newspeed336 Chris Richter liar and thief !!

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This guy isn't to be trusted and owes 250 for parts ... full of excuses Chris Richter 531 liberty st apt 2 penn yan new York 14527 ... I just don't want no one else being ripped off and if you know him ask him why he hasn't paid or returned messages .. Appreciate it
Well that sucks...
Thanks for the heads up. Hope he mans up and makes things right.
This guy isn't to be trusted and owes 250 for parts ... full of excuses Chris Richter 531 liberty st apt 2 penn yan new York 14527 ... I just don't want no one else being ripped off and if you know him ask him why he hasn't paid or returned messages .. Appreciate it
Thank you for alerting the community. Hopefully, nobody else falls victim to it.
By county, yes, New York is red. But cities like Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany and the NYMA make up the majority of the population where the state is blue. 20 million(or so people in NY).

Buffalo 275,000(ish) people.
Albany 100,000(ish) people.
Rochester 210,000(ish) people.
Syracuse 145,000(ish) people.
NYC 8,336,000(ish) people.

Not withstanding the burbs of these major metros, you are looking at roughly 9 million people.

Now, considering Buffalo NY has a population for 275,000 people, the outlier suburbs of this area brings the population to 1,137,000 people. For the county that most these people live in, are left leaners. Rochester suburbs brings the population to 1 million. Albany suburbs 900,000 or so. You can expect to add a couple three more million directly over the 9 million or so in the hard left cities. This will give you a 11-12 million majority.

A look at any election map will show you the major cities I cited are in blue with their suburbs attached. NY, like every other state, will show red. But the people are in the blue and thats where the votes come from.

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