New Army unit announced

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It's the burnout pit, anything goes right?

My whole political and religious philosophy can be summed up by

"I don't give a **** what anyone does as long as they don't expect me to pay for it"

Gays or whatever don't bother me at all...I had a flaming queer for a first year college roomate back in '82 in Lubbock Texas that was more terrified of my dumb redneck appearance when I first walked in than I was of him "bothering me", we ended up being pretty good friends....I've dated more Mexican girls than white girls, and almost married a few of them before settling on an European *******. my wife knows I still have a thing for mexican women, language and culture, and no I don't mean the pricks sneaking across the border.

But for those that think diversity is more than "skin deep" take a look at any of the most liberal and diverse corporate, college, or school cafeterias in any part of the country, and observe where even the most liberal and "advanced" people sit and how they congregrate when given thier own choices and under no pressure.

They generally self segregate unless another common interest pulls them together.

That doesn't mean I agree with or am against gays in the military. The military is not an experimenting ground for "diversity idealiologists" it's a tool with a purpose and it needs to be run in whatever manner best gets the job done. Whether that means gays should be allowed I don't know, The functionality of that tool should be the only guidleine, but like it or not integration WILL come. It'll just have to be done in a sensible fashion, but you cannot stop it......Blacks were integrated into the military using separate units...maybe that'll work?? Then they could use their own banner like the that started this mess....

The general argument is ..."How functional can a unit be when it's members are bothered and worried about the presence of gays?????

That's a really piss poor argument since it's the same one used against racial integration back in WWII, This world just needs to get used to the idea that people are people, once you decide we are all human then stop drawing lines all over the place as long as people behave themselves, then accept them.

Does that mean I wanna sell my house and move into a black or mexican neighborhood, or into downtown houston or the montrose area where the gays live (like I could afford it, it's one of the most expensive areas in houston), or have my daughter marry a black man?

Hell to the no!

No...I'm more comfortable among "my own kind" but Human enough to realize that just because someone is "different" doesn't make them any less human or deserving of basic rights...............

As for being born that way? or the old "nature versus nurture " argument...???

Anybody remember that kid you knew in 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade or even earleir that was "different" and was "gonna end up queer", even tho you didn't know that word or the meaning back then, but somehow you just "KNEW".....Jump forward 10 years and sure enough you were right, they were gay.......

I vote nature...they are born that way.....

And by the way, only a Cock Chugging, Pillow Biting ****** would be offended by the first post in this thread....:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
so people want to chime in with their 2 cents on defending "gay" faggets "feelings" and how it would be wrong to joke about a double wide bed and hot tubs. the fact is if you don't like my point of view that's fine because if your the opposite of my point of view i don't like yours! agree to disagree. but when people chime in to give their personal opinion i will do the same. i have nothing against ****, do i like it, no. i think it is grouse but it does not bother me to talk, socialize or do business with someone if i knew they were a ***, on the other hand where i will become very rude and have no problem throwing the first punch (knowing the possibility of getting my ass kicked by a ***) is when i know damn well they were not born with a lisp, or checking me out (eye f*^%ing me) i have a problem with that. with that being said "homosexuality is not a born with it disease" maybe a small % of them yes but it is a generation trend and it is one that I WILL NOT ACCEPT! why? because i am a MAN and i have MANHOOD.
As far as the don't ask don't tell policy.. I am an active duty Marine and it is a very touchy subject for me because "it has an effect on my life" not yours unless your in the military now also. i have thought it was a pretty fair policy ie. (if your a *** and in the military that is fine, we wont ask you if you are (can get in big trouble if you ask) your personal business is yours just keep your personal business personal (don't tell us about it or get caught not keeping it personal behind closed doors) how is that not good enough!!? my opinion, most parents these days are big vagina's and don't have the balls or are not around their kids enough to teach them right from wrong, those kids grow up and have kids and it gets worse. next thing you know you have the society of "im gay look at mee's" or "gay is ok sayer's". not me Jack!
Ssgt USMC 0300
I keep seeing the word ***,not lesbian(So were ok with lesbians) but i must say I LIKE GIRLS WHO LIKE GIRLS,as long as they are HOT and not butch.Or are we talking about the Harley rider,LOL it all in fun but i do like girls who like girls !!!!!!!!! JIM
I keep seeing the word ***,not lesbian(So were ok with lesbians) but i must say I LIKE GIRLS WHO LIKE GIRLS,as long as they are HOT and not butch.Or are we talking about the Harley rider,LOL it all in fun but i do like girls who like girls !!!!!!!!! JIM


Well, COPRUNNER claims to be a lesbian trapped in a man's body.....where does THAT leave us???:confused2:
Well Dan i said HOT, Be careful ,do you think Coprunner is HOT! LOL just kidding also he not riding BITCH with me. JIM
I can't see a single reason why the "don't ask don't tell" policy is now deemed to be not good enough. I guess Nobama isn't satisfied with people just tolerating gays, people need to accept them now too. There's a big difference between putting up with something you don't like, and actively being forced to like it. I can tolerate gays, that doesn't mean I have to like them or approve of their lifestyle. I have no problem with blacks or mexicans or even middle-eastern people, but like Rusty said I'm not about to move into a black neighborhood either.

I don't get why libs insist on trying to integrate everybody to the highest degree. I swear if it was their way every family would have an Asian grandmother, an Iraqi grandfather, a white mom, a black dad, and adopt a kid from Polynesia who turns out to be gay. They would drive a hybrid, compost their *****, pay 3x as much for "renewable" energy, and only buy stuff certified organic. Talk about the "new" American family.

Different races naturally separate, it's animal(and human) nature. That doesn't mean they don't like each other, they would just rather be with their own kind. I see it kind of like oil and water- they just naturally separate and the more you try to stir it up, the more it separates.

Probably 99% of America is tolerant of other races or sexualities- but I'd be willing to bet a lot less embrace them.
Although I referenced the "nature versus nurture" argument, in support of nature, which is still my stance on male queers, there is admittedly a "trendy" gay element out there, much more prevalent among young females who decide they are going to be queer merely because it is trendy or cool (of which I wholeheartedly approve, or else my life would be missing some of it's most memorable moments:biglaugh:), and encouraged by lax parenting standards.

There are also a lot of kids who simply don't know what the **** they are doing and decide to be gay out of rebellion just like many of us decided to drink, smoke pot or whatever, and once again it's in the realm of possibillity due to lax parenting. There ARE some things that shouldn't be tolerated as a parent.

But I still stand by my argument that there are a large percentage of queers who are born that way, reference my earlier mention of this and the context I put it in and tell me I'm wrong. Tell me even ONE of you didn't ever have an experience in grade school where you just knew something was "wrong" with " that kid" and find out 10 years later you were right.

For the most part I gotta say that saying you hate gays isn't any different than saying you hate blacks. A black man may not have a choice in being black, a gay might, but might not, but what the **** is the difference anyway, they are what they are based on birth, choice, or both, but what the **** difference does it make. There is a big difference in hating someone and choosing not to associatte with them, I don't hang out with a lot of queers or blacks, doesn't mean I dislike them

I'm a huge reader of history and all these same arguments were made against black in the military, just substitute the word black for queer and it sounds the same.

And the gay element has been with us forever, ESPECIALLY in the military, the roman and greek empire military were the most prevalent practioners of "buggery" of all time. THAT is a historical fact...The seeemingly greater presence of gays nowadays is simply due to:
1. The fact that the social stigma is going away and more and more aren't having to hide
2. Some of the "trendies" out there I mentioned earlier.
3. Ugly women who could never get laid deciding they are gay so they can have a partner:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:

The don't ask, don't tell policy was good enough for right now, they need to leave it alone and not force the issue, time will take care of it anyway, gays in the military aren't being denied any rights other than the right to rub peoples noses in their "gayness" eventually it will be a non-issue, it took a lot of years for the military to go from segragated units to non-segragated units, when society was ready it happened.

The first post was still funny tho', I don't care who you are or what you believe, we all need a sense of humour......

For those who dislike my use of the word QUEER just remember that that is the word they prefered for quite some time, plus they stole an extremely useful word "gay" from the english language...forever ruining it for any other use except derogatory ones.
OK guys... I think we've ALL gotten our points across... Some more than others.:biglaugh:

I'm going to close it now.

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