Using the fuel level testing procedure from manual, what are the fuel levels for each carb?
Using the fuel level testing procedure from manual, what are the fuel levels for each carb?
ok guys update. did the whole wet float test. so here's a bit of info that woulda been nice to know.. the O.D. of the drain tube is 1/4". I found a piece of clear plastic tubing with a 3/16" I.D. Gotta squeeze that in there but got a good seal. Here are the pics. they are Carbs 2,1,3,4 respectively. Carb 4 didn't fill the tubing as fast as the others when i opened up the drain screw. I turned the key several times and for Carbs 2,1,3, the pump may run for a little bit, then shorter, etc. For Carb 4 though, the tube was full of gas and when I turned the key to On, the pump would run for a good 3 seconds, every time... so not sure if that is significant, but...
SO Carb 2 was exactly at 17mm. I made lines like ------[ ]-------- 15 and 17mm. Carb 1, bad pic but looks low. Carb 3 is a bit high and Carb 4 low.
So next step, take off carb rack after draining bowls, and fix float level?
Read this thread on wet fuel level check. As Casey noted, just need some clear tubing. Buy a foot of it at the hardware store for less than $1. You only need a few inches.
Put a mark on the hose 17mm from the end. Push the end without the mark over the OEM drain tube. Hold the other end up to the casting mark on the carb.
Open the drain screw. Cycle the fuel pump. Observe fuel level. If float is set correctly the fuel should be right at your mark, 17mm down from the casting line.
As far as diaphragms, replacements rubbers are much more reasonable than the whole slide.
Ive heard a few mentions of using Loctite PL S30 roof and flashing sealant to cover some minor pinholes on this and another forum. Cant say for sure if its a good idea. Supposedly fuel resistant once cured. Definitely flexible as I've used it for its intended purpose.
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OK I'm obviously donig the test correctly as per Madcmb's directions.
Someone please provide me with the proper next step. LIke I said. take carb rack out now and tweak the float levels?
Is there an easier proper way to do this aside from taking the carbs completely separate and apart?
Should I just clean out the damn things anyways if I gotta go in there? I already did total rebuild with new gaskets etc before winter. hundreds in new parts, ain't doin that again.
Where do you put the open end of the tubing when you do the check?
right at the line on the carb body.
right at the line on the carb body.
Yeah i did guys, thanks. Thanks for all your help too everyone.
Is it not clear what I did given the photos I took? I rotated the best one see you all can see.
What you can't see is that the top of the clear tubing is lined up with the mark on the carb body.
Someone should compile a GOOD wet test post and sticky it. Use this photo. All the other threads or posts are somewhat incomplete or unclear. The one mentioned is good but it is an angled blurry photo and you can't see the whole operation in action, like my photo does.
So obviously this carb is running too rich, since it's above the 15mm mark.
Ok so next step.... and I'll do this after work today..
1.) Unhook the throttle body linkages from carb
2.) Make sure carbs drained. disconnect fuel lines from carbs.
3.) pull carb rack off disconnect carbs and reset float levels
4.) I guess I should clean them out too, make sure jets clear, especially the super small one in the jet block. all the others have decent size orifices.
Not replacing any gaskets, even jet block gasket, just how it's gonna be this time.
5.) In an earlier mention, it was said that I should wet test again after resetting. makes sense. Can a guy test out the float level after resetting it internally, without having to mount carb rack back on bike? I'm assuming a guy has to put the rack back on the bike, hook up the fuel line, turn the key, let the bowls fill up, and do the wet test again to check.... is this the only way to test once resetting floats?
I'll find the proper half moon mark thing. swear I did this right last year when rebuilt carbs, but bike never ran properly even though I swear I did this, so we'll see I guess..
Follow this for a DRY float level check, and it will EQUAL a wet level of 17 mm.
Thanks Yep, looks familiar.
So that measurement (if not going by the circle edge on a circle) is from the float down... but see how the body is curved at that exact point? the inside corner is kinda curved, so how does one get an accurate measurement and consistent?. just a thought... how do you guys all do it? i'm sure everyeone else here has done this whole thing way more many times than myself.... do ya go the circle or do ya go with measurement?
The circle will get you close but not as reliable as a wet test.