Rusty McNeil
Well-Known Member
It's the burnout pit, anything goes right?
My whole political and religious philosophy can be summed up by
"I don't give a **** what anyone does as long as they don't expect me to pay for it"
Gays or whatever don't bother me at all...I had a flaming queer for a first year college roomate back in '82 in Lubbock Texas that was more terrified of my dumb redneck appearance when I first walked in than I was of him "bothering me", we ended up being pretty good friends....I've dated more Mexican girls than white girls, and almost married a few of them before settling on an European *******. my wife knows I still have a thing for mexican women, language and culture, and no I don't mean the pricks sneaking across the border.
But for those that think diversity is more than "skin deep" take a look at any of the most liberal and diverse corporate, college, or school cafeterias in any part of the country, and observe where even the most liberal and "advanced" people sit and how they congregrate when given thier own choices and under no pressure.
They generally self segregate unless another common interest pulls them together.
That doesn't mean I agree with or am against gays in the military. The military is not an experimenting ground for "diversity idealiologists" it's a tool with a purpose and it needs to be run in whatever manner best gets the job done. Whether that means gays should be allowed I don't know, The functionality of that tool should be the only guidleine, but like it or not integration WILL come. It'll just have to be done in a sensible fashion, but you cannot stop it......Blacks were integrated into the military using separate units...maybe that'll work?? Then they could use their own banner like the that started this mess....
The general argument is ..."How functional can a unit be when it's members are bothered and worried about the presence of gays?????
That's a really piss poor argument since it's the same one used against racial integration back in WWII, This world just needs to get used to the idea that people are people, once you decide we are all human then stop drawing lines all over the place as long as people behave themselves, then accept them.
Does that mean I wanna sell my house and move into a black or mexican neighborhood, or into downtown houston or the montrose area where the gays live (like I could afford it, it's one of the most expensive areas in houston), or have my daughter marry a black man?
Hell to the no!
No...I'm more comfortable among "my own kind" but Human enough to realize that just because someone is "different" doesn't make them any less human or deserving of basic rights...............
As for being born that way? or the old "nature versus nurture " argument...???
Anybody remember that kid you knew in 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade or even earleir that was "different" and was "gonna end up queer", even tho you didn't know that word or the meaning back then, but somehow you just "KNEW".....Jump forward 10 years and sure enough you were right, they were gay.......
I vote nature...they are born that way.....
And by the way, only a Cock Chugging, Pillow Biting ****** would be offended by the first post in this thread....:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
My whole political and religious philosophy can be summed up by
"I don't give a **** what anyone does as long as they don't expect me to pay for it"
Gays or whatever don't bother me at all...I had a flaming queer for a first year college roomate back in '82 in Lubbock Texas that was more terrified of my dumb redneck appearance when I first walked in than I was of him "bothering me", we ended up being pretty good friends....I've dated more Mexican girls than white girls, and almost married a few of them before settling on an European *******. my wife knows I still have a thing for mexican women, language and culture, and no I don't mean the pricks sneaking across the border.
But for those that think diversity is more than "skin deep" take a look at any of the most liberal and diverse corporate, college, or school cafeterias in any part of the country, and observe where even the most liberal and "advanced" people sit and how they congregrate when given thier own choices and under no pressure.
They generally self segregate unless another common interest pulls them together.
That doesn't mean I agree with or am against gays in the military. The military is not an experimenting ground for "diversity idealiologists" it's a tool with a purpose and it needs to be run in whatever manner best gets the job done. Whether that means gays should be allowed I don't know, The functionality of that tool should be the only guidleine, but like it or not integration WILL come. It'll just have to be done in a sensible fashion, but you cannot stop it......Blacks were integrated into the military using separate units...maybe that'll work?? Then they could use their own banner like the that started this mess....
The general argument is ..."How functional can a unit be when it's members are bothered and worried about the presence of gays?????
That's a really piss poor argument since it's the same one used against racial integration back in WWII, This world just needs to get used to the idea that people are people, once you decide we are all human then stop drawing lines all over the place as long as people behave themselves, then accept them.
Does that mean I wanna sell my house and move into a black or mexican neighborhood, or into downtown houston or the montrose area where the gays live (like I could afford it, it's one of the most expensive areas in houston), or have my daughter marry a black man?
Hell to the no!
No...I'm more comfortable among "my own kind" but Human enough to realize that just because someone is "different" doesn't make them any less human or deserving of basic rights...............
As for being born that way? or the old "nature versus nurture " argument...???
Anybody remember that kid you knew in 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade or even earleir that was "different" and was "gonna end up queer", even tho you didn't know that word or the meaning back then, but somehow you just "KNEW".....Jump forward 10 years and sure enough you were right, they were gay.......
I vote nature...they are born that way.....
And by the way, only a Cock Chugging, Pillow Biting ****** would be offended by the first post in this thread....:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200: