Pressure sensor.. what is it?

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I have tested my pressure sensor per manual and I get a reading of .63vdc. I thought it was bad and bought another used one off ebay and advertised as good. I tetsed it once I got it and read the same voltage at .64vdc. The manual says it should be 2.0vdc at 68 deg. Is it possible I have 2 bad sensors or am I possibly missing something here? :confused2:

- what temperature are you testing at?

- are you positive you are testing it according to instructions?
When I tested it the temperature was around 65. I was looking at the book again and the text and what they show in picture seem to be the opposite. Page 291 of my Clymer manual. I will have to check it out again and make sure I'm applying the 12v to the proper pins.
Oh yeah one more thing.
For those of you, Jeff, that have tried to test the output voltage of the map sensor, the tech manual is wrong!!! Imagine that.

If you look at the picture where to put the 12v it has you hook it up to the wrong prongs. Page 7-30 of the tech manual shows where the +/- power is "supposed" to be applied. Look at the actual plug and you will see where the red/white wire plugs to the sensor. The red/white wire is the power wire and the top prong (black/yellow) is the ground. Hook it up between these two, NOT the two it shows in the picture.

Plus just because it is reading the proper output voltage doesnt mean it is working. I hooked up a mini vacuum pump for bleeding brakes to the vacuum sensor port and drew a vacuum and guess what my voltage did not drop with an increase in vacuum.


Hey Vince
Check out the above. The yamaha manual is wrong, not sure about the clymers though.
What you can do that I did was to follow the wires that plug into the harness and you should be able to tell which one is which.
Also how are you applying the 12 volts? I just used alligator clips from my battery and the ground to the frame, then tested the output using my volt meter.
Hope this helps.