Well he is a legend today but when he first started out , there were already 20 year legends lurking in the VMOA , i'm sure Sean will attest to this.... Is awesome that he has become the expert ... John Gainey is the ultimate legend IMHO but is an idiot savant and calling him yesterday proves yet again what a flake the dood is .... I sent him my vmax and he took 2 or 3 years to give it back to me which was a 3 - 6 month handshake turnaround.....Played games with payment , me ULTIMATELY paying him in full to get my bike back ... I was so friggin close to flying to New York to get my bike back.
I am VERY reluctant to use him again but was getting desperate and reached out to him yesterday ..... ... He didnt answer the phone but says in his message , leave a text on this number... I leave a text ME: Hey John , Phil Cummings, are you still taking on projects , HIM: YES ME When are you available to talk HIM: CRICKETS...... Typical .... why reply immediately then nothing ....
I was trying to get my bike in the 9's , i spent a decade racing it and tweaking it .... I run at 5800 Feet in Colorado so Altitude is 20 percent .... John would help with theoretical why its not producing but was real hit / miss .... When i met Sean, i was headed to Wichita to run in the 9's by god for the first time ever .... My bike ran sick , almost killed myself launching with the extra 20 percent HP at pretty much sea level . I did the biggest hole shot wheelie i have ever done and fell over the front of my handle bars but hung on and didnt die
ha ... serious was so much power out of the hole all at once i wasn't use to ..... However when i finished my passes that day , i ran a 10.1 at like 140 MPH , i ran 10.2 in colorado at 133- 134 mph .... ultimately after a decade, i figured it out .... the effing fuel filter off the top of the gas tank was restricting my fuel and causing me to lean out on the back end of a quarter mile , hence my trap speeds were always way low ... After figuring it out , i ran out in colorado and my first pass was 3 MPH faster than i have ever run in Colorado ... 2nd pass my bike blew up .... i trailered it home and ran thru some basic checks , pulled my lockup clutch cuz i thought it was that but it wasnt ..... I then when thru personal stuff , divorce, sold my home moved...etc and its been sitting for about 5 years, gave it to a hayabusa mechanic and he sat on it for 3 years.... He did rebuild the heads and of course Gainey was the guy in the background ..... However he feels i have a fuel system delivery issue .... i havent even turned the key but once since i got it last year..
I'm pretty sure i can figure out my bike and have its over 205 HP back alive again .... My busa is cute compared to my vmax
I babble here to get myself thinking about the past ..... the members such as OLD Man, Jon from ufo cycles and the guy that was going for the speed record forgot his name that have left us .... That forum produced tons and tons of great input from alot of vmax folks..
Vmoa Members ...
anyhow .... I'm getting the itch ...