Well-Known Member
Sean I very much helped. he sent me a lot. I have it already should put a monument even now ask the sensor. suddenly there? He has many parts
Sean I very much helped. he sent me a lot. I have it already should put a monument even now ask the sensor. suddenly there? He has many parts
No my friend, I did the same way back in the days.you are probably very much laughing when reading what I write I will first write a text and then translate it back and sometimes translate into Russian, to have an idea of what you read ... it is possible to die laughing
Stock sensors are quite expensive. Im working with industrial automation and If You want we can always work on the substitute.
Good onebut it is all very well in place. nothing to be wise. repaired in case of damage easily. sculpt there something different - the size of a hindrance. I could not find host. or crooked, or ugly or unreliable. too much momentum. vibration. oil temperature. unless something is done poorly, it necessarily fails. and then there will be a disaster. break everything in the world. better not risk it. there is no rush, a victory will be ours we say - hurry needed when catching fleas, and when you climb to another man's wife .... and if you have diarrhea. sorry. otherwise, no need to hurry up sorry
Im talking about inductive (VR somehow) sensor.right now I do not understand very well. you have to put that there? you put yourself? but looks like? and sizes? and how you fastened? We must of course! Do you discount what I understand only the third time I did not very smart, plus translators to help get confused
The best would be to get stock BAD seosor and use its bracket.
Anybody have bad pickup seosor?
Im talking about inductive (VR somehow) sensor.
Just need to fabricate the bracket.
They're avaible from M6 so small size. Close range, long range etc.
Whatever you can imagine:
I have. sensor new sample in 1993. he was working, a replacement. I can send (but only with the return, no fallback-bad. We did not find. let it be on the safe side)
у меня есть .датчик нового образца,93 года . он рабочий ,запасной .могу выслать (но только с возвратом , без запасного -плохо . у нас его не найти . пусть будет на всякий случай )
judging by the photos of this must fit without problems
судя по фото -такой должен поместиться без проблем
No, keep it. I will need to destroy one and gets its bracket.
They're expensive so such a waste to destroy it.
Check there, multiple choices to use.
object detecion/inductive sensors
http://balluff.ru/--Here's the link I could not find sensors with switching frequency of 6.7 kHz (36 * 10 000/60): (
and a temperature-majority to 100 degrees celsius: (