Paris France attacks

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
Turn on your news channel of preference, ISIS bomb attacks in a Paris theater and dozens dead and hostages.

The world will change because of this. There will be no sympathy for the refugees leaving Syria.

Paris is under curfew, reported 158 dead, executed by heavily-armed gunmen, who exploded multiple bombs in the theater. Shooting from the theater balcony, slaughtering concert-goers, systematically shooting while saying, "this is for Syria," and "Allahu Akbar."

UN Security Council condemns the actions.

Multiple explosions (6) carried out across Paris France. The France borders have been closed.

Paris shopping center Forum des Halles also struck. Multiple suicide bombings at multiple locations.
This sure drove the privileged protesting students at U-Missouri off the news. Wonder if they still are feeling microaggressions?
It's coming here too: This is a long video and it makes me sick.

May take some fiddling to run the video. Wait until the play button comes up in the middle of the video area. It is worth watching.
That was brought up a couple of weeks ago. It wasn't just women and children coming across the borders. It was also a LOT of males 18-30 with no ties to anyone. It would be really easy to hide amongst them if you were a terrorist.

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Wait I thought Paris was a gun free zone:bang head:

Wrong, France is a gun free zone..
French people forgot there was a war and terro 70 years ago, and weapons were every where in the country.

People forgot this in the 70s (flower power, everyone is friendly, all this ********)

To have a gun you have to be legaly registered as a sport shooter or a hunter and don't talk too much about this, because most people will look at you as a dangerous cowboy...
And you can only carry your gun from home to shooting club, in a box with a lock.

I am captain of Police, if i don't work, i can't carry my police gun in holidays, i can carry it only during 2 days max (week-end).
Fortunately i am a sport shooter too so legaly (because i am a policeman) i can carry my personnal weapons everywhere when i am not at work.

Finally legal weapon use by cops is VERY restricted in France, most of the time you have to think (humm, too risky i will be prosecuted).

So this is a sweet place for terrorists and others..

Last news :
Deads : 129
Almost deads : 99
Injuried : 300

7 terrorists died, 6 explosed, 1 shooted
3 terrorists escaped, probably towards Belgium, they should be arrested shortly.
Wrong, France is a gun free zone..
French people forgot there was a war and terro 70 years ago, and weapons were every where in the country.

People forgot this in the 70s (flower power, everyone is friendly, all this ********)

To have a gun you have to be legaly registered as a sport shooter or a hunter and don't talk too much about this, because most people will look at you as a dangerous cowboy...
And you can only carry your gun from home to shooting club, in a box with a lock.

I am captain of Police, if i don't work, i can't carry my police gun in holidays, i can carry it only during 2 days max (week-end).
Fortunately i am a sport shooter too so legaly (because i am a policeman) i can carry my personnal weapons everywhere when i am not at work.

Finally legal weapon use by cops is VERY restricted in France, most of the time you have to think (humm, too risky i will be prosecuted).

So this is a sweet place for terrorists and others..

Last news :
Deads : 129
Almost deads : 99
Injuried : 300

7 terrorists died, 6 explosed, 1 shooted
3 terrorists escaped, probably towards Belgium, they should be arrested shortly.

I hope they rethink that. I'd be willing to bet statistics would be different if 80% of the people in that theater were packing. The police can't be everywhere, as we saw once more. Prayers to the families affected in France. May the deceased rest in peace.
Hmm I wonder if this is gonna make someone do something about our southern border?

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+1, the border is a sieve. How about the legal emigrants coming in. We're importing terrorist in the mix, for sure. My wife says to me"you can't carry to the movies". Wait until the next time we go. She might get a bullet proof vest for Christmas. They don't get it, IT'S COMING HERE!
Canada was suppose to be taking 25,000 Syrian refuges before Christmas. This latest event will slow that process down. As well, now there is speculation that over 4000 of those refugee's "are not what they seem"...they are ISIS. So now screening is being done so a whole plié of radicals don't sneak in. Health Canada is also very worried about disease control, saying none of the Syrians have had any vaccinations and still have , small pox, leprosy , T.B Aids, polio & other diseases that we have eliminated years ago. Its going to be interesting for sure.
Wrong, France is a gun free zone..
French people forgot there was a war and terro 70 years ago, and weapons were every where in the country.

People forgot this in the 70s (flower power, everyone is friendly, all this ********)

To have a gun you have to be legaly registered as a sport shooter or a hunter and don't talk too much about this, because most people will look at you as a dangerous cowboy...
And you can only carry your gun from home to shooting club, in a box with a lock.

I am captain of Police, if i don't work, i can't carry my police gun in holidays, i can carry it only during 2 days max (week-end).
Fortunately i am a sport shooter too so legaly (because i am a policeman) i can carry my personnal weapons everywhere when i am not at work.

Finally legal weapon use by cops is VERY restricted in France, most of the time you have to think (humm, too risky i will be prosecuted).

So this is a sweet place for terrorists and others..

Last news :
Deads : 129
Almost deads : 99
Injuried : 300

7 terrorists died, 6 explosed, 1 shooted
3 terrorists escaped, probably towards Belgium, they should be arrested shortly.

You have my respect must be hell for you and your mates over there now. Be careful, stay safe and good luck! :worthy:

Prayers to all involved. :eusa_pray:
I think we are already badly compromised....this ridiculous administration has seen to that very it's just a matter of how many strikes we can head off before hand and where and how bad we get hit....same goes for the rest of the world, cause this is just the beginning.

The Pope said this is the beginning of WWIII....that might be exactly what it is, and it's going to be different than most of us can even imagine.
I hope they rethink that. I'd be willing to bet statistics would be different if 80% of the people in that theater were packing. The police can't be everywhere, as we saw once more. Prayers to the families affected in France. May the deceased rest in peace.

They rethink since the january attacks (because we asked it), but untill now, nothing come.
Maybe the redline had been passed yesterday night, we'll see...

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