on end, reveal the forum's disinterest in such shenanigans.

if a person wants to live their life believing that passion and enthusiasm cannot exist without, or that it is impossible to separate them from, the Mundane; who am i to ruin their sensibility. yes, I can accept, that politics touch every facet of my everyday drudgery, but whatever--that death touch can only happen if i let it. i, for one, am able to go through life keeping my politics segregated from my pursuit of Happiness.

so go on and have at it, but have at it with the recognition that the simple bliss of enjoying life reigns supreme in these woods.