Well it fired up first try!
Ran it for about 30 minutes and then shut it down, cooled it off, checked the coolant and synched the carbs then took it for a spin.
First analysis. Runs great! Although I don't think DJ 175's are big enough, (how big a main can you run in these carbs?) and I need to go one or more clip position richer (I was on 2nd from blunt end of Stg. 7 needles, went to 3rd position before I started it) and maybe raise the float level some as well. Rolling into the throttle up to 6000 rpm it's staying at around 15:1 a/f ratio, part throttle cruise is fine at about 15-16:1 a/f ratio.
It makes considerably more heat; my old system could idle indefinitely with the fan on and never get to 3:00 on the gauge. This motor requires the fan at low speeds or continuous cruise speed to not just keep climbing. At cruise it stays at 3:00 where my old motor barely made it to 4:00, as is with fan on just idling it continues to climb so sitting in traffic is not an option right now.
Might be investing in a bigger radiator perhaps.
Either the 13:1 compression or the tight motor make it tough to start when hot, I'm guessing tight motor since it starts like a champ when cooled down. My battery and starter are in excellent shape and it is a four pole starter.
No take on performance really, haven't had it past 6000 rpm yet, but down low I can tell its making plenty of torque.
I'll post a video of the start up later
Thanks Sean for all your help, brains and patience throughout this build, much appreciated.