optimize mods

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Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2017
Reaction score
Hi everybody,
since I had the vmax I was fallen in love with modding , and so far I've installed almost everything I can purchase at an affordable price in Italy.
Now I'm struggling in the optimization process because seems that there aren't any skilled mechaninc in my area and I'm forced to do what I can by myself.
FIrst of all, these are the mod I've made :

homemade COP (suzuki gsx-r COP as per suggestion from the forum)
Dynojet Stage 1 kit
Dyna 3000 CDI
BSM carbon exhaust (only the slip on , not a complete system) fully cleaned and modified by me.
K&N air filter
Shimmed original airbox
Barnett clutch plates , disk and spring conversion
Iridium plugs
oversize battery (21amp)
Brembo rcs front brake pump
Brembo rear brake pump
Aeronautic hooses for brakes and clutch
....and some more funny stuff like "nautilus" horn , oil pressure gauge, superbike style handlebar, Homemade mods on original headlight ( LED and angel eye on original hardware), rear brake light with 3 led lamp ecc,ecc.

Now , since almost everything was left to "default" ( the stage 1 jets size, the configuration of the dyna 3000, the airbox, and so on) I was wondering how to take out the best from all my stuff.

Reading the forum seems that I should get rid of the stage 1 needles and swap them with the Factorypro , also a new airbox system could be a good choice, but even if I really like Sean kit I don't have a full header so I don't know if with all these mods can be useful or not.

My max is the european version, so I have only 100hp, but I already trimmed the carb spacers. Next step will be to open up the connection tube between the carbs to 34mm to "simulate" the stage 7 kit.
A oil catch can without air filter is in progress to complete this setup , I only need to find a good place to install it.

Do I need the separate filters or can I use the Morley's Muscle air filter mod?
Get rid of the stage one and put the stock needles back in. Change to a smaller main, install your K&N factory style filter and do your shimming on the "y" section of the airbox (1/18"-3/16"). Do NOT go a jet kit, Pod filters, or our Muscle Jet kit with the slip-on style exhaust.
Make sure your COP setup has resistors, the Dyna 3000 will not tolerate resistorless cops.

I too removed a stage 1 jet kit, I could never get it sorted until I got rid of some of that DJ stuff. I have a little different setup but it was rich as hell installed according to the DJ inlay.

Your bike sounds quite cool, hope you get it sorted.
yes, I put a resistor on a flat copper bar mounted using the holes of the coils, so I have the heat dissipated correctly .
I 've posted my COP mod in a previous thread.
Here it is

Thank you Sean , I will follow your suggestion!
My airbox is already shimmbed with 5mm nut between the "Y" top cover and the airbox ( 5mm are more or less 3/16")
Also, I've noticed that since I've installed the stage 1 kit my max has become an avid deep troath for fuel!!!!
Belive me or not, right now I have a mileage of 90km with my full tank.
Just wondering if the enlarged hole made on the sliders ( Stage 1 instructions required to do so) can cause any issue , and If it is good to leave the softer spring instead of the original one.
The truth is that I believe that with the digital Dyna 3000 and another curve set instead of the "default" one I could be able to get a full benefit of the stage 1, but again, I do not plan to swap my header with a new one because in Italy is illegal to do so.
We are forced to use ONLY the original exhaust sistem or an approved one, so , other than BSM slip-on and Marving slip-on there is nothing else.
Checked the main jet few minutes ago.
Seems that i’ve Installed the 165.
Original needles are a little bit rusty , will need a good cleaning before I put them in.
In the stage 1 kit I have 2 smaller size for the main jet: 160 and 150
Unfortunately there isn’t 155....
Should 160 go fine or is 150 better?
You want a 147.5-150 MIKUNI main. They are not sized the same as the DJ jets so keep that in mind and use the chart to get the cross reference (or get the Mikuni's). If you continue to get poor mileage you may likely have float settings off and or too rich on the needles (if you had adjustable stock ones that you reinstalled).