pointless drivel and bashing from 12-30-10

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Re: Gurued Gear - Hacked ECU?

When I got my extended warranty from a dealer out of Co, he told me that as long as I didn't do anything to the internals, boring, pistons, valves..., he believed the warranty would not be affected. Dealers may vary. I'm guessing.

That's what mine told me as well. When I mentioned the removal of the catalytic converter, the bells went off. He looked into it, then called me back. It was the warranty killer.
What I think is extra funny is his reference to the runaway Toyotas and how he knows the "importance" of the ECU and fly by wire system, how a malfunction could cause death. No ****, Sherlock. Did you figure that out after years of #1 racing experience? What if a defective tire explodes at speed? Minor annoyance. What if a too-lean carbed motor blows up in traffic, and you get one up the tailpipe? Again, apparently no big deal. What if one of his $1000 wheels fails at 150mph? No issue there either. His wheels or jet kit aren't endorsed or approved by Yamaha. Is his taillight DOT tested and approved for visibility? That could cause an accident. What if parts of his lowering kit fail or are defective? Surely nothing bad would come of that. A minor rattle at most on the way back home, and I'm sure UFO will overnight you a new one the second he hears something went amiss, with a handwritten signed letter of apology, and a voucher for free fellatio next time Jon's in your area. Because not only will Jon stand behind his products, he'll also kneel in front of them.

Apparently, the ECU is the ONLY THING that is cause for concern when modifying. And ONLY for Gen 2's, since the ECU on a gen 1 is useless and does absolutely nothing of importance. Where's his "warning" for gen 1 owners, about some upstart newb hocking an untested, dangerous ignitor called a Dyna 3000? I mean, that's not an official Yamaha part, and could FAIL AT ANY MOMENT!!!!!!1111OMG! A DEALER MIGHT NOT WARRANTY IT!

So it seems like Mr.Cornell is your personal guardian angel, but only when it's convenient to throw **** at a competitor with baby and diaper jokes on his personal website.
"So it seems like Mr.Cornell is your personal guardian angel"

And its for this very reason I'm spending exuberant amounts of cash to put my max back to stock so I can sleep at night.:rofl_200:
you know JC need to become educated about his info. i drive a new toyota, so that particular throttle issue concerned me. he uses toyota as an example when there was NEVER A CONFIRMED ISSUE. yes its unfortunate that a couple people died in an accident that most likely was driver error, or a floor mat slipping up under the throttle, no one will know. but the government got into it. this is MY opinion now, i think it was blown up and out of proportion by the govt so the domestic auto makers could get back on track. they were failing. whats the best thing to do, buy america, right? this was the best thing for the big three, because they needed it. but toyota was the fall guy. Toyota shut the factory down for a few weeks and issued recalls because its the right thing to do, based on the pressure.

now JC claims that messing around with one part is the end of the world... hes not very good at damage control as he claims. What about every other aftermarket manufacturer? if i put a supercharger on my truck do you think i wouldnt get the picture that the warranty would be void? it could hurt some one too, but any vehicle could. any one that knows the real story of toyota and doesnt believe everything that is broadcast on government run CNN, can argue that hes not educated. what hes doing is fishing for an argument. great ethics.

ive never dealt with him and consider it my pleasure to not ever deal with him ever. my riding group consists of a couple maxxers among others and everyone asks about aftermarket stuff. Bad rep travels 10 X the good rep does, everyone knows that. you can be sure a Gen 2 is in my future and ive got the 'bug' so throwing money at my toys wont be an issue. it just wont be towards him. no hard feelings towards him, as ive never met him but this airing of dirty laundry is what scares away potential customers. ive read all the posts. sorry for the rant. i wont post on this anymore, ive made my educated decision...
What if parts of his lowering kit fail or are defective? Surely nothing bad would come of that. A minor rattle at most on the way back home, and I'm sure UFO will overnight you a new one the second he hears something went amiss, with a handwritten signed letter of apology, and a voucher for free fellatio next time Jon's in your area. Because not only will Jon stand behind his products, he'll also kneel in front of them.
