Some of you might understand this... Being a "man of faith" it's still a personal struggle to accept a physical effect (cracked skull) on my personality / emotions. But I'm mostly accepting it. I have a very supportive pastor that I can be very open with. There are things at our disposal that help us.
I'm taking antidepressants (little affect) and Xanax. I had to back off the Xanax a little because it makes me VERY sleepy. I'm sleeping at work and tired all day, even with 8 hours of sleep. It's tough.
Other personal improvements are being made. So we're making progress.
My wife worked closely with here doctor for a LONG time, trying out quite a few different things before finding a combination the works for here. Long as in about 3 years.
Did I mention those 3 years were rough for her, me, and anyone else around :biglaugh:
Once the secret combination was found, things changed quite a bit for the better.
Another note is don't be too quick to dismiss a medication as being wrong for you. It's very easy to take something for a few days and feel "off" and decide this is not right for you. Talk to your DRx and ask them how long you should take it before you should make that decision.