Osama Bin Laden Dead

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theyve been saying on the news for years that he might already be dead cuz all the footage theyve been getting of him have been in dark rooms with someone else talking. last week in the news they said obamas public approval rating was at an all time low. now with osama assassinated, he shot WAY up..... hmmmmm

is it just me or does this whole world turn with money??

i wonder if gas prices are gonna come down right before elections also...
I think this is probably truer than I'd like to believe, but a politician, especially a pupet like BHO is, likes to manipulate the publics opinion. Also the gas prices is just letting the oil companies pad their bank rolls then BHO will sweep in, just when a boost in the polls is needed, to command that they reduce their prices or else!
He sure is a slow decision maker for our so called leader or is he just governing by poll!:damn angry::bang head::damn angry:
Also the gas prices is just letting the oil companies pad their bank rolls :damn angry:

Effing fuel prices are RIDICULOUS. A middle class worker can't afford to drive to work anymore. I am adding additional $ into the mobilzation portion of our bids because it costs us an average of $300/jobsite to move in ONE TIME. Our overhead on long-term projects is skyrocketing due to fuel costs. Then you read about how much profit the fuel industry is making.

$9,250,000,000.00 in profit for the first quarter this year.
$30,460,000,000.00 in profit last year.


Sorry, off target.
"wow u got him? wheres the body????"

"oh we buried it dont worry bout it"
Effing fuel prices are RIDICULOUS. A middle class worker can't afford to drive to work anymore. I am adding additional $ into the mobilzation portion of our bids because it costs us an average of $300/jobsite to move in ONE TIME. Our overhead on long-term projects is skyrocketing due to fuel costs. Then you read about how much profit the fuel industry is making.

$9,250,000,000.00 in profit for the first quarter this year.
$30,460,000,000.00 in profit last year.


Sorry, off target.

Yep But the government makes more off each gallon than the oil companies do.
I think this is probably truer than I'd like to believe, but a politician, especially a pupet like BHO is, likes to manipulate the publics opinion. Also the gas prices is just letting the oil companies pad their bank rolls then BHO will sweep in, just when a boost in the polls is needed, to command that they reduce their prices or else!
He sure is a slow decision maker for our so called leader or is he just governing by poll!:damn angry::bang head::damn angry:

He has to call Soros first for approval .
Re: bin laden dead

Sounds like a bullet through the brain and a burial at sea... The Saudi's were offered his body and wanted nothing to do with it.

So... What do we have today? We have one dead terrorist, Muslims around the world still don't trust us, and the chances of retaliation are higher than ever.

I couldn't be happier... When a push notification came over my phone last night and woke me up I about pooped! I turned on the TV, watched until Obama came on, watched his speech, and then turned it off. Needless to say, I'm tired today. lol

Yeah, Muslims don't trust us and Wahhabists have pledged to kill or convert non-believers and butcher the infidels like pigs.

I'd have hung his corpse from a bridge.
Effing fuel prices are RIDICULOUS. A middle class worker can't afford to drive to work anymore. I am adding additional $ into the mobilzation portion of our bids because it costs us an average of $300/jobsite to move in ONE TIME. Our overhead on long-term projects is skyrocketing due to fuel costs. Then you read about how much profit the fuel industry is making.

$9,250,000,000.00 in profit for the first quarter this year.
$30,460,000,000.00 in profit last year.


Sorry, off target.

Why do people freak out about the actual DOLLAR amount these oil companies are making???

Profit is expressed in a percentage of costs to produce...not gross dollars...

Oil companies on average are making around 8-11% profit, less than most of your retail outlets we do business with......No one ******* when office depot, walmart, sears, HP, Dell etc knock back a much greater profit than that, the oil companies are just investing a much larger amount in production, the percentage of profit is less
I struggle to believe his life ended this way thats if he wasnt dead already . Hello everyone would like to see his head on a platter . As for the fuel prices i remember reading a document yrs ago bout the ex head of the C.I.A. in hiding about a book he wrote stating why there really go to war ..
In the end what the governments tell us we believe .. :ummm:
Gonna have that new drink, the "Osama,"

two shots and a spalsh of water!

I wish they would stop 'revealing' details. He was shot dead in his house, his body was fed to the sharks, end of story. I don't want any more information, I don't need any more information, he's dead. Anything else is "a matter of national security," and I am OK with that.

Gonna have me an "Osama" now. 7:00 p.m.