Oil Levels Hot and Cold...Is this Normal?

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So just out of curiosity, does anyone think that having an extra quart or more of oil in the crankcase, which it did have, would reduce the mileage to 20 mpg? The amount I got out without removing the filter filled a Rotella T empty 5 quart bottle to overflowing quite a bit.
It could....extra oil will get whipped into the crank, and actually reduce HP because it makes more of a drag on the crank, and plus the engine probably wont rev as quick.
Mileage should go up with the right oil level. Example, how much energy will it take to run across a pool of water with 2 feet of water in it, not much. Then try running across the same pool with 5 feet of water in it, you would have to expel a lot of energy to make it across the five foot pool in the same time frame. This is what the rods are having to do, thus you have less useable HP and more throttle to achieve a certain constant speed.
A 33% reduction in gas mileage seems PRETTY extreme for a quart of extra oil. I'll be watching this thread to see what happens.
A 33% reduction in gas mileage seems PRETTY extreme for a quart of extra oil. I'll be watching this thread to see what happens.

I would not consider this a true test Pete, because John mentioned his engine was not up to par such as he could hear every thing in the engine making noise. I think I ran across some documented oil thread forum that even stated oil viscosity makes more HP when thinner oil was used. Some one may have some documented proof (a link to) on the subject.
After a run on the freeway at 65 to 85 mph for 65 miles, I got 21 mpg with fresh Rotella T and the proper level was visually confirmed while the bike was perfectly vertical to the ground.

It died at Idle once and is popping and stalling at midrange when you open the throttle in first gear to get it going.

It's sort of like watching the crash of the Hindenburg in slow motion.
Well maybe the A/F screws need to be readjusted after the shotgun? I always had mine 3-4 turns out, so that way it richened it up for in town driving....and you wouldnt get the lean backfire thru the intake.

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