I recommend RAM mounts. Have been using for years. They have many options.
RAM Xgrip is very secure. Extreme test was trashing my Triumph at highway speeds ... my phone was retrieved from the Xgrip mounted to my Triumph by the state trooper to notify folks I was taking a helicopter ride. The same Xgrip is now mounted to my Max.
Holy ****!! I guess it doesn't get anymore secure than that!! Glad your alright bud! Thanks to everyone who responded, now I have to figure out if the clutch/brake master cyl mount RAM sells will fit stock Vmax masters.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
They will fit. Will attach some pics of my setup. There are numerous ways to set these up. I can attach two items using extensions or just one on either ball mount. For example a GPS or phone on the top ball with an extension and a cup (beer) holder on the lower one. :biglaugh:
RAM makes specific mounts for most items.
Perfect!! Exactly what I was looking for so thank you!!
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
Ram makes a ton of different ways to mount your phone/ gps/ camera/ etc. to your handlebars or other locations.
This is what I use to hold my iphone 5, which is in a water resistant Lifeproof case: RAMMOUNT: ram-hol-pd3u (Under $20)
View attachment 42677
The bottom two posts are fixed, all four of the side posts are adjustable to the width of you phone and the the top two posts are spring loaded which has a pretty strong spring to hold your phone.
I have been on bumpy ass roads, to 140 mph many times and it has never moved.
I have a Ram ball mount that replaces the clamp bolt.
I also have a Burns Moto USB charger with a SAE adapter (like Battery Tender) for my phone.
I have all of those items and more. Did you check if they have a specific mount for your phone? Also have waterproof cases both specific and generic. Or at least they used to. I have one of those also.
Don't have that problem no more now that I am on a wing 95 % of the timeJust ordered mine tired of my phone digging into my hip or when I butt call people .
That's what I have, it works well for me. I've hit some big bumps at speed and it stayed put. I have a bunch of different Ram parts from stuff for an atv, car and bike. I have a WP Life case on my phone so it can ride in the rain(just not charge).I might get this one http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0088LL7UA...TF8&colid=110NFJ5TBMBFG&coliid=I2EI5YC62XCSX2 I already have everything but the phone holder itself