Well-Known Member
A/F mixture screw is broken off in the carb from being tightened too tight.
Just my $.02 in..
If you have a Harbor Freight near you, this is great for cleaning your carb parts and body, and you can use it for many other cleaning situations, other than the bike.
I cleaned my carbs 6 times the conventional way (I thought I did a good job).
1st bath, solution started out crystal clear, ended up looking like mud.. It removed ****, that scrubbing couldn't get clean.
Just something to consider.
Good luck with the repair.
Alright, so let's compile the list...
- 1 small diaphragm ( I can't find the part number on Ron Ayers, but it is number 13 on Partzilla)
- 4 new Fuel Air Mixture Screw assemblies (actually all I NEED is 2 screws, and all 4 orings, but new springs might be good, some of them were kinda rusted a bit....)
- 1 starter lever set screw ( I think it's called )
- 1 O-ring for the 3-way intersection piece off of Carb #2 (can't find part no.)
- rubber stoppers, probably should get for all jet blocks. They aren't fitting very tight at all.
-Orings recommended to replace for all, in each carb. These I can maybe afford, so let's figure those out. But, the Oring located by the FAM screw all look real good.... I'm asking here, whats the difference between a great lookin Oring and a new one?
- need to repair 2 diaphragms or replace
- recommended to do float bowl gasket, mine are all in good shape though, cleaned up, not flattened....some of you guys say re-use...others replace, if it comes down to money, I'll re-use. $11 bucks for that Oring.. LOL! omg forget it.
-recommended to replace jet block gasket and also enrichener gasket (choke? not sure on my terminology, the piece on exterior of carb that has gasket..) again, mine are all in good shape. took them all off without losing any part or sticking.... what works good is to shoot carb cleaner underneath as you peel it up, comes right off. looks like on partzilla, I'll pay 15 bucks for those 2 gaskets. OMG, forget it.....
- want to make sure clip is in correct spot on slide needle... what do you all recommend? I have a plastic piece that goes on, then the clip, then a small washer, then a slightly larger washer.... pictured earlier...Blaxmax coughed up his setting a few replies earlier than this....
- need to ascertain location of jets, cuz I dont remember where I pulled them out of (just the three that look alike). If in manual, I can find it there when I re-assemble this thing. I saw I have a 150, 160, ???, and another without numbers (I think this was the small hole one). also saw a 37.5 or something, can't recall.
-various stainless screws, particularily for jet block. working on eventually having all stainless machine head screws for entire carb, except for the special ones I can't replace at Ace Hardware. Each one is about $1. What does that make, about $16 bucks each carb?
Look at pic # 3 of 7 on page 40 for reference of jet placement and also the allen head screw in the jetblock is not stock.
Go to page 4 of this thread-look at the last reply on the page #40-look at the 3rd pic of the 7 pics.Hey man, can you clarify what you mean Pic 3 of 7 on page 40...of that manual?
Update, I purchased one of the Harbor Freight Ultrasonic cleaners and some Simple Green. That stuff is cheap and seems to works well on cutting grease, at least the pans for my smoker..
Anyways, I am ordering parts soon, gonna be about $150 bucks. I will start cleaning things with ultrasonic, and have them all ready to go for the rebuild part. Ill be asking questions so be ready...
Go to page 4 of this thread-look at the last reply on the page #40-look at the 3rd pic of the 7 pics.
I use simple green all the time myself.
cool thanks. gonna start cleaning tonight.
hey what's the oring called on pic 9 of ten of reply #39, the one that goes around the triple split (for fuel lines?..)?
Other than bike parts, you can clean jewelry, machine parts, just about anything that can fit in there. Plastic, Rubber, metal, you can clean just about anything. I used Simple Green and filtered water, 50/50 mix.. I would definitely look at all rubber parts for age issues,, simply because rubber degrades on it own. Good luck with the work..
Thank you Blax!
Now, PAJ2, is that the 150 or 160? They both look like the same size, thread....
Which one is the one that this dude couldn't get out?.... i think he said PAJ2...
"looking at the slide opening - you can see my (very damaged by POs) PAJ2 "
what is a POs?
what number is the PAJ1, or waht number shouild it be? 150 or 160.. i think they are same size... so what's the difference? the size of the hole inside?
how do these mount?
the re-assembly was good, but not enough. i took off more parts than he did... and didn't take pictures. my bad there.
i dont know how these pieces go on. help?