Man, this is gonna be a Bizzilion Dollar Bike.....Somebody needs to nominate you for the Mod Monkey Award....For Sure...
Crazy!! What you using for the master dude?
The master won't displace enough to do the job though you also will have double the surface area grabbing. It will feel spongy as hell but might still do the job. You'll have to have the lower master turned up while bleeding with something in the pads. Then rotate back into place and bolt in (without taking the line loose). Still looks cool even if you make one non-functional (with a plugged line going to it).
Gen 1 busa has traditonal front brake master with 14mm bore and uses traditional calipers
Gen 2 busa has traditonal front brake master with 14mm bore and uses radial calipers
Gen1 has 15.854mm master cylinder diameter, gen2 has 13.984mm
Gen1 has 26.970mm brake caliper piston diameter, gen2 has 32.130mm